Monday, December 21, 2015

Amazon Arrow | Early One-Shots

I've been wanting to play around with Adobe Illustrator to see if I could come up with a cool "toon" version of Amazon Arrow ...and here's the result!

This isn't entirely original... I was working over a Bruce Timm illustration of Red Sonja. But it's still pretty nifty in my humble opinion.

Somebody call the Cartoon Network! ...STAT!!


My head was throbbing like crazy and I couldn’t help but moan into the tape gag covering my mouth. I don’t know how long I was out cold, but the horrifying sight that greeted me upon opening my eyes told me that it had been far too long.

Pyrrah, my archenemy, had somehow managed to entrance Curia; the mighty Amazon warrior must have tried to rescue me… and clearly it did not go well!

Our situation grew worse as Pyrrah gloated and revealed her intentions:

“Ahhh… Chryseis… I see you're finally awake!  You know, I just wanted to say that I’m sooooooo glad you’re making new friends! All I have to do is abduct one pathetic heroine and before you know it I have an entire army of bimbos running straight to me! It’s SUCH a time saver! This one put up a good fight at first, but once we made eye contact… it was all over. Her will is strong, but nothing compared to my own. What shall we do with her, eh? Tell you what… I’ll let YOU decide!  I could have her strip naked and touch herself for a few hours in the middle of City Square… or… I could wipe her mind clean and allow her to pose as a display window mannequin for the next three weeks. What do you choose for your new friend, Chryseis? A few hours of humiliation? Or a few weeks as a brainless statue? Choose now… and choose quickly… or I’ll have her rampage through the city and drop cars on every innocent man, woman and child that she sees! Oh, this is going to be sooooo wonderful… I can’t WAIT to meet your other new friends as well! Hahahahaaaa!!”

Curia is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:

Many foes believe that the Soul Bow and Soul Arrows are the source of my powers. Enemies take them from me in battle and believe that I am disarmed. Imagine their surprise when my arsenal dissipates within their grasp and reappears in my hands once again.

The truth is that my real weapons are my Light Rings. The left ring manifests the Bow, and the right manifests the Arrows. I have only to "will" them into existence and they appear. There is no limit to the number of arrows the rings can produce, for as long as I have the strength to produce them. To manifest a Soul Arrow I must surrender a portion of my lifeforce. The more I donate to the arrow's "charge" the more powerful it becomes. A fully-charged arrow can explode and destroy a tank, though it would then leave me weak and vulnerable to do so. This is rarely necessary; I don't need to blow up tanks very often, and even a mildly-charged arrow can bring down the strongest man.
The rings cannot be taken from me by force. I must surrender them of my own free will, which of course I will never do. I never take them off. They can also be removed if I am dead or rendered unconscious. There is no obvious connection between the rings and the bow and arrow. There is no surge of energy or flash of light when the bow and arrows appear. Most people would believe that the rings are nothing more than silver jewelry. Pretty, yes... but offering no indication of the immense power that they contain.

While I share this information with you, my dear friends, I trust that you will not share any of this with my enemies.


I recently encountered a very dangerous wizard and, as you can probably see, the encounter did not go entirely in my favor. The exchange started out relatively friendly until he... well... it's a very long story. There were robots, gas jets, mystical tazers, tentacles proficient with suspension bondage and, well... I'd rather stop there to retain some small shred of dignity.

Needless to say, I am less than proud of my performance and I hope to fair better during the inevitable rematch.

It certainly couldn't end up any worse....Could it?


I keep having these weird recurring dreams about being abducted by little aliens that perform experiments on me in the middle of the night. Sometimes they get rough, and other times the "procedures" are not entirely unpleasant. The experiments usually don't last for more than a few hours, and I always wake up safely in my bed the next morning.

Fortunately this is only just a series of strange dreams... If I was paranoid I might think they were interconnected, perhaps forming some sort of prelude to an imminent invasion.

I mean... they HAVE to be just dreams, right?


Definitely NOT eating any more popcorn before bedtime... or watching old cartoons.

Hmmmm... I have no recollection of this event.


 The villainesses of Man's World continue to astound me with their ferocity. I recently encountered an assassin with exotic shimmering blue skin. She called herself Mercury, and indeed she was as swift as the name implies. She moved like a blur, too fast for me to take proper aim with my Bow. Before I knew what had happened, she raced behind me and locked an expert sleeperhold around my throat. My strength faded quickly and within moments the battle was over. I resisted the urge to sleep, but in the end I was subdued. When I awoke I was... oh, my... such an embarrassing and steamy tale. Perhaps I shall tell it on some other occasion…


 Tentacle Terror


I recently tracked down a high-tech munitions factory belonging to the Brotherhood of Purity. My investigations must have somehow tipped them off. I arrived to discover a recently abandoned facility... and two armored warriors lying in wait. Their weaponry was formidable and the battle was fierce, but in the end I was victorious. Mortal armor cannot defend against a Soul Arrow. The Brotherhood of Purity believes that a woman's only purpose is to service men. I strongly disagree.


I have defeated The Brotherhood of Purity's armored warriors on several occasions. It would seem that they have recently upgraded their combat suits to incorporate enhanced speed, strength and a powerful knocked out gas emitter in their gauntlets.
Curia and I discovered this new technological the hard way.

Curia is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:

I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness and despair as I succumbed to the effects of the gas, but then I heard a monsterous crash accompanied by the sounds of breaking bones and screaming men... The cavalry had arrived!

The best part about being a superheroine is that you never really go into battle alone.

All hope is never lost.

Curia is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:
White Owl is the OC of :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine: 


This is the way I remember it...

But White Owl thinks it happened more like this!
White Owl is the OC of :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine: 


 My Soul Arrows seem to have no effect on these strange creatures. I'm not sure how long I can evade their attacks in such tight quarters, but I will fight to the last breath if necessary.


A mad geneticist recently unleashed a crazed beast infused with dinosaur DNA upon the city. Fortunately I was able to subdue the beast before any innocents were injured.  He claimed it was an accident, though I can't imagine how one might accidentally and secretly fabricate a dinosaur in a subteranean laboratory and then accidentally let him escape.

I fired Soul Arrow after Soul Arrow into the beast, but it seemed entirely unaffected. I have noticed this tends to occure when my arrows are fired at lifeforms with lesser intelligence. Perhaps they don't have enough "soul" to be affected? I don't really know. Unfortunately the Light Rings that generate my Bow and Arrows did not come with an instruction manual... or if they did the instructions were lost millenia ago.

The marauding behemoth clipped me with its massive horns and knocked me to the ground. It nearly trampled me and I instinctively used every fiber of my being to push against the awesome weight bearing down on me in a futile attempt to save myself. It took me a moment to realize that I wasn't crushed into a pulp. In fact,  impossibly, I stood my ground and lifted most of the monster's weight off of the ground!

The Light Rings were glowing and humming with a power unlike any that I have seen from them before or since. With a final twist I slammed the creatures thick skull into the pavement and knocked it senseless. I had no time to celebrate my victory though; a sudden wave of exhaustion passed through me and I collapsed to the pavement myself.

I came to in a nearby hospital. Nothing was found to be wrong with me. In fact I received many compliments about my physical condition.

I tried to replicate my feat of strength on a Buick, but I couldn't get the front end of the ground. The Light Rings neither glowed nor hummed. Perhaps it only works if I am in extreme danger? Or perhaps only if I focus the totality of my will. Or perhaps it will never happen again?

Only time will tell..


 Don't you just hate waking up to find yourself strapped into some sort of bizarre high-tech spanking device with bunny ears on your head? How do the bad guys come up with this stuff?

It could be worse I suppose; atleast I'm trapped here with Jade. I've been told that she's something of an escape artist, so hopefully she'll figure out a way to get us out of this mess... though she seems a bit distracted at the moment. Judging by the loud slapping sound and the way she's squeezing my hand I'm guessing this thing must pack quite a whallop.

On the plus side, this fetish trap doesn't appear to be lethal... uhm, wait... is it possible to be SPANKED to death?

Uh, oh... the other paddle mechanism is moving into position...

I think it's my turn.

My first team-up with Jade isn't going so well.

Jade is the OC of :iconpablodiablo316: and this is my entry for his Bunny Girls in Peril Art Jam.


As an Amazon ambassador I am required to participate in frequent publicity shoots. I am told this is to allow the public to see what I look like when I'm not being attacked by vicious monsters or fighting crime. Enjoy!


 As it turns out, my ACTUAL publicist was recently kidnapped and temporarily replaced by an imaginative fanboy eager to spend some time alone with me... Unfortunately I made this discovery the hard way. Perhaps I should spend more time getting to know my support staff.


I finally tracked down Dr. Tronix's new underground laboratory. I expected an ambush, or a trap of some kind, but this new menace was beyond anything I could have imagined. I found myself attacked from all sides by clones... of myself!

At first I assumed they were robots, but my Soul Arrows took them down easily. I don't know exactly what they were made of, or how Dr. Tronix created them so quickly, but they seemed to be alive and each of them possessed my strength and skills.

Fortunately they did not possess my Light Rings.

I took out as many of them as I could with the Soul Bow, but the clones were smart enough to rush me, sacrificing a few initially to allow the remaining attackers to get in close.

Hopefully when you next encounter the Amazon Arrow, it will be the REAL me... and not one of them.


This has to be... another one of... DR. Tronix's... tricks...


Can't shut them out...


Even with my eyes closed... I can still see them...


Always watching me... no escape...


I scream and hear nothing...


I fight and feel nothing...


I think... and know nothing...


I know... nothing...


I... I...


I... obey...



 Wh... where... where am I?

I must've been... out cold for ...a very long time.

Even now I'm not certain if I'm awake or dreaming. I remember chasing Dr. Tronix into a warehouse. I had him in my sights, Soul Arrow charged and ready, but then the room suddenly flooded with a noxious green mist. I passed out almost instantly.

And now here I am... trapped in a bizarre nightmare? Or some sort of drug-induced hallucination? Is this one of Dr. Tronix's mechanical creations? Is this strange peril a product of my own imagination?

The hands are so very warm... and so very... skilled.

They are completely having their way with me... and I can't seem to summon the will to resist them.

How long have I been held captive?

I wonder if anyone's missed me yet?


Just a walk in the park, or so I thought.

Costal City Heroes' Memorial Park is a big place, full of some of the most beautiful and ancient plantlife I have yet to see in Man's World. There are also lots of places to hide or get lost... or to jump out and kill someone and bury the body. Seemed like a good place to start my evening patrol to ensure that such things don't happen on my watch. With most of Costal City's usual heroic guardians called away on some other mission, my embassy was contacted to see if I could lend a hand and hold down the fort. No problem.

It was a fairly uneventful evening in the park (apparently there isn't much crime on a Monday night), until I came across a small pool of water shimmering in the moonlight. A gorgeous woman was bathing on the far side of the pool; she was impossibly beautiful and green from head to toe. She had to be some form of nymph or elemental. I called out to her as gently as possible in order to get her attention. I could tell she was startled and she bolted, moving like a blur through the trees.

I jumped into the nearest tree and followed her, leaping from branch to branch. With the high-ground I could see clearly, and take a shot with the Soul Bow if a confrontation ocurred. We approached a clearing deep in the woods, when she suddenly stopped, turned towards me and gestured. That's when the trees around me seemed to spring to life and attack! Within seconds I was bound and ensnared by thick vines!

The beautiful woman looked up at me and smiled. I was at her mercy and she knew it... the only question is: What would she do with me next?

Coastal City is the hometown OCity creation of :iconsinistermarauder: and it is chock full of lovely ladies and deadly (sexy) perils.

Gaia (the green woman) is his OC and is used with permission.


 The Enigma Stone is a hypnotic, mystical orb that reveals the "heart's desire" of whoever beholds it.

:iconamazonarrow: looked into the glowing orb and saw her lover Pyrrah free of a lycanthropic curse.
:iconwhite0wlsuperheroine: looked upon the end of crime and her beloved Queen City free of corruption and villainy.
:iconladytania: beheld a world full of peace, tolerance and love for all mankind... her mission to Man's World finally fulfilled.
:iconwondercuria-dd: looked into the stone and saw herself as a heroine revered as the equal of Princess Diana of Themyscira, known throughout the world as the original Wonder Woman.

The women simultaneously reached for the Enigma Stone... but none of the enthralled heroines realized that the artifact was merely bait for a powerful trap.

The Enigma Stone filled each heroine with a sense of triumph and elation... of dreams fulfilled... and none of them noticed when the trap was sprung.


Their necks broke instantly like weak and fragile glass beneath the descending enchanted mechanism.

Each heroine died believing that their heart's desire had come to fruition... and the Elf Witch, keeper of the Enigma Stone, laughed triumphantly for thousands of years.

This is my entry for :iconwondercuria-dd:'s "Teamwork" contest.


 The Amazonian embassy recently provided me with a new vehicle to help me get around the city.

They say the Invisible Jet is already in use, but that's okay... this is MUCH more my style!


Man's World can be chaotic and confusing. Evil geniuses, aliens, clones, brainwashed heroines, robots... it gets on my nerves after a while. To stay sharp I like to get back to basics, so I occasionally return home to the Amazon Isles for a little recreational big game hunting. 

Nothing clears your head like a good ol' fashioned dragon fight... know what I mean?


He claimed to be Loki, the God of Mischief and Treachery. While this seemed unlikely, I discovered the hard way that he did indeed possess incredible power.

He was both telekinetic and pyrokinetic... a deadly combination. "Loki" was able to intercept my Soul Arrows in midair. The fool delighted in flirting with me in the midst of battle, taunting me in an effort to distract me and to flaunt his superior power.

I fought fiercely, but I was outmatched. With a simple gesture he generated a telekinetic wave that hit me like an invisible wall. He laughed as I bounced across the floor, rolling and tumbling before sprawling spread-eagle twenty feet away. The next thing I knew he held me in his arms, my limp body leaning heavily against naked flesh that felt like cold marble. His hands roamed lewdly over my curves as he had his way with me; I was simply too beaten to resist. He lifted one of my wrists and held my hand in front of his face...

He was inspecting my rings!

Could he sense their power? I couldn't let him take them from me!

I wanted to scream at him and fight, but all I could manage was a helpless moan as I lost consciousness...


The Soul Bow is an excellent ranged weapon, but it serves little use when you find yourself suddenly grappling with a flying squidroid.

The machine attacked silently from above and was all over me before I could get off a shot. The arms seems to be everywhere at once, trying to strangle me and restrain me. I thrashed and struggled to keep my arms free so that I could fight back. Eventually I made a lunge for the robot's central eyestalk, hoping that it might connect to the thing's brain, or perhaps blind it if I managed to ripped it out of the housing. While it seemed like a good plan, it also triggered the mechanical creature's last line of defense... a powerful electrical discharge! Every fiber of my being locked up; I could not move or do anything to escape. I tried to scream in pain, but no sound came. My entire body writhed and shook for what seemed like hours in the deadly lightning embrace, though in reality I suspect it took only moments for the current to render me unconscious.  I dangled helplessly in the construct's many arms as it began to have its way with me. Everytime I moaned or started to awaken, the machine would issue another short electrical burst to knock me senseless again. I have no idea what it did to me while I was out cold.

I have made several heroic friends since my arrival in Man's World. As the squidroid zapped me once again, I prayed that one of them might find and rescue me...


 This image was inspired by a scene in :iconpizzanerd1:'s Slumber Games story, during which I am molested by sentient (and horny) slime and then chloroformed.


For some Amazons this situation would not be a problem; some of my Sisters have been blessed by the Gods with extraordinary powers such as flight and invulnerability.

Must be nice...

I was ambushed by a dozen Assassin Droids with laser cannons and found myself with only two choices... Stay and be sliced apart by laserfire, or leap out the window and survive for a few more seconds....

Hopefully one of my superpowered friends arrives in time for a miraculous rescue... would be a good time...

...any second now...



 The best thing about carrying non-lethal weaponry is that I get to shoot first and ask questions later.
I don't know why the grey-skinned zombie woman in the high-tech spacesuit was sneaking up on me from behind, but all it took was a quick aerial somersault and a Soul Arrow through the woman's chest to provide me with a great deal of peace of mind.

I gave the Arrow a minimal charge, so the neuroshock effect should wear off quickly. She'll have one heck of a headache when she wakes up, but no lasting wounds or injuries. She should be on her feet again in about 5 minutes or so. Hopefully that will give me enough time to determine if she is "friend" or "foe".

It so rarely turns out to be "friend".


Here I am posing along with a few of my Amazon friends (though in some cases “friend” might be a bit of an exaggeration).

Left to Right:

Lykopis (the short redhead): Aella’s betrothed. She doesn’t like me very much at all. Lykopis may be short but she’s much stronger than she looks and she is extremely good with a blade.

Aella (the blonde): One of our finest warriors and, some say, the most beautiful of all Amazons. Aella is nearly my equal; I was barely able to defeat her in the most recent Champions Tournament. If I was not the current Amazon Arrow, Aella would be. She has always been deeply attracted to me, but my heart belonged to Pyrrah… until recently. Aella hopes to now deepen our “relationship” despite her betrothal to Lykopis.

Chryseis (the brunette): That’s me in the middle! I am The Amazon Arrow! ;) You can learn more about me throughout my galleries.

Melousa (the giantess): Our strongest and most feared warrior and the General of the Amazon Armies. While Melousa is exceptional with weapons she rarely carries them into combat, preferring to beat her foes into submission with her bare hands. She is my mentor and confidant. There is no one I trust more, on or off the field of battle.

Thraso (the flying woman): The Pale One. The Blind Seer. The White Sorceress. Thraso is one of the First Ones, the original women who discovered the Amazon Isles millennia ago. She has extraordinary powers and she is both feared and respected. It is rumored that the First Ones are actually animated corpses, or perhaps vampires, or flesh-eating zombies. The First Ones do not say, and we younger Amazons do not ask. When you stand in the presence of The First Ones, you stand in the presence of Death.

I’ll be showing more images of all us soon.

While you are waiting I invite you all to join is here in the ancient bath houses on the Amazon Isle.
Come on in… the water is quite warm… as are the Amazons.

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