Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Glamour Girl In Peril!

For those of you who have been itching to see Glamour Girl in a bit of peril, I hope this was worth the wait!

The below is from an email-based role-playing game that I'm currently doing with SinisterMarauder and a few other DA regulars. Glamour Girl was actually created specifically for use in this game. SinisterMarauder creates and writes the story/plot/scenario and I basically write responses as events unfold to provide Glamour Girl's actions and choices. Hopefully Glamour Girl will be teaming up with some other heroines soon!

This was all written very quickly and impulsively, so if there are typos and grammar errors or whatever... get over it.

"Baby, baby, baby! You should see the news!"

Eryn held the receiver farther from her ear as Harry gushed on about how amazingly she had done, praised her for playing to the crowd, and listed off every news station that had recorded her heroics at the DTR building, and their take on it. She had been delighted the first time he had done that. In fact, the second and third time hadn't been so bad either. But four days of the same phone call over an over was dulling the thrill of her achievement. 

Placing the phone down on the table, she turned to her computer and pulled up her Twitter account. Harry had a good ten or fifteen minutes of gushing left in him before he turned to another topic, so she thought she'd use the time connecting with her fans a little.

" . . . want to do an interview with you . . ."

Yeah, he'd told her that already. Oh, Fratboy41 had suddenly decided that she wasn't a "hack bitch-whore" who staged everything and claimed that he "totally knew she was on the level all along." Wasn't that generous of him?

" . . . slow-motion footage of you crashing into that guy in the armor . . ."

Barry_Bates was trying to remind everyone that he liked Glamour Girl before she was cool, which was impossible because she'd always been cool... Nice try, Barry.

" . . . little less property damage next time . . ."

Norman32, the first person to make a comment on her Twitter that wasn't about her boobs or ass, asked where she got the tip about the robbery. Damn it Norman! You're one of my favorites, stop asking inconvenient questions!

" . . . be attending the gala."

A couple of girls were speculating over whether or not she had plastic surgery to look so... wait, what? What gala?

"What was that, Harry?" she asked, snatching up the phone again.

"The high society in town are throwing a little get together to honor some old curmudgeon for making himself richer than everybody else, or something. Nobody actually cares about him. The point is it's a big posh event with lots of classy, respectable people attending, and you've been invited! Normally, I'd say go dressed as Glamour Girl, but that would be tacky here. Get dressed up really fancy! You got a gold dress, right? And maybe leave the Gauntlets behind, yeah? "


Eryn couldn't actually remember the last time she had taken the Gauntlets off. The Gauntlets might look a little bulky, but they were completely weightless and comfortable to wear... not to mention that wearing them is what kept them charged. The old guy that gave her the Gauntlets said something about "converting kinetic motion into gravitational capacitance as they move through the Earth's natural gravitational field"....blahblahblah, whatever... Eryn didn't really understand the physics or the technology involved and she didn't really care. She felt naked without the Gauntlets and she had been practicing with them constantly. She slept with them on, and she even wore them in the shower. She still couldn't figure out how to make her gravity shield dense enough to hold back water droplets because they always seemed to find a way to flow through weak spots as the field shifted around, but she was pretty sure that she could fix that with a little more practice. Eryn couldn't seem to stop herself from testing out new tricks all the time and occasionally she wondered if she was becoming addicted to the things... was that possible?

At any rate, Eryn suspected that if she was invited to this big wig gala it was most likely because they wanted "Glamour Girl" in attendance and not "Eryn Flynn".

"Tell you what, Harry... I'll do the gold dress, but I'm keeping the Gauntlets."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Rather than wait for Harry to argue the point with her, she said, "Look, they invited me because I'm Glamour Girl, they aren't interested in Eryn Flynn. Going without the Gauntlets would defeat the whole purpose of my being there! I already agreed to wear the dress."

Harry remained quiet for a few minutes before he finally spoke, "Look kitten, I know they called you there 'cause you're Glamour Girl, you're big news! Everybody wants to see you and be seen with you! But kid, you just smashed through a privately-owned corporate building and flattened a guy against the pavement! It was great press, it was great television, it was everything I had hoped it would be, but now when they look at you, they see a gal who solves her problems by puttin' holes in real estate!
You're wielding some crazy-ass power there, kiddo! You're everybody's favorite girl right now, but you know how the news is... As soon as the craze starts to die down, they begin looking for everything wrong with you! And then they shred you! Now, I know I keep saying there's no such thing as bad publicity, and I stand by that, but there is such a thing as lawsuits! Good press makes people treat you nice, bad press can turn things the other way sometimes. You can't be a big heroine if everybody starts taking you to court for property damage and stuff! You may not be worried about how the press talks about you, but if your dream is to be a respected heroine, you gotta give them something to love! A human side they can connect to! I'm not asking you to do it all the time, but showin' up every now and again without the manacles on will make you seem less imposing! Get a little girly on them... be sweet and charming! Not too much, not all the time, just enough to help soften the fact that you can literally plow through walls!Listen, I get it, the gauntlets are your thing, and you're right, they expect Glamour Girl to be there. So hows about this? You stuff the gauntlets in a big purse or something and take them along with you, yeah? That way, if everybody wants to see you pick up a car or fly a table around the room, you won't disappoint, but you also go into the party like a regular girl, not like you're preppin' for a fight. Can you at least do that for me, doll?"


Eryn had nightmarish visions of putting the Gauntlets into her handbag only to have some 15 year old streetpunk run by and snatch it off of her shoulder. She also knew that she wasn't exactly the most responsible person in the world, especially after a few Cosmos; Eryn would be just as likely to set her purse down in the ladies room and walk off with out it. If she wasn't going to wear them, then she was leaving them in the safe.
"Ok, ok... Sheesh! ...Obviously you have a bug up your ass about this and it's not worth arguing about. If I'm not wearing the Gauntlets then I'm leaving them at home. How about my lipstick color? Got any thoughts on that? Do you want to come over and help me pick out earrings, too?"

Harry sighed, "No, doll-face, I'm sure you can handle those on your own. Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but this is what you pay me for. I'm gonna order a limo for you. We can't have you showin' up at the party in a taxi."

Eryn rolled her eyes at the not-so-thinly veiled criticism for having taken a cab to the DTR building the other night. The man certainly knew his job, but she really wished he would learn to stop sweating the little stuff.

"Also, I've been talking to some people about assembling that motorcycle you were talkin' to me about. It's gonna be pretty pricey, but nothin' you can't handle. You've just gotta send them a finalized list of all the bells and whistles you want on it. I also got a private mechanic lined up who can keep it in tip-top shape for you. Gotta run! Plenty to do! Be sure you pick a nice dress, something that shows a lot of leg! Catch you after the party!"

Eryn waited until he had hung up and then threw the phone onto her bed. She understood where Harry was coming from, but this was asking a lot. She would never admit to it, but she just felt safer with the Gauntlets on. Fame and popularity had their perks, but safety wasn't necessarily one of them, and now she was a big bad super heroine, which wasn't necessarily going to make life any safer for her, especially if there was some punk out there looking to make a name for himself.

She stared at the two weightless devices and tried to will herself to take them off. It wouldn't be so bad, just one night. One evening of wining and dinning among high society and avoiding the advances of amorous socialites who had gotten a little too deep into their glasses. Of course, that wouldn't be a problem if she had her Gauntlets with her . . .

No, no, Harry was set on this, and he did work really hard for her, she hated to disappoint him. Still, if this was the one night a psycho crashed the party and started shooting people up, he'd wind up feeling really silly when the big heroine of the hour was caught on film fleeing the scene because she hadn't come prepared. That of course was assuming she didn't wind up dead.

She continued to stare at the Gauntlets. She was right, they really did want to see Glamour Girl, not Eryn Flynn. They'd probably just be disappointed if she didn't bring them along. And what good was it to bring them along if she wasn't wearing them? Maybe, this time, she'd just ignore Harry's advice. After all, he'd done the same thing with her when she threw down with those thugs at the DTR, and hadn't that turned out well? Maybe he'd end up being grateful?

Yeah. That sounded like Harry. Sure.


Eryn took a quick shower, then wrapped herself in a towel and went to her closet to pull out the one piece gold dress. It wasn't one of her favorites, but she knew Harry would approve. It was simple and elegant, but it was also a little too short and she'd have to be very ladylike to make sure that the sleazier photographers couldn't get a shot of her "business" when she got out of the limo. There were always two or three guys on their knees trying to get the lowest possible shot so that they could try to invent a scandal like they did with poor Britney. Maybe if one of those sleazeballs tried that with her tonight she'd use a gravity pulse to send his camera flying to the top of a skyscraper.

She decided to stick with her large hoop earrings since those were her favorites. Gold high heels, check. Black thong to keep the dress looking sleek, check. She decided to wear the same dark pantyhose that she normally wore as part of her Glamour Girl uniform, since that's what people generally expected her to wear these days.... Gotta keep building that brand...

Eryn decided to wear the Gauntlets and to just bring a gold handbag that matched her dress. She could stuff the Gauntlets into her purse right before she met up with Harry to hide them at the last minute and he'd never know the difference.
But first... hair and makeup!

A few hours later, and forty-five minutes after the limo had arrived to ensure that she would be fashionably late, Eryn was dressed to kill and ready for a drink. The limo driver let her in the backseat (knees locked, turn, sit, lift and swivel) and she was on her way! She powered up her Gauntlets and took a quick selfie in the back of the limo posing with the champagne flute as it hovered in midair thanks to a fancy application of her Gauntlet's Gravity Manipulate ability. She posted it to twitter (# partytime) then floated the champagne flute towards her lips and tilted it just far enough for her to take a quick sip.  Deciding not to push her luck and possibly ruin her dress, Eryn snatched the floating glass out of the air with her hands, drained it, and then powered down the Gauntlets so that they could recharge. Her power level readout said 46/50, but the motion of the limo drive would probably juice her back up before she arrived at the party... just in case she decided to put on a show. If this party had a piano player, Eryn was already planning to climb on top of it and float herself and the piano player around the room while he played Frank Sinatra's "Come Fly With Me"... Eryn knew that her YouTube subscribers would LOVE that!

Hopefully this gala would be fun!


The limousine pulled up in front of the Archinson Building, built in honor of one of Bayport's oldest and most distinguished families. The last of the Archinsons had dies out only five years ago with no surviving family, and the building was now owned by Lyle Barrymore, a 50-something multi-billionaire who sat on the board of directors of at least seven different international corporations.

Two large security personnel dressed in very fine silk suits opened the door for her and then stepped back, effectively blocking everyone's view of her until she had stepped out of the limo, at which point they retreated to either side of the enormous red carpet that led to the massive crystal doors at the entrance of the building. Apparently, Mr. Barrymore had no intention of allowing a sleazy photographer a chance to humiliate his guests.

Cheers went up from the crowd as she pranced across the red carpet, feeling more like she was attending a big Hollywood premier than a private gala. Cellphones and cameras flashed as she strutted to the crystal doors, and over the din she made out several compliments and cat calls.

The door was held open for her by an Asian woman in a stunning red Cheongsam, and she stepped inside. Eryn had never been in the Archinson building before, and it was all she could to to keep from gasping aloud at the sight. Both walls to her left and right were taken up by massive aquariums that ran from the floor up to the ceiling, which was at least three stories high. They were filled with all manor of exotic fish and underwater plants, and gorgeously lit with carefully arranged spotlights, that created a sort of stripped pattern of light and dark in the water. There were hallways build into the bottom of the aquariums, and she could see caterers, cooks, chauffeurs, and security guards moving in and out of them. One of the guards spotted her looking around and politely directed her attention to the center of the room where there was a large square pillar that housed an elevator on each side.

"Mr. Barrymore's party is on the sixty-fourth floor, miss," he said politely, and escorted her to the elevator. The elevator itself was the size of a living room, and came complete with leather couches that reclined and a massive plasma TV screen that took up one whole wall. "Oklahoma" was currently playing, and "Poor Jud is Dead" was being piped through surround sound speakers.

After requesting the 64th floor, Eryn plopped down on the couch and said to herself, "And I though I was rich!"

She barely felt the elevator moving, and was shocked by how quickly it reached its destination. She stepped out onto smoothly polished white marble tile. The elevator stood on a large dais, with four massive marble pillars a good ten feet out from the central pillar's four corners. Between each pillar was a short set of stairs that led down to the main floor. The room was rimmed with red velvet carpeting, and posh couches and love seats were arranged for groups to sit, smoke, eat, and socialize to their hearts' content.

Eryn spotted a grande piano off to her right, smooth black polish and delicate ivory keys. The pianist who strummed the keys with such proficiency was an older gentleman sporting a magnificent mustache. If she decided to pull her little stunt here, she'd have plenty of room to maneuver.

As she surveyed her surroundings, a voice called out from the left, "Glamour Girl! So good of you to join us!" Eryn turned to see Mr. Barrymore approaching, arms held wide in greeting, a champagne glass in each hand. He offered one to her and then escorted her to a nearby couch.

"I see you've brought your Gauntlets! Excellent! Once everybody is settled in, you simply must show them off for us!"

"I'd be happy to," Eryn replied.

"Excellent! you must forgive me my dear, I've so many guests to greet. We've a buffet on those tables on the far wall. Please, eat, drink, mingle! I'll come check on you after I've played the good host!"

And so saying, he raced across the room to greet an elderly woman dressed almost exclusively in pearls, leaving Eryn alone.


Drinks! Yes! Eryn knew she was going to need them.

This wasn't really her scene at all. It was gorgeous and high-end all around, but it was also incredibly boring. Everyone here that she had seen so far was old enough to be her father, if not her grandfather. She should have called Ariana to see if she could come... Was Katy on tour? Note to self: Always bring a friend.

The floating piano trick no longer seemed like such a great idea. If it didn't work she'd just end up making a mess and damaging the place. Eryn had trashed more than a few upscale hotel rooms and dance clubs in her day, but this place was on an entirely different level. She decided to go scope out the bar, hopefully snag a Cosmo, and then go look for someone interesting to talk to... preferably an Abercrombie underwear model with a six pack and a PhD in witty conversation.

Eryn found the Cosmo, but had no luck with the underwear model. One of the waiters had a cute smile, but she wasn't going to go there. As she passed through the crowd Eryn noticed people either staring at her Gauntlets or checking out her legs, but no one approached her. The crowd was whispering around her and talking about her, but no one seemed interested enough to actually talk to her. She felt like a party favor, basically just there to look pretty for the amusement and entertainment value of others... but not very useful or important. She had this weird sense of loneliness even though she was surrounded by people in a crowded room.

Hopefully Mr. Barrymore would come back soon so that she could politely bolt and maybe hit a real party. The Suede Bar was usually pretty hopping at this time of night. Eryn downed the Cosmo, passed the empty glass off to the waiter with the cute smile and asked him for another, then she pulled her cell phone out of her handbag so that she could start texting friends.

"Lanford! Good to see you! So sorry your father couldn't make it!"

Eryn ignored the voice of Mr. Barrymore as he continued to greet everyone who came in loudly and using more or less the exact same phrases. More than ever, she was starting to feel like she was here for show more than anything else.

The reception on her phone was spotty, and half of her texts never even sent. To be fair, it had made for some pretty amusing conversations, though she was fairly certain Emma Watson would never speak to her again. Harry could patch that up. He was good at that sort of thing.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Eryn glanced up to see a young man with short brown hair, dark grey eyes, and a well groomed 5-o'clock shadow motioning to the seat beside her. She gave him a discreet once over and then politely informed him that the seat was available. He may not have been an underwear model, but at least he looked better than her phone. Whether or not he would provide better conversation remained to be seen.

"Charles Lanford," he introduced himself, offering her his hand. She shook it and replied, "Glamour Girl."

"Also known as Eryn Flynn," he responded, ordering himself a drink, "Any relation to Errol Flynn?"

"No," she replied patiently.

Catching her tone, he smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I suppose you must get asked that a lot."

"Only once or twice an hour," she replied.

"Is that your real name, or your actress name?"

"That would be telling," she replied. Harry had made it quite clear never to answer that question one way or the other. 'It adds to the mystery!'

"Fair enough," Charles replied, "What bring you to this gathering of rich old geezers and crones?"

"An invitation, and you?"

"Social requirement."

"That sounds like fun," Eryn replied sarcastically.

"Well, at least the food's good. By the way, my father was very grateful for your intervention during the attempted robbery, even if you did smash a few of his windows in the process."

She could see him watching her face, waiting for a reaction. He was probably hoping to see shock or surprise, maybe even a little sheepishness. He was cute, but he wasn't nearly cute enough for her to play that game. Besides, she was a little unimpressed with him for having all but said 'my father owns DTR.' ...Really?

"They certainly seemed interested in what you had locked away up there. You wouldn't happen to know what they were after, would you?"

He was clearly a little taken aback by her nonchalant response, "Um, no. The police haven't gotten them to say anything yet."

"Too bad," Eryn replied, "they already had quite a bit of high-tech gear on them, it must have been something very special for them to go to all that trouble."

"Yes, well, I wouldn't know anything about that," he replied shortly.

Eryn was about to press the matter a little, as much for her own amusement as for answers, when a man walked up and tapped Charles on the shoulder.

"Oh, Alexi! Good of you to come! Have you met Glamour Girl?"

"I have not had the pleasure," Alexi replied in a thick Slavic accent. The man was a little under six feet tall, lean built with almost abnormally broad shoulders. If he had a little more meat on him, he might have had a nice figure. As he was, he just looked distended. Greasy black hair was pulled back into an unkempt ponytail, and his face, well... his face was fine and dandy if you didn't have to look at it.

Eryn nodded politely and refrained from offering him her hand.

"You said there was business you wished to discuss with me?" Alexi inquired of Charles.

"Well, not business, obviously, we're at a party," Charles replied a little uneasily, "There are one or two things I'd like to talk to you about, if you'll excuse us Miss Flynn?"

She refrained from saying, "With pleasure," and instead just nodded at them again.

Charles escorted Alexi to the far side of the floor, where there appeared to be a few private rooms. As she watched them go, Eryn was overcome with the desire to figure out just what they were up to. Maybe it was suspicion over Charles's odd behavior, and maybe it was boredom. Either way, this night looked like it was going to be a drag, so she might as well do something to keep herself busy.

The waiter with the cute smile returned with her Cosmo and apologized for having taken so long. She downed it quickly and thanked him with a smile, then got up as casually as she could and followed the two men. More gaping and gawking as she walked by, but it didn't bother her as much any more, at least now she had something to do.

The two men entered a door which led into a short hall that turned left. They took the turn and went to the last room on the right. Eryn had carefully stayed out of sight as they made their little journey, and after she had let a few minutes pass, she tried the door to the room adjacent to theirs. It was empty. It occurred to her that the two men might have an entirely different reason for sneaking off together than had first crossed her mind. If that was the case, she would make a discreet and speedy exit, and they would be none the wiser.

She closed the door gingerly behind her, and pressed her ear against the wall, hoping to catch what they were saying.

". . . girl? You're sure?"

"Yes. Money is no object."

"You ask a lot from me..."

"I'm also paying you a lot."

"Is very risky, this. I do not know... What if I offer you something else?"

"What else could you possibly offer me?"

"You like Sunglow?"

" . . . what?"

Somebody's phone went off in the other room.

"Excuse please, I must take this... What is it, I am with client... What?! Secure the docks, I am on my way."

"Wait, you can't go yet! What were you saying about Sunglow?"

"We must finish conversation later, I must go."

The door opened and closed rapidly and Eryn heard heavy strides going briskly down the hall. What the hell had she just overheard?

Eryn assumed that the heavy steps belonged to Alexi, which meant that Charles was still in the adjacent room. She listened for Charles to follow Alexi out, or to make another phone call, or to do something... but there was only silence. After about fifteen seconds of waiting, Eryn started to feel increasingly nervous. What was he doing in there? Could he have crept out without her hearing him? Did the room that he was in have another exit? Charles couldn't possibly know that she was listening... could he?

How could Alexi "offer Sunglow"? What was that supposed to mean? It didn't seem very likely that Sunglow and Alexi were friends, but then she knew absolutely nothing about Sunglow other than that she liked to fly around in a costume that was even skimpier than Eryn's own Glamour Girl outfit. For all she knew they could be dating. Maybe Sunglow was into the beefy ones.

And what was going on at "the docks"? Obviously something that upset the big Russian. What did people do at the docks? Store stuff, ship stuff, repair boats.... she had no idea. Eryn was no detective. She had no clue what was going on and she had no idea what to do next. 

Eryn thought maybe she should head for the docks to poke around instead of going to look for a party at the Suede Bar... but how to get there? She could call a cab again, but she'd never hear the end of it from Harry if the word got out. Taking the limo to the docks didn't seem very stealthy. Eryn wished she had stuffed her costume into her handbag, but more than that she wished that the damn motorcycle was finished! She could use the Gauntlets and try her Antigravity Flight trick, but by the time she got to the docks she'd probably drain half of her Gauntlet's power. Would she need her powers? Flying through the sky in a gold minidress didn't seem like such a good idea, but that would probably get her there the fastest... maybe even ahead of Alexi.

There didn't seem to be anything more that she could do where she was, and she couldn't imagine what she would possibly say to Charles if he caught her hanging out in a dark room that just happened to be right next door to his secret meeting. Time to hit the road!
Eryn tiptoed out of the room as quietly as possibly, making sure not to let her high heels make a sound. She headed back down the hallway, reached the end and turned towards her right... she could see the door that led back out to the main room where the mingling crowd awaited just a few steps ahead.
Eryn jumped, startled by Charles's voice coming from behind her. She took a deep breath to control her breathing as her mind raced to make up a story. Thank God for improv classes! She turned and flashed him a dazzling smile and did her best to look embarrassed, casual and unsuspicious.
"Charles! Oh, thank God! I am sooooo lost! I was just looking for the ladies room... but there doesn't seem to be one back this way..."
Charles closed the distance between them before he spoke again.


"You're right," he said, locking her arm in his and escorting her from the hallway, "They're across the way, and you can see from here that there's already a line. Let me get you a drink while we wait, I owe you an apology for having abandoned you so suddenly."

"Oh, don't trouble yourself, I wasn't offended," Eryn replied. She was happy that they were out amidst the crowd again, but she really wished he would let go of her arm.

"I insist!" he said, steering her over to the bar and asking the waiter with the cute smile to give her whatever she had drunk last. He still held her arm firmly, which she was beginning to find rather alarming. She briefly contemplated shoving him aside with a tiny blast from her Gauntlet, but she knew there was no way that would end well. Old Mr. Lanford may have been grateful that she had stopped a robbery at his building, but she doubted he would be as forgiving of her blasting away his son as he had been over her blasting away a few windows. Besides, Charles hadn't actually done anything to her that would warrant that behavior. Harry said no publicity was bad, but she had noticed that he definitely favored the good kind.

When the Cosmo arrived, Charles took a sip of it and then, looking her much too close in the face, commented on how excellent it tasted. Was he drunk? Or high? He then handed it to her and she downed it quickly, hoping that would satisfy him and he would let go of her arm. The moment she put the empty glass down, he excused himself to make a phone call. Hadn't he just bought her the drink to apologize for running out on her? Something was definitely wrong with that boy.

As soon as he stepped away, Eryn headed for the elevator. She was feeling a bit light-headed, probably too many Cosmos too close together without enough food in her belly, but she was usually better at handling her drinks than this. She was going to see if there was a kitchen downstairs that she could grab a quick snack from before she left, and then figure out how to get to the docks. She all but stumbled into the elevator, and could barely see straight enough to summon the bottom floor. Just before the doors closed, an arm poked between them. Charles walked in, all smiles.

"Going down?" he said cheerfully, "Me too."

"I thought you had a phone call?" Eryn replied, her tongue seemed really thick and heavy.

"I did, it's ok, they're on the way."

"Who's on the way?" Eryn replied, finding it difficult to maintain her balance.

"The men who are going to take you to my apartment."

Her vision was getting darker around the edges, and everything was so blurry she could barely make out anything. "I'm . . . not going to . . . your . . . apartment . . ." she sighed.

Charles placed his finger on her collar bone and gently pushed her over onto one of the plush leather couches. "You are now," he said with a grin.


Eryn awoke groggily. Her mouth was dry and her eyes simply wouldn't clear. She'd had bad mornings before, but this was the worst yet. She got up and instinctively went to check her Gauntlets' power level... Only her Gauntlets weren't there! That snapped her awake instantly. She found herself lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. Except for her heels, her clothes were gone and had been replaced by a gold-colored fetishy strap-set that left nothing to the imagination along with a pair of black thigh-high nylons. The windows in her room showed that she was very high up in a skyscraper. It was still night-time, she hadn't been out for long.

That little prick Charles must have drugged her! He probably guessed that she'd overheard his conversation with Alexi and, based on his behavior, she had no doubt that the two of them were up to no good. But why had the perverted little freak dressed her up like this! And why was it gold?! Oh, great, he was a freaky little fanboy... A filthy-stinking rich freaky little fanboy who's father probably owned half the city!

As her head cleared some more, she heard a voice coming from the other room. She could tell it was Charles, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. As she pressed her ear against the door, it suddenly swung open, and it was all she could do not to fall into Charles, who was standing on the other side. As she righted herself, she saw her clothes and her Gauntlets on a coffee table behind him.

"Wow, you're awake!" Charles said, advancing into the room and closing the door behind him, "I though you'd be out for at least another hour! Guess I'll just have to content myself with the pictures I've already taken." His eyes roved up and down her effectively naked body, "Still, I would like to conclude the evening properly."

(***** I'm going to give this one to you. If you want there to be a fight, it can go as well or as poorly for Glamour Girl as you like. I have no stats for Charles, so just do whatever you want. *****)

Image above: Glamour Girl Meets Charles Lanford by SinisterMarauder


"You drugged me!... You shunn of a... ssson of a bishh..."
Eryn shook her head to try to clear the cobwebs. Her speech was slurred and the room was spinning again. She stumbled a little on her heels and Charles grasped her shoulders to keep her from falling.
"Oops! Maybe you're not that awake after all... How about you just lay back down and get comfortable."
The room spun violently and Eryn found herself on her back on the bed again. That actually helped a bit and the spinning turned into a slow rocking motion that made her feel seasick. This was not good. She just needed some time for the the fog to lift so that she could fight back and get to her Gauntlets. Taking deep breaths seemed to help a bit so she focused on her breathing.
Charles stood at the side of the bed unbuttoning his shirt. He made a show of watching her breasts heave as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. He slowly crawled into the bed on her right and curled up beside her casually. Eryn took a sharp, deep breath.... and suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs!
Charles slapped his hand over her mouth to shut her up, but as soon as he put his hands on her Eryn's adrenaline flared and she started to thrash violently. Eryn tried desperately to shake him off as she kicked while screaming into the palm of his hand. Her heart sank when she heard him laughing softly in her ear. Charles was completely unimpressed with her efforts.
"Hahaha... Keep squirming like that, baby... It just makes this more fun for me."
Eryn stopped fighting for a moment to conserve her strength, gasping and panting as she tried to draw air in through her nose. She glared up at Charles but he was looking down at her chest again. In the struggle one of the straps covering her left breast had snapped open, leaving her nipple exposed. Charles licked his lips and Eryn thrashed her head from side to side, pleading with her eyes for him to leave her alone. Charles had his legs thrown over hers to keep her pinned so that she couldn't thrash. His hands were occupied by keeping her arms restrained and her mouth covered, but he could still lean down and use his mouth on her breast.
Eryn stiffened and squealed as soon as she felt his tongue on her soft flesh. Panic flooded through her and she could barely think. This was really happening! He was going to take her... and there was nothing she could do to stop him! She tried to shake her torso to dislodge him, but that just made him moan appreciatively as her breasts swayed from side to side. He opened his mouth wide and sucked her entire nipple into his mouth, using a rhythmic suction to draw her deeper into the warmth of his mouth while his rough tongue lightly stroked the sensitive tip. She closed her eyes and fought to ignore the fact that it felt good... really, really good...
Eryn thrashed again, even more violently, and Charles unlatched his mouth from her breast. Her nipple responded to the cool rush of air and stood stiff.
"You liked that, didn't you? ...I can tell... In your head, you might find me disgusting, but your body doesn't care. It wants what it wants... it wants to be touched...."
Charles shifted his position so that he could pin her arms above her head with his left tricep and forearm while still keeping his hand over her mouth. This freed his right hand, which he used to squeeze her breast painfully. Eryn closed her eyes and told herself not to cry... not to lose it... to be ready to make a move...
His right hand glided over the straps of the strange gold outfit, working their way down towards her hips. Eryn was frozen like a deer in headlights. She realized that one of the straps ran down the middle of her stomach and wrapped between her legs... His hand was trailing slowly down that strap... the strap that went all the way down... all the way down... Her breathing quickened... Her toes curled involuntarily... She could feel her sex already anticipating his touch...
He was right! Oh, God, some part of her was EXCITED by all of this! Eryn wasn't just fighting Charles... she was fighting some kind of dark desire rising up from within herself! Where was this coming from?!?!! No, this was WRONG! She had to pull herself together!

Charles whispered in her ear: "I can be sensual... I can make sure you enjoy this.... or there can be pain.... it's really up to you.... I find that there is little difference between the two..."
Eryn slipped into the role of the submissive captive. She allowed her body to relax as she slowly exhaled... She watched him through half-lidded eyes, but he was attentively watching her body respond... His fingertips were inches below her navel...almost there... Her struggles ceased and Eryn sighed as she allowed her legs to part as if welcoming his touch... Charles's eyes went wide as he absorbed every detail of her reaction...
...but he failed to realize that spreading her legs provided Eryn with more leverage!

Eryn suddenly kicked off with her left leg and rolled her body weight towards him. Charles was surprised by the sudden maneuver and he could no longer keep her arms pinned, allowing her to yank them free. Eryn slashed at his face with her fingernails, forcing him to roll away from her even more. Eryn rolled with him and ended up on top of him as she continued to desperately claw at his face. Everything that she had learned in her self-defense classes was completely forgotten in the heat of the moment. She was just instinctively scratching, lashing and going for his eyes.
In the mad scramble, Charles somehow managed to get an arm free and drove his elbow into her stomach. Eryn gasped as the wind was knocked out of her. No one had ever actually hit her violently before... no one had ever tried to hurt her deliberately! The sudden pain took her completely by surprise. Charles used the opportunity shove her backwards towards the foot of the bed. From his prone position he managed to swing a kick that connected with Eryn's chin that sent her spinning and tumbling off the foot of the bed.
Eryn hit the floor hard. She was seeing white flashes of light at the periphery of her vision and her ears were ringing. The kick had busted her lip open and she could taste her own blood. She struggled to rise up on one knee, but her high-heeled shoe twisted painfully and sent her back down. She started clawing her way towards the door leading to the other room where she had seen her Gravity Gauntlets and dress.
Charles was laughing again as he nonchalantly stood up from the bed. Her ass was mostly exposed by the skimpy outfit and he admired its shape as Eryn desperately tried to crawl away from him.
"Hahahaha... Oh, you're fun! ...God, I haven't had one that fights like you in a looooong time! You actually cut me with those nails of yours... I think I might have to cut you back!"
Eryn pushed herself up and dove through the door leading into the next room. As the door swung open, Charles caught the flash of gold from her belongings on the coffee table in the other room and realized the potential danger.
"Oh, shit! No, you don't!"
Eryn heard the thundering of his footsteps as he ran towards her. Only a few lunges separated them as she threw herself into the coffee table, crashing into it and sending herself and her Gauntlets to the floor. Charles dove, landing on his stomach as he grabbed Eryn's ankle and tried to yank her towards him and away from the Gauntlets, but Eryn managed to snag one of her devices. She fumbled desperately with the locking straps as Charles gripped her black thigh-high nylons and pulled on them to haul her towards him. He grabbed the gold straps at her hips and twisted her body violently, rolling her over onto her back. Charles was crawling up her body, trying to get to her arms to pin her down again. She could feel his hot breath on her stomach as he panted and clawed his way up her torso and reached for her arms...

Eryn managed to loosen one of the locking straps just enough to slip her right forearm into the Gauntlet, but there wasn't time to power it up. Eryn swung the Gauntlet at the side of Charles's head with everything that she had left. The metal surface clanged against the side of Charles's head. At the moment of impact, his struggling slowed and his eyes crossed almost comically. Eryn swung the Gauntlet again and hit him a second time. This time Charles dropped like a rock, his head dropping face-first between her breasts as his body went completely limp and still.
Eryn allowed herself to flop onto her back as she gasped and panted, completely exhausted and still pinned down by the unconscious Charles, barely even noticing that his face was still buried in her cleavage and his body lay still between her legs.
She stared up at the ceiling in a state of shock. Blood from her split lip rolled down her chin as Eryn whispered over and over again:

"...I'm Glamour Girl... I'm Glamour Girl... I'm Glamour Girl..."

Her phone rang... "Flight of the Valkyries." ...Harry.

Gathering enough presence of mind to reach for the phone, she struggled out from under Charles and pulled it to her, flipping it open.

"Kid, why the hell did Charles Lanford just answer your phone?"

"Harry," she began, working to keep her voice steady, but it wasn't easy, and she wasn't sure what to say after that.

" . . . Eryn, please tell me you're ok."

"I need you to come pick me up, Harry."

"Where are you?"

"I don't know."

"Can you get out?"

"I think so," she replied.

"Get your things, get outta there. Find a cab and go straight home, I'll be there waiting. Hurry."

Eryn closed her phone and tried to compose herself. She was Glamour Girl.

Shoving Charles off of her, she stripped out of the strap-suit and threw her clothes back on quickly. She strapped the Gauntlets onto her forearms securely, then turned and looked at her attacker. He'd done this sort of thing before. His family was rich. Even if she got him charged with sexual assault, he might get off and do it again. It was a long way down from here to the ground...

People fell out of buildings all the time....

The first thing that Charles became aware of was a roaring in his ears that seemed to increase in volume. He was cold and he found it difficult to breath. It was as if every single inch of his entire being was being squeezed in a tight grip. His left temple throbbed and pain flooded in along with his returning awareness. He cracked open his eyes and saw darkness and tiny points of light that seemed very distant…
…very, VERY distant…
As his vision swam into focus, Charles realized that he was being suspended upside down OUTSIDE of a skyscraper! Cars crawled by like glowing ants in the streets that were dozens of stories below.
Glamour Girl smiled at the satisfying sound of that scream.
She stood on the precipice of the window that she had shattered with a gravity pulse from her Gauntlets.  She stood menacingly still, holding one arm out projecting a gravity bubble that surrounded Charles and held him hovering in place far above the city streets below.
Her voice was flat and emotionless:”You’ve done this before…”
Charles stopped screaming as the gravity bubble slowly rotated enough so that he could see Glamour Girl holding him aloft.
“Oh, please… dear god NO… I’m so sorry!”
Eryn tightened her fist and the gravity bubble’s field intensity increased, squeezing Charles tightly enough to compress his rib cage painfully and render him unable to speak.
“You think I don’t know your type?!?!?  You’re so insanely rich that you have EVERYTHING that you need and then some… but it’s human nature to want what you can’t have… so you go hunting for the unobtainable...  Some of you sick predators go after innocent creatures like Cecile the Lion… but you… YOU HUNT WOMEN!!!”
Eryn released her grip, but only because she wanted to hear him beg.
Eryn stood calmly, completely dispassionate.
“You’re a sick dog, Charles… Sick dogs need to be put down… If I have you arrested, I’m sure your daddy will have you released before you know it… and you’ll go right back to hunting… I can’t have that Charles… I won’t allow it…”
“OH GOD!!!! I WON’T!!!! I WON’T!!! OH GOD, I SWEAR!!!”
“It’s too late, Charles… how can I believe you? You’d say anything to save your sorry ass now… but it’s far too late… I’m your last victim, Charles...“
She thought that might break him, but the opposite occurred. Eryn watched as the panic faded from his eyes. He seemed to suddenly tap into an unexpected well of resolve... or was it madness? He locked eyes with Eryn and stared at her with an intensity that burned into her soul.
Charles spat: “VICTIM?!?!? YOU'RE NO VICTIM! …YOU LIKED IT!!!”
Eryn’s determination faltered. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing! Did this lunatic not realize that she could kill him with a flick of her wrists?
What... what was he saying? That was insane… wasn’t it?

“You… you’re wrong… I… I’m not…”

Her voice was barely a whisper. Eryn’s arm was trembling and her head was spinning. She actually had to concentrate to keep from dropping him. She was originally hoping to just scare him into confessing to the police, and into telling her where he kept the photos that he claimed to have taken… but this was spiraling way out of control. Why couldn’t she just dismiss what he was saying? Could it be true? Had she become some kind of sick thrill-seeker without even realizing it? Was she as crazy as he was?


“…no… I’m… I’m… Glamour Girl…”

What did that even mean? Who was Glamour Girl? Why did she really decide to put on the costume? Eryn wasn't the one who put that fire out at the Children’s Hospital. She just took credit for it. Why had she accepted the Gauntlets in the first place? What was she really trying to do here? 
Eryn’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard an electronic chime behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a group of large men in suits filing out of the elevator with guns drawn as the elevator doors slid open. Someone must have heard the racket when she blew out the window and called security.

She couldn’t be seen like this… not like this!!

Eryn yanked on the gravity field that held Charles aloft and jerked him back into the building with enough momentum and force to send him crashing into the wall. He slumped to the floor and didn’t get up. Before she could be spotted by the security detail, Eryn leaped out of the window and dove for the streets below.

Tears streamed down her face… Charles had gotten into her head… she had no proof that he assaulted her… and that bastard still had the incriminating photos…

Eryn wanted to get to Harry…. she just wanted him to take her home so that she could cry and shower for days…

But what about Sunglow?... She had to be warned… or possibly rescued!

It all had something to do with whatever was going on down at the docks… that’s where she would find answers… that’s where Glamour Girl was most needed...

As much as Eryn wanted it to be, this night was far from over...

Artwork is by :iconsinistermarauder: (with a few quick Photoshop embellishments by me)
Check out his original version here:

And another scene from this story here:

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