Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Glamour Girl vs. Anarchy Grrl

I could take “Glamour Girl” out from here...


Two rounds right through the middle of that little brat's forehead and this would all be over in a glittering spray of crimson blood and fleshy pink brains shining in the limelight.

But then she wouldn’t learn... none of them would learn...

I will show this so-called “superheroine” and her flock of blind lemmings that celebrity breeds only ruin and shattered lives. They have to understand that what they are doing here is wrong. The adoration of fame is nothing more than a distraction from the real issues and problems that plague our society... nothing more than a soothing balm to keep the masses docile and compliant while ignoring the severity and depth of the wound that it conceals.

She is not worthy of their worship.
She is not above them.
She is no symbol.
She is no goddess.
She is no heroine.

Glamour Girl is nothing more than weak, mortal flesh quivering fearfully in the darkness. She will betray them all to save herself.

They don’t see who she really is… but I will show them.

The crowd loves her… it makes me sick.

It takes all of my restraint not to squeeze the trigger, but killing her now would not deliver my message.

This is the seventh and final performance of the “Veronika’s Secret GLAMOURWEAR Launch Extravaganza”. I have been to every single show to observing my target and to plan the precise moment of my attack. Day after day I have immersed myself in their vile displays of excess and hedonistic commercialism in service to my mission. Every performance thus far has been exactly the same, choreographed to clockwork precision by anal-retentive event coordinators paid to care about such things... but this performance will not be going according to their plans.

Glamour Girl’s new clothing line will be available tomorrow in Veronika’s Secret stores throughout the nation and the fashionistas predict it will be a record-breaking success. Thier prediction might be different if they knew what was about to happen here tonight.

Lima and Ambrosio and Swanepoel and Jagaciak... they're all here to flaunt their pampered and unattainable beauty to sell the lie that a pair of lacey panties can transform the average, hard-working woman into a brainless anorexic whore that hungers only for sex. Feminism has earned women the right to devalue themselves... Well done, sisters.

The crown jewel of the evening is Glamour Girl, the belle of the ball. Though the world’s most well-groomed prostitutes catwalk upon the stage in flimsy lingerie, it is Glamour Girl that commands everyone's attention. Eryn Flynn has become “celebrity incarnate”... at least for the moment. She speaks of strength, beauty and empowerment, whoring herself out to the Veronika’s Secret brand as the crowd dances to her shallow battle cry to buy more over-priced panties… as if a silk thong will provide the self-esteem that these fools so desperately crave.
The finale approaches… the time has come for me to take my position.
There is no turning back now.

The musical guests have exhausted their forgettable, one-hit wonders. The celebrity hosts have burned through all of their pre-scripted jokes. After sucking in their guts for seven days straight, the supermodels can now slouch their shoulders, kick off their stiletto heels and eat a cheeseburger. All eyes have settled upon Glamour Girl and her miraculous Gravity Gauntlets as she prepares the finale for the evening’s entertainment.

I must admit, the Gravity Gauntlets are impressive devices… but they are not without limits.

Glamour Girl tweets and vlogs her every move to increase her brand value, sharing her experiences and vapid hashtags with the world as she discovers more about her gravity-defying abilities. The stupid bitch never seems to realize that she is making my job much easier.

Here’s a hashtag for your consideration, my pet… #KeepShowingMeYourWeaknesses

Glamour Girl raises her arms and a hush falls over the crowd. The air shimmers and distorts around her as gravity itself bends to her will. The Gravity Gauntlets emit a low hum and the ground seems to shake. There is a thunderous roar as carefully-timed and choreographed pyrotechnics launch into the sky accompanied by a musical fanfare and a glorious display of laser lights.

The stage beneath her feet slowly begins to rise into the air...

The lemmings point to the heavens and cheer for their false idol as Glamour Girl slowly ascends on her floating platform. Born aloft by the gravitational power of her Gauntlets, the stage glides smoothly over the crowd without the support of a harness or cables. The underside of the stage that is now exposed to the crowd ignites and displays a colorful holographic animation featuring underweight, surgically-enhanced women wearing the all new GLAMOURWEAR attire as the Veronika’s Secret logo flashes in every direction.

The Veronika’s Secret marketing team would have you believe that Glamour Girl’s impressive display of flight and strength represents freedom and female empowerment, but all I see is wasteful excess, self-indulgence, ego… and opportunity. I don’t know exactly how much that hovering multimedia platform weighs, but I suspect it will be more than capable of crushing a few dozen innocent fans when it plummets to the ground.

Glamour Girl has flawlessly executed this trick for the last six performances of the Veronika’s Secret GLAMOURWEAR Launch Extravaganza. Photos and video captures from the previous shows have been trending all over social media. For six days I have watched this maneuver, studying its impact on the Gravity Gauntlets and the woman that wears them. I’m sure that this stunt is perfectly safe and well within the capabilities of the Gravity Gauntlets under normal circumstances... but tonight’s circumstances will be far from normal.

There is such a fine line between fame and infamy.

I wait until the precise moment that the flying platform has floated its furthest distance from the main stage... then… I make my move.

To her credit, Glamour Girl sees me coming as I swing down from the darkness of the arena's ceiling on a zipline, but her platform is moving too slowly for her to evade me. The Gravity Gauntlet’s have many powers, but only one of those powers can be engaged at any one time, and they can only be focused on a single target area. As my weight hits the platform, the floating structure rocks precariously and nearly pitches me off the edge. I'm not sure if Glamour Girls is struggling to adjust for the imbalance of my added weight, or if the little bitch is trying to pitch me off on purpose... either way, I stick the landing.

Glamour Girl is using everything that she has to keep the platform aloft. Until she can set it down safely, this "superheroine" is completely at my mercy.

The lemmings came for a show... I give them a show!
I fire into the air to get everyone’s attention. My face appears on the massive plasma screens mounted throughout the arena as the cameras shift focus from Glamour Girl to me. I relish the screams as the crowd panics and everyone runs for the nearest exit, but the fools are so packed in down there that they bottleneck each other at the doors, preventing anyone from going anywhere. They claw and scratch at each other like animals in a desperate battle for escape and survival.

There's nothing like a good ol' life-or-death struggle to make you forget all about your hunger for celebrity-endorsed panties.

Right about now the bimbo behind me is realizing the dire nature of her predicament... her absolute helplessness to prevent what is to come.

If Glamour Girl releases her gravitational control of the floating platform to deal with me, the structure will plummet to the ground and crush dozens of innocent people.
To save herself, she will have to let her fans die.

The platform sways and rotates as Glamour Girl carefully guides the lumbering hunk of metal back to the main stage, the only open area where she can set the heavy structure down without killing anyone.  It's a struggle for her to reverse gravity’s effect on the mass of the platform to make it neutrally buoyant, while simultaneously providing controlled gravity bursts to generate brief propulsive thrusts. With more practice and experience she might be able to eventually do stuff like this with ease, but she's just a rookie with very little control over the vast power that she wields. She can keep the platform afloat, but her maneuverability is nonexistent. It’s a slow and delicate process that requires significant concentration

I don’t intend to let her concentrate.

When the Gravity Gauntlets are activated, I have observed that her body is continuously protected by a thin gravity field that enhances her strength and serves as a kind of body armor. I unload the magazine of my rifle into her face and torso anyway. These are low-velocity rounds, so I don’t expect them to kill her, but from her screams I can tell that they must hurt like a bitch! The important thing is that the platform sways off course, drifting off to the left instead of heading straight back towards the main stage.

The more distraction that I provide... the longer it will take her to return to the main stage to set down the platform… and the more of the Gauntlets’ energy charge she will consume.

I consider reloading and shooting her again because it’s so much fun... but I opt for a different strategy instead.

The continuous gravity field that protects her like armor does't extend very far from her body, perhaps only an inch from the surface of her skin. Obviously it must be permeable to air or she would't be able to breath. I’ll bet I could chloroform her right now and the fumes would pass right through the field. I raise my hand to touch her face and I can feel the energy rippling gently beneath my fingertips. As I sustain contact with the field, the Gauntlets seem to lose the ability to distinguish between her body and mine. The resistance yields and I can feel my hands make contact with her flesh. Gravity waves flow over the back of my hand, up my arm and eventually the field envelops me as well. 

I am inside of the gravity field with her… and so is my gun.
I encourage Glamour Girl to drop the platform so that we can get on with the fight. I explain to her that I will be killing as many of her fans as I can once I have finished with her anyway, so perhaps by sacrificing a few innocent people now she will be in a better position to fight back later. She glares at me defiantly and the platform sways a bit, but it doesn’t slow her down enough. We are still gliding slowly towards the main stage.

Even up close like this, she doesn’t seem to recognize me… probably because the years have not been as kind to me as they have been to her since our Disney Channel days. I’ve been through too many botched plastic surgeries… too many meth and coke benders behind the scenes. My mind and body have been ravaged by drugs and excess… too much, too soon... the fate of so many “child stars”... I know that I must look like a gaunt shadow of my former self, and yet I have never been so filled with a sense of purpose and righteous clarity.
Fame destroys lives... It has been the one constant of my existence. Why should it be any different for her? Why does she deserve a second chance? Celebrity has a cost, and it is way past time for “Glamour Girl” to pay it.

I wonder… if I toss her severed head into the crowd, will someone down there stick it up on eBay tomorrow?

I yank the zipper of her costume down so quickly that she doesn’t have a chance to react until it’s done. Glamour Girl’s face flushes instantly with panic and embarrassment as her breasts spill into view and she lets out the most adorable little squeal of shock and dismay.The platform lurches and begins to fall, losing about ten feet of altitude before she recovers enough to catch it again.
She’s always been so protective of her carefully-scripted public image. Eryn Flynn might dabble in the occasional racy outfit or post a lame ass-selfie on twitter, but she’s probably the only celebrity on the Internet that doesn’t have a website dedicated to “accidental” shots of her naked body. She’s a tease and a prude. Eryn might like to think of herself as this wild and crazy Hollywood hotshot, but as a young actress she used to suffer from crippling episodes of stage fright. We used to tease her about it mercilessly, which probably didn’t help. That devastating shyness still lurks just below the surface, just waiting for an embarrassing event like this to trigger it. To be honest I’m surprised she hasn’t already fainted.
Cameras capture it all and projected it onto the big multimedia plasma screens that line the concert amphitheater. Cellphones from the crowd below broadcast live shots of her naked body that are destined to become instantaneous social media sensations. Eryn has nowhere to hide and her public image will never be the same. 

To hold the platform aloft, Glamour Girl can’t even move her arms to cover herself. This is even better than tying her up! I have her completely at my mercy.
Staring at her like this… right in front of me… all helpless and exposed… I can’t help but wonder how far she might let this go...

That’s the look I wanted to see… crushed… lost… submissive…

Glamour Girl has left the building.

Eryn’s stage fright sets in and she completely checks out. Her eyes glaze over and I can see that the fight has gone out of her entirely. I continue to taunt her and tease her, but I’m not even sure if she hears what I’m saying. The platform is just hovering now. I’m impressed that she hasn’t already dropped it. We’re not even moving towards the main stage and her Gauntlets are losing power fast.
Traumatized though she may be, I know that this excites her. These rich bitches all crave outlandish thrills, and it doesn’t get much more outlandish than being stripped and molested on a hovering platform in front of thousands of people. Every actress has a bit of an exhibitionist in her… this one just needed a little push and now she’s ready for anything. She knows what I’m about to do to her, and there’s a part of her that craves it.

The way she helplessly moans as I tweak her nipple is glorious… and I’m just getting started.

Glamour Girl's worst nightmares and her most thrilling fantasies are playing out simultaneously and it's simply more than she can handle.

Massive plasma screens throughout the arena broadcast her humiliation for all to see. Microphones embedded in the floating platform record and amplify her every sexual  whimper, moan and gasp through massive speakers as she writhes in response to my touch. At first she offers a token resistance, whispering unconvincingly for me to stop, but as her eyes roll back into her head I know that she is truly finished. The lights, the cameras, the crowd watching it all... Glamour Girl simply shuts down and surrenders herself to her fate.

Absolute helplessness strips her of the responsibility to resist... since there is nothing that she can do to stop me, she is free to immerse herself in the eroticism of the scenario. Instead of twisting her body away from me, Glamour Girl begins to arch her back towards me, welcoming my hands upon her exposed flesh as I drive her closer and closer to a rapid crescendo. She cries out as I slide my rifle between her legs and press the long metal barrel tightly against her. The floating platform sways and drifts dangerously from the intensity of her distraction. It's too much for her to take and I can tell that she won't last long if I keep this up. She begs me to stop, but I tell her to shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride. She gasps as if my aggressiveness offends her, but her body shudders and moans in response and the faintest smile crosses her lips. Her thighs squeeze tightly around the rifle as her hips grind luridly against the scope. I wonder if she will be able to keep us aloft during her orgasm, or if her climax will send us crashing down into the crowd below... la petite mort... the little death... followed by many horrible and bloody ones... it will be an orgy of terror and destruction.

The Veronika's Secret GLAMOURWEAR brand was supposed to represent empowerment and strength. I have shown the world that their heroic spokesmodel is nothing more than a weak and submissive whore.

Eryn Flynn will be ruined... a laughing stock... a social media pariah... her career as a "superheroine" ended before it has a chance to begin... and soon she will be entirely forgotten.

As much as the world loves to worship a rising starlet, they enjoy tearing her apart even more.

I have to admit... she is ridiculously gorgeous.

I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the best plastic surgeons on the east coast and all I have to show for it is a bunch of scars and a face that I can barely recognize in the mirror. All this little bitch has to do is eat a couple of smoothies and strike a few yoga poses and she looks like a freakin' goddess. No wonder the world is falling all over themselves for her. I don't understand why people like her end up in the spotlight, while so many more people like me with the exact same opportunities just end up in the gutter. It isn't fair. If we can't all end up in the spotlight, then it's time to drag her down into the gutter with the rest of us.

I keep Glamour Girl right on the edge of orgasm, prolonging her pleasure, driving her insane with ecstasy, making sure that the world gets a good long look at their broken heroine. I want everyone to see that she's just another worthless slut. Eryn practically starts to hyperventilate and her knees tremble so much that I have to hold her up to keep her from collapsing.

Don't pass out on me yet, Glamour Girl... I'm not through working you over.

Her hips buck involuntarily against the barrel of my rifle and tears stream down her cheeks as she begs me to stop... and then it happens... Her entire body seizes, her back arches, her legs quake, her luscious lips form a perfect"O"... and then Glamour Girl SCREAMS out the most glorious and magnificent orgasm since Meg Ryan's performance in When Harry Met...


I've made a tremendous mistake!

The platform drops out from under our feet and we free fall into a dive … but we’re already hovering above the main stage!

I was so caught up with humiliating Glamour Girl and watching her writhe that I didn’t even notice her maneuvering the platform into position above the stage so that she could land it safely. How could I be so stupid?!?! She tricked me… and now her little lemmings are perfectly safe!

I forgot that the clever bitch is an actress! She was faking it this whole time!

I wasn’t distracting her… she was distracting me!

The massive multimedia platform slams into the main stage, sending debris and smoke flying everywhere. The crowd screams and the Veronika's Secret lingerie models dive for cover to avoid being crushed. I revel in the chaos, knowing that I have failed in my mission and that I am about to die. A fall from this height will surely kill me. Disappointing... I was hoping to take Glamour Girl and a few of her lemmings with me.

With the platform safely landed, Glamour Girl turns her Gravity Gauntlets on me. I can feel the air around me vibrating and it becomes increasingly difficult to breath as she grips me with her power. Not content to let me fall to my death, that bitch intends to crush me like a grape!!!

It takes me a moment to realize that I should already be dead.... I should have already hit the ground... but her gravitational disturbances are actually SLOWING my decent...

She's... she's actually saving ME!!!


I underestimated her... Eryn Flynn isn't the selfish little brat that I remember her to be... or at least not entirely. I've decimated her reputation, her modesty and her career and she let me do it with the whole world watching just to save the lives of a few dozen nobodies... and now she's trying to save my life as well? From a disaster that I caused?

It doesn't make any sense!!!

Does she actually thinks she's some kind of hero now?

Glamour Girl saves me from dying in the fall, but she isn't gentle about it. The wind is knocked out of me as I slam into the ground and the impact knocks my gun from my grasp. That gun is probably the only thing keeping the crowd and the rent-a-cops from rushing the stage and it's my only chance of fighting back against a very pissed off superheroine. I roll and reach for my rifle, but then I hear a loud vibration approaching as Glamour Girl charges up her Gauntlets for some new attack. I brace myself... expecting to be tossed through the air by a gravity burst or thrown across the room... but I am not her target.

Glamour Girl forms a gravity shell around her forearm that amplifies her strength. She smashes her fist into my gun, shattering it into dozens of broken pieces.

This show is definitely over... time to retreat!

I have escape routes mapped out all over this place. All I have to do is get to one of the grapple lines that I have stashed throughout the arena, make my way to the roof and disappear into the night. With my gun destroyedI have no choice but to leap to my feet and make a run for it.... but I don't get very far.

The air around me shimmers and I start to feel heavier and heavier with every step. The weight of my own body becomes more than my legs can support and I fall to my hands and knees. Glamour Girl's Gravity Gauntlets continue to increase the gravitational forces surrounding me. I can barely draw a breath as my body is pressed flat to the floor. I feel like I'm slowly being crushed to death. Colorful spots begin to flash before my eyes as I start to lose consciousness. My vision tunnels and I can hear the crowd cheering for Glamour Girl... Glamour Girl... Glamour girl... but soon that too begins to fade...

Eryn’s phone rang for the umpteenth time, and for the umpteenth time she tried to ignore it. She knew that it would be Harry on the other end of the line and she really wasn’t in the mood to be scolded. Eryn knew that she had screwed up big time in that fight with Anarchy Grrl… and she did it in front of the entire world.

Eryn had been living off of a steady diet of Ben & Jerry’s, potato chips and liquor for the last several days and she was avoiding the media like the plague... no internet, no TV, no nothing… For the first time in a long time, Eryn really couldn’t handle what she knew people were undoubtedly saying about her. She had let everyone down. Veronika’s Secret wanted a symbol of female empowerment and instead Eryn had let Anarchy Grrl publicly humiliate her. The “GLAMOURWEAR” brand was probably now synonymous with defeat and embarrassment. Sales expectations had been through the roof and the whole mess with Anarchy Grrl would no doubt cost Veronika’s Secret millions and millions of dollars. Harry was probably calling to let her know that she was being sued or something… Her career was over.

Failing as an actress was bad, but it didn’t hit her nearly as hard as failing as a superheroine. Eryn had really wanted this… to be something more than a former child star… to actually do something inspiring and important with her life… but clearly it wasn’t meant to be.

The phone was still ringing... Harry wasn’t going to give up this time. Eryn decided that it was best to just get this over with so that he would stop calling. It was hard to sulk with the constant interruptions. Eryn picked up the phone, flopped on the bed, and swiped the screen to answer the call.

Harry started talking the moment that the signal connected: “KID!!! Oh my God, where have you been?!?!? I was starting to think you were dead!!!”

“No such luck, Harry… Look… I’m really not in the mood to be yelled at right now, so…”

“Yell? Who said anything about yelling? Why would I yell?”

“I know the GLAMOURWEAR launch was a complete disaster and I’m sure everyone is pissed at me, but…”

“Disaster? What disaster?”

“Harry, this was fun while it lasted, but we both know…”

“Oh my God… you seriously don’t know…. You haven’t been online at all, have you?”

“Of course not... Why would I put myself through that?”

“You mean, why would you put yourself through becoming the biggest media icon on the planet?!?!?!”

“What… what are you talking about?”

“You’re EVERYWHERE right now! The GLAMOURWEAR launch was HUGE! Veronika’s Secret is raking it in and everyone wants in on the Glamour Girl business! My phone has been ringing off the hook! Kid, seriously… you’ve hit the big time!”

Eryn’s head was spinning. How was this possible?

She fumbled for her TV remote and turned on her flatscreen. As she surfed through the entertainment and gossip channels, she saw footage of her fight with Anarchy Grrl on almost every channel. Most of the clips were action shots focusing on the huge platform crashing into the main stage and the way she had pinned down Anarchy Grrl with the last of her Gravity Gauntlets’ power. Thank God most of the channels had her naked chest pixelated out, though Eryn was certain that she would find the uncensored version of those clips circulating online.

She punched up her twitter app and found that her twitter subscribers had skyrocketed to over 26 MILLION! Those were practically Kardashian numbers!

“Harry… I don’t… I don’t understand…”

“Did you know that Anarchy Grrl was actually Brenda Barns, your old Teacher’s Pet castmate from your Disney Channel days?”

“Brenda? No... that’s... I had no idea... She looks so different!”

“Apparently the years have been more than a little rough on her. We’re talking drugs, bankruptcy, plastic surgery, therapy, rehab… she got sucked into the ‘former child star’ vortex and it ate her alive. The poor girl is seriously whacked out and she decided to take it out on you… but the whole thing backfired! She was trying to knock you down a peg, but instead she’s turned you into a megastar!”

“But I blew it, Harry... She kicked my ass! Brenda shot me, stripped me, molested me… she humiliated me in front of everyone!”

“Humiliated? What are you talking about? You were GREAT! You were the last woman standing and you saved lots of people!”

“But I’m the one that put everyone in danger in the first place!”

“No way… Brenda is getting all of the blame for that. All anyone can talk about is how you saved the Veronika’s Secret Angels and turned GLAMOURWEAR into the hottest fashion line of the century!”
“This doesn’t make any sense, Harry… I’ve… I’ve never… never been so… exposed like that before… All these years I’ve tried so hard to…”

“Oh, for cryin’ out loud, don’t be such a baby! So you showed off your tits… BIG DEAL! It’s good television! This ain’t the Disney Channel anymore, kid… you’re in the HBO world now! Everybody is flashing their boobs these days! Welcome to the club!”

“I don’t know… I…”

“Oh my God, and my favorite part was the way you faked that orgasm to keep Brenda distracted while you steered that platform to safety... That was PRICELESS!”

“Faked it?… Harry… I, uhmmm…”

“Kid, I’m telling you… you just took this thing to a whole new level. Your reality show got a green light, Hasbro wants to talk about movie rights, dolls and action figures, Vogue wants you on the cover, Maybelline wants to buy out your cosmetics line, international fragrance companies are asking me for meetings… everybody and their dog is throwing checks at us right now. It’s crazy!”

“Harry… I don’t know what to say…”

“Just say you’ll quit moping around your apartment and get your ass back out there! You’re a big time crimefighter now and I need you out there kicking some ass! So let’s hear it, kid… Are you calling it quits? Or are you a superheroine?”

Eryn didn’t hesitate…

“I’m a superheroine, Harry… I’m Glamour Girl!”


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