Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Uncensored Curia vs. The Brotherhood of Purity | Page 11

Oh, Goddess... It was all so sudden... I can barely remember how it happened!

I had so many questions... How could a Man be living on the Amazon Isles without me even knowing about it? How exactly had he defeated the Lord of Lycans? How could he be so impossibly attractive?

I remember that he was taking me on a tour of his ancestral home while telling me the story of how his father Apollo seduced his mother the Amazon Astynome thousands of years ago at the end of some ancient war or something like that... to be honest I wasn't really paying much attention to anything that he said.... I was enraptured by the way that his deep voice seemed to resonate pleasingly throughout my entire body and I most certainly didn't want to be talking about his mother. I was positively trembling with desire and if he didn't make a move soon I would have to take matters into my own hands.
Eventually he noticed my silence and gazed down at me. The demigod was so massive... I felt small and vulnerable in his presence. He smiled, gazed deeply into my eyes, and brushed a lock of my hair away from my face. That one gentle touch nearly sent me over the edge. My knees felt weak and I placed my hands upon him to steady myself... then his hands were on me... Great Hera, there's something absolutely magical about his touch... and then he lifted me into his arms and our bodies pressed together in a hungry embrace... I began to claw at his belt while his broad hands removed what was left of my uniform... I've never been so flushed... so lustful... so overwhelmed...
It was... I felt... wondrous...

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