Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Amazon Arrow's Amazon Curse | Part 3

The Lycan Royal Guard surrounded me. I tried to crawl away from them, but I was still too drained by my first experience with the Amazon Curse. The large men revealed themselves to me... and I could instantly feel my treacherous body begin to betray me. I was beyond terrified, but my growing arousal was undeniable. Was this some repressed fantasy rising up from within me? Or was it just a side effect of the Amazon Curse?

As the three soldiers hauled me to my feet, I braced myself... preparing to be beaten or savagely raped. Two of them held my arms, while the third unexpectedly dropped to his knees and removed his helmet. I gasped as his rough tongue licked around my navel, and he began to kiss me lightly and gently, moving lower and lower down my body. As his moist tongue teased my sex, I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning. The men laughed at my utter helplessness and the fact that I was clearly enjoying their torment despite my best efforts to hide it. By the time they changed positions, I was panting heavily and already struggling to suppress yet another orgasm. 

The more aroused I became, the weaker I felt. The Amazon Curse sapped my strength, turning me into a ragdoll of flesh and desire. One of the guardsmen mounted me, holding my wrists above my head while he slid his member between my breasts. This never fails to turn me on when I am with a lover of my choosing. Under the influence of the Curse, the sensation was even more incredible. The warmth of his fluids splashed across my chest, causing me to nearly cum myself. I would not be able to hold out for much longer...

One of the Lycan Guardsmen laid down onto his back and I couldn't take my eyes off of his twitching erection as it pointed strait up towards the ceiling. Two of the other soldiers lifted me up, nudged my legs apart, and slowly lowered me down. After so much teasing, I was beyond the point of resistance and so wet that he could enter me easily. The soldier was not as large as the Lord of Lycans, but his girth was more than enough to satisfy. I desperately tried to fight off the orgasm that surged within me, but my efforts were in vain. It took only a few strokes before the man began to throb and pulse inside of me, and when he finally came... the Amazon Curse instantly triggered my own orgasm! I screamed uncontrollably as unimaginable pleasure raced through me. The Amazon Curse took even more of my precious strength, and any will to resist that I might have had was forgotten. 

The men passed me around, taking me again and again in every imaginable way. Each orgasm seemed stronger than the last, and each left me weaker and more dazed. I couldn't think about anything other than my seemingly unquenchable sexual desire. The Amazon Curse was turning me into a mindless whore.

I don't know how long it lasted. No matter how many orgasms I experienced, I would always cum again without fail when one of the guardsmen came within me... The Amazon Curse's way of ensuring my submissiveness. I could no longer think straight and I was only dimly aware of my surroundings. My arms dangled limply from my shoulders. My heart was fluttering irregularly within my chest. I would soon loose consciousness, slip into a coma, or perhaps I would simply be fucked to death.

The men paused to rest, but I would not allow it. They had broken me... turned me into a wanton slut! I craved more pleasure and I would not be denied! I begged and pleaded for more! I offered myself to them and pleasured them to encourage them to continue. I desperately craved more sex, even though I knew it would surely kill me. There was no part of my true self left to realize how wrong this should feel. The Amazon Curse was propelling me deeper and deeper into sexual slavery. I was completely lost.

Eventually, I could take no more. As one last orgasm wracked my body, my mind began to shut down. I was slipping into unconsciousness... it wouldn't take much more to simply kill me.

The Lycan Royal Guardsmen picked me up and displayed my spent flesh to the Lord of Lycans. I could hear his deep laughter as he commanded them to bring my body to him. He wanted to finish me himself.

The Dog King grasped my hips and positioned my ass above the head of his massive cock. I knew what was about to happen, but I was too far gone to protest. I remember screaming with both pain and unfathomable orgasmic bliss as he slammed my hips downward. My mind shattered, my heart seized... and the darkness took me...

I think the Amazon Curse might have actually killed me in that moment, but the magic of the Elf Witch sustained me and saved my life. The Lord of Lycans wanted to keep me as one of his personal sex slaves, so that he could breed more Lycan soldiers. They healed me just enough to keep me from dying, so they could fuck me to the edge of death again and again and again...

The soldiers took my body to the other end of the throne room and tied me to a rope harness. My quivering flesh was hung like a rack of meat and displayed like a trophy... until such as time as The Lord of Lycans or his soldiers decided to have their way with me once more.

Eventually, The Lord of Lycans would grow bored of ravishing me. He would bite me, just as he bit Pyrrah so long ago, and I would become a lycanthrope as well... 

The Amazon Arrow would forever be his slave bitch.

The End

The Amazon Curse is the creation of :iconladytania:.
Check out her blog at "The Perils and Dark Adventures of Ultra Woman"


  1. That was deliciously erotic! More stuff like these please!

  2. Either this is not canon or "forever" isn't as it seems

  3. Intensely erotic images and story. Great job on the expressions.
