Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #18 - My New Doll

It took me awhile, but I finally found Denise’s little pink remote control that I had stashed away in my desk. “Ok, here it is! I didn’t want to put this into the regular lost and found for fear of someone else getting ahold of it, so I’ve been keeping it in my desk. I had a feeling you’d come back for it eventually.”

Denise was visibly relieved when I produced the remote. “Oh my goodness, thank you so much for keeping this safe. I definitely wouldn’t want it falling into the wrong hands.”

My mind wandered back to the day that Denise and I first met. I accidentally sent her libido into overdrive by pushing the buttons on the device while trying to figure out what it was designed to do. “It’s hard for some people to resist pushing mysterious unlabeled buttons.”

Denise gave me a knowing grin. “Well you certainly pushed my buttons last time. In fact you were a bit too trigger happy as I recall.”

I shrugged, recalling that I might have overdone it just a bit. “It’s really fun! What can I say?”

Denise extended her hand and I was about to offer her the remote, but a mischievous idea occurred to me and I found myself once again unable to resist pushing one of the buttons on the pink device. Unfortunately nothing seemed to happen, so I pointed it below her waist and tried it again. 

Denise’s jaw dropped as she realized what I was trying to do. “Oh my gosh! Did you just turn it on! I can’t believe you just did that!”

“Like I said, it’s fun! I couldn’t resist.”

“You have a serious naughty streak in you, Ms. Kent.”

I laughed, but I was also a little disappointed that Denise wasn’t squirming as much as I had expected. She wasn’t reacting much at all for that matter. “Hmmm… you don’t seem quite as ‘enthusiastic’ as last time.”

Denise seemed to suddenly realize the same thing. I think she might have been a little turned on by the idea that I tried to use it, but the device itself didn’t seem to be activated. “You’re right… I don’t actually feel anything.”

I mashed down on all of the buttons in sequence, but nothing happened. “None of the buttons seem to work. Are you wearing the…. uhm, the other part?”

From the way she blushed, it was obvious that she was indeed wearing the vibrator that worked with the remote. Clearly I wasn’t the only one in a ‘naughty’ mood. Denise finally shrugged, looking a little annoyed and disappointed. “It probably just needs new batteries.”

“Oh,well… it was fun while it lasted. Hopefully the next lucky recipient of the remote will have as much fun with it as I had.”

I returned the remote to Denise and she tucked it into her purse. She then looked around the library, scanning the signs that labelled each section of the library by subject.“While I’m here… I was wondering if you could help me with a little research project?”

“You need help finding a book? Of course! What’s the title?”

“I don’t have a title or author. I’m not even sure if there’s a book on the topic, but if anyone can find it, then I’m sure it would be you.”

“Well, now I’m intrigued... What are we searching for?”

Denise lowered her voice to a whisper and glanced around with a deeply suspicious look on her face. “I need a book that will teach me how to ‘unhypnotize’ myself.”

I almost laughed out loud, but I didn’t want to be rude. In my opinion hypnosis was nothing but a staged and ridiculous hoax, but Denise seemed to be taking it extremely serious. I dropped my voice to match her conspiratorial tone while struggling not to giggle. “Hmmm… that’s a new one… why are you interested? Are you afraid that you might be hypnotized right now?

I waved my hand in front of her face and snapped my fingers. Denise rolled her eyes at me and lightly slapped my hand away from her face as she realized that I was teasing her, but her sincerity and concern quickly returned. Clearly this was a sensitive subject for her. “No, no… of course I’m not in a trance state right now, but I think I might be under the influence of lingering post-hypnotic suggestions and trigger phrases from previous inductions. I need to safely disarm the sublimated commands and I was hoping to do it with self-hypnosis techniques.”

My mind was whirling from trying to keep up with her string of pseudo-scientific terminology. It was a little confusing, but I think I got the general idea. “Wow... You sound like you know a lot about this already.”

“I’ve been doing a lot of research on the topic lately. It’s fascinating stuff.”

“I guess… if you believe in that sort of thing.”

“Of course I believe! Hypnosis is absolutely real!”

I was completely skeptical, but I found myself intrigued by the impression that Denise seemed to be speaking from experience. “You’re saying you’ve actually been hypnotized before?”

“Oh, yes… several times.”

“Really? Like… by a stage magician or something?”

“It’s happened to me on several different occasions... One time I was hypnotized at a parent teacher conference by the mother of one of my students. Hypnosis has gotten me into all kinds of trouble. I become more susceptible to it after each experience. Apparently that’s the way it works for most people… or so I’ve read. Trust me, hypnosis is no laughing matter.”

She seemed legitimately distressed and extremely serious. I decided to set aside the jokes and the debate and just go with the flow so that I could help to fix the problem that was disturbing her. “You said you had ‘triggers’… what does that mean?”

“A trigger is a word or a phrase that reminds the subject of a command that they were given while under hypnosis. If someone says the right word or phrase under the right circumstances, your subconscious takes over and carries out the command, even when you’re wide awake.”

My mind flashed to visions of fembots in the old science fiction movies with their arms stretched out horizontal to the ground with spiral cartoons spinning in their eyes. “Commands? Like someone can turn you into a sort of pre-programmed robot?”

“Something like that…”

I shrugged. I just couldn’t get into it. “If you say so…”

Denise seemed astonished at my apparent stubbornness. “You don’t believe me?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong... I believe that you believe. Let’s just go see if we can find your book.”

I led the way to the psychology section of the library as Denise followed behind me. I didn’t need to turn around and see Denise’s facial expression to know that she was silently fuming. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, but worrying about about post-hypnotic suggestion was like worrying about being trampled by a stampede of unicorns. “This entire section is about psychology and there are lots of books on hypnotherapy. I’m sure we can… Hey! What are you doing?”

I felt Denise tug on my left ear. She quickly unfastened one of my earrings and jingled it right in front of my face. “I’m proving to you that hypnosis is real!”

“With my earring?”

“Well, I don’t have a pocket watch, but I think I can make this work.”

“You’re seriously going to try to hypnotize me?”

“I’m going to try to put you into a light trance, just so you can see for yourself that this is serious!”

For some reason, I was beginning to feel a little nervous. “You can do that?”

“Actually I’m not sure. But I have read about the basic techniques and principals involved, and I have plenty of experience being on the other end of the pocket watch, so to speak. I’m confident that I can pull it off, but only if you want me to try it. Trust and consent between the subject and the hypnotist is very important... Do you trust me?”

“We’re friends, Denise. Of course I trust you.”

“Well, that’s actually the most difficult thing to achieve, so we’re half way there. Are you ready to give it a try?” 

We were situated between tall bookshelves in a low-traffic section of the library and completely hidden from the view of the patrons. I was relieved that we had a bit of privacy… just in case Denise made me do something embarrassing. 

It occurred to me that if I was worried about being embarrassed, then that had to also mean I believed that Denise might actually have the power to hypnotize me. I wasn’t entirely convinced that I could go under, but I tried to remain open to the possibility. The entire situation was thrilling and kind of a turn on. I was already starting to imagine what Denise might do to me if she did successfully hypnotize me. “Are you going to make me quack like a duck?”

“If you don’t start taking this seriously, I just might!”

“Okay, okay… I’ll be good… Just tell me what to do.”

“Alright, just relax. This will be fun! You can start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths...”

I decided to get into the moment and go with the flow. I drew in a slow and deep breath, held it, then slowly exhaled.

“That’s it… deep breaths… just let yourself relax… in… and out…”

I repeated the deep breaths several times. I was starting to feel relaxed and after several breaths I found myself waiting for my next instruction.

“Very good, Chryseis… now… I want you to open your eyes… and focus your attention on your earring.”

I opened my eyes to see that Denise was holding my earring in front of my face, positioning it slightly above my eye level so that I had to slightly gaze upwards to see it. She twirled it slowly with her fingertips so that the reflected ceiling lights flashed along the polished surface as the earring spun. 

Flash… flash… flash… 

I didn’t look away, but I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. “Yessss…. I can feeeeeel it already…. I am ssssssuccumbing to the pooooower of my earring…”

“Very funny... Keep looking… see how the earring flashes as it catches the light? Focus on the earring, Chryseis… focus… on the earring…”

I noticed that my field of vision seemed to be narrowing as I studied the earring. The earring and the flashing seemed to be the only thing that I could see. I was only vaguely aware of Denise and the rest of the library in the background of my field of focus. I tried to decipher a pattern in the seemingly random light reflections… 

Flash… flash… flash…

“Do you see the way it sparkles in the light?”

“Yes.” My voice sounded strangely hollow and thick, which took me a little by surprise. 

“Very good... Now… I want you to make sure that your eyes stay focused on the earring. It’s important that you do not close your eyes until I tell you to do so. Keep looking at the way the earring sparkles in the light as it turns sooooo slowly.”

I realized how easy it had become to lock onto the earring to the exclusion of everything else. How long had I been starring at it? Was I starting to go under?

“Taking deep breathes…. Feeling so good… and so relaxed.... Can you feel it?” Denise’s voice sounded strange also. It seemed to be softer, as if it had travelled a great distance before reaching me. Her voice sounded slow and thick like mine.


Did I just say that? Or did she?

Flash… flash… flash…

After a long pause and a great deal of flashing, Denise continued to drone on with her induction. “It’s becoming so hard to keep your eyes open now… and you are feeling soooo relaxed… and that’s perfectly normal… perfectly safe... Just keep listening to my voice as the earring slowly takes you down into a deep hypnotic trance.”

My eyes blinked slowly… slowly…It was a strain to look upwards at the earring for so long. It would definitely feel better to close my eyes. I hoped she would tell me to do that soon.

Denise’s voice now seemed extremely slow and husky. “You’re doing so good now, Chryseis… so good… just focus and allow the earring to take you deeper… and deeper… and deep… er…”

Flash… flash… flash…

Flash… flash… flash…

A long time seemed to pass. I really wanted to close my eyes, but I struggled to obey. Finally Denise spoke again. “See how it sparkles… you don’t want to look away… as it… takes me deeper… takes me deeper…”

Wait, what did she just say? That wasn’t right at all!

I blinked my eyes rapidly and shook my head from side to side as I snapped myself out of it. When my vision finally cleared, I found myself looking at a very hypnotized Denise! Her eyes were glassy and wide open in a look of awe and surprise, as if the earring had somehow transformed itself into the most fascinating object in the entire universe. Her jaw was slack and her right arm hung limply at her side. Her left arm rigidly held the earring suspended in place directly in front of her field of view. She must have been looking at the earring herself, instead of looking at me. Her hypnotic induction had backfired!

Denise continued to drone on in a soft and slightly slurred voice. She didn’t even seem to be aware of the words that were escaping her lips. “Feeling… so sleepy now… so sleepy… as the earring… takes me… deeper…”

While it didn’t entirely work on me, I was now convinced that hypnosis was real and that Denise was slipping deeper into a trance right before my eyes. I remembered her saying something about subjects becoming easier to hypnotize after multiple sessions. 

Apparently Denise gets herself hypnotized quite a bit! 

Mischievous thoughts raced through my head and I decided to have a little fun of my own.  Time for me to take over the induction! “Deeper and deeper now, Denise… falling deeper for me as your eyes begin to close... as you listen to my voice… as you obey… feeling so sleepy…”

“…so… sleepy…”

Ohmygod! It was working! I tried not to giggle or squeal and accidentally snap her out of it. Her eyelids fluttered slowly as she struggled to keep them open and her jaw was so slack that I thought she might start to drool. I decided to see if I could completely put her under. “In just a moment I will count backwards from three to one… and when I say ‘one’ you will close your sleepy eyes and settle into a deep hypnotic trance for me. Feeling so good and so obedient… willing to follow my every command…isn’t that right Denise?”

There was a long pause and I thought maybe I had pushed my luck a little too far. I had no idea what I was doing. I was just trying to work from my memories of bad TV shows and circus acts… but eventually Denise responded….


“Good girl, Denise… such a good girl… listen and obey as I count backwards now from three...”



Denise’s eyes slammed shut the instant that I completed the countdown. Her arm holding the earring dropped limply to her side and the earring slipped from her limp fingers to land on the floor. Somehow she remained standing upright, but otherwise she appeared to be completely asleep! Holy shit! I had to cover my mouth to keep from squealing with delight as Denise stood before me in what appeared to be a deep hypnotic trance. If she was faking it, she was doing an incredible job. She looked so helpless and vulnerable… and irresistible…

I felt like someone had given me the world’s best doll… and it was time to have some fun playing with her!

“Can you hear me, Denise?”


“Are you awake?”


“How do you feel?”

“Ready to obey.”

“Ohmygod… seriously?”


“No, that wasn’t really a question… I mean… never mind... I guess I need to be careful what I say...”


“What do you mean you are ready to obey?”

“I am ready to obey.”

“You mean you’ll do whatever I say?”


“Ok, then… Quack like a duck!”

“Quack… quack… quack…”


“Quack… quack… quack…”

“Okay, okay… stop quacking… sheesh.”

This was so amazing! I decided to see if I could implant a post-hypnotic suggestion of my own, just to see if it would work… but what kind of suggestion should it be? That’s when I remembered her little pink remote with the dead batteries. Oh, yes…

“OK, Denise… I want you to think about the day that we first met. Can you remember how you felt that day?”


She smiled lasciviously in her sleep and her fingertips began to brush slowly against her thighs. She shifted her weight slightly to allow her thighs to rub together.

“Wow, uhm… ok... Would you like me to be able to make you feel that way again at any time, Denise?”

“… yesss…”

She started to breathe a little faster, her splendid breasts rising and falling faster and faster. I tried not to let her heaving chest distract me. It would be so easy to just stare at her rising and falling breasts as she panted… to just let myself slip into a trance right along with her… but then who would wake us up? I shook my head to snap myself out of it and returned my attention back to paying with my doll.

“Good… ok then… Whenever you hear someone say ‘REMOTE ON DENISE’ I want you to experience that feeling… just as you did that day when the remote would first turn on, can you do that?”

Her body seemed to quiver. She sighed and her eyelids fluttered but did not open.

“….uhhhh… yy… yess…”

“Are you feeling it now, Denise?”

“…oooohhh… yesss…”

“Wow, uhm… ok… and when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE UP DENISE’ you will feel that sensation double in intensity every time you hear it, do you understand?”



She was positively vibrating now and I could see sweat beginning to glisten on her skin. Her breath came in ragged gasps and her arms twitched at her side as if she wanted to touch herself but couldn’t. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut and her lips formed a perfect circle as she silently whispered ”Oh… oh… ohhh…”

“Very good, Denise… and when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE DOWN DENISE’ you will feel that sensation decrease by half every time you hear it, do you understand?”

“….ssss…. uhhhhh…. yessss….”


She let out an extremely long sigh of relief and the tension in her body seemed to melt away as she exhaled. Her clothes were now soaked with sweat. I imagined that her panties must be drenched as well. Her nipples seemed to be straining to escape her thin cotton blouse. I really wanted to touch her, but this was not the right time or place. 

Denise was still shivering with arousal, though not as intensely as before. It took me a moment to realize that she must still be in her REMOTE ON DENISE state. 

“Ok… when you hear someone say ‘REMOTE OFF DENISE’ you will instantly feel the arousing sensation disappear and you will feel wonderful and refreshed, do you understand?”



Immediately she became still, her arms limp, her breathing regular, her jaw slack. 

“Denise, I want you to remember these special phrases... Lock them into your mind... Remember how they made you feel... In a few moments I will wake you up, but your body will still respond to these special phrases whenever you hear them… even when you are not in trance. You will be unable to resist. Do you understand?”


I bent down and retrieved my earring from the floor and placed it in Denise’s hand.

“Good... Now Denise I need you to take the earring and hold it up in front of your face.”

With her eyes still closed, Denise mechanically raised her arm, holding the earring at her eye level.

“I will now count up from one to three… When I say ‘three’ you will open your eyes and be wide awake. You will feel wonderful and refreshed, but disappointed that you failed to hypnotize me. You will not remember hypnotizing yourself, and you will forget everything that has happened to you while you were under hypnotized… but your subconscious will remember your special phrases and respond to them whenever you hear them, do you understand?”


It occurred to me that I was supposed to be helping her to get rid of triggers, not giving her new ones. But Denise was SUCH a good doll and I wasn’t ready to stop playing with her just yet!

I turned to the bookshelf and found one called “Correcting Coercive Persuasion”. I pulled it from the shelf, along with a few others that looked like they might describe how to remove hypnotic triggers or to overcome brainwashing… then reshelved all of them in the anthropology section where Denise would never think to look for them..




Denise blinked her eyes rapidly as they regained focus. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and looked at me sadly as she realized that I was not even remotely hypnotized. “Oh, well… it was worth a shot. I guess I’m not much of a hypnotist.”

“I wouldn’t say that... I think your technique would work wonderfully on the right person.”

“Thanks! I’ll get you eventually. I just need to keep practicing.”

“Well, just be careful you don’t accidentally hypnotize yourself.”

“Oh, right… like that could happen. By the way… were you able to find a book that might help me to remove my triggers?”

I shrugged innocently and shook my head. “Sorry, they appear to be all check out right now.”

She was clearly disappointed and it was all I could do to suppress a mischievous grin. Denise looked down at her watch; a look of complete shock and panic spread across her face. “Ohmygosh!!! Is that the time?!?!? I’m late for class!!! I completely lost track of time!! Thank you for trying to help me, but I really have to run!!!”

Denise returned my earring and started to run for the front entrance. As she exited the library, I finally allowed myself to smile. My mind was already dreaming up wonderful, exciting and erotic things to do to her. 

I can’t wait to play with my doll again!

Denise is :iconwondercuria-dd:

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