Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #11 - The High Cost of Curiosity

I woke up to the thunderous sound of someone repeatedly hammering. Each crash of the heavy tool against wood echoed painfully in my head… over… and over… and over… loud enough to make me wish that I could just pass back out again. I cracked open my eyelids, but the room started to whirl around so fast that I began to feel nauseated, so I closed them again, which was only slightly better.
I moaned in pain and realized that I couldn’t open my mouth; a wide strip of packing tape covered my lips from cheek to cheek. I really wanted it off, but I knew that removing it was going to be painful. I tried to bring my hands up towards my face, but quickly realized that I was bound so tightly that I could barely move. Whoever had captured me was extremely good at rope work. I was hogtied, lying face down with my arms pulled straight behind my back with my wrists tied to my ankles. I could feel some sort of elaborate rope harness cinched tightly across my chest and hips to anchor the other strands. I was so disoriented and covered in so much rope that it took me a moment to realize that I was completely naked!

Panic set it and I started to thrash, straining with my legs in a futile effort to escape. That’s when I felt the tug of yet another rope between my legs. This one had a knot tied in it that served no purpose other than to rub between the lips of my exposed pussy as I moved. The more I thrashed, the deeper it seemed to sink into me.  My head was spinning with conflicting sensations of pain, fear, paralysis, vulnerability, rage, desperation and arousal. Struggling was getting me nowhere and the knot was starting to feel a bit too good, so I tried to hold still for a moment to catch my breath and come up with a new plan.

“Getting the picture yet, you stupid cunt? The more you squirm, the tighter the harness is going to get and the deeper that little knot is going to go, so by all means… keep squirming.”

The man’s voice came from my right. I turned my head towards him, tried to open my eyes again and waited for my vision to come into focus. I could see a tall, blurry figure that slowly resolved itself into the body of a muscular and sweaty man wearing a hood over his head.


It was the same creep that had chloroformed me and tied me up the previous night. I freaked out again and couldn’t help but to struggle against my bonds. The harness gripped me tighter and that exquisite knot work its way so deep into me that I finally groaned and had to force myself to hold still again and let the pleasure subside. I was gasping and panting through my nose thanks to the tape gag, meanwhile Matteo just chuckled at me and shook his head.

I could now see that I was still in the underground library chamber, but I wasn’t lying on the floor; Matteo had me up on the surface of the large wooden table. If I rolled myself off of the table I’d have no way to catch myself due to my restraints and would likely hurt myself. I realized that Matteo was holding a large hammer menacingly in his right hand. I screamed into my tape gag, but it sounded like a muffled squeal. My movements caused the rope between my legs to glide across my clit.

“Oh, calm down… I’m not gonna bash in your pretty little head. Well… no more than I already have I should say. I’m just putting some of these wooden shipping crates back together.”

He put the hammer down on the surface of the table and then bent down out of view for a moment, reaching for something on the floor.

“I’m glad you finally woke up. You missed out on all of the fun I had with your tight little body while you were asleep... but now you can watch as I do your girlfriend here.”

I heard him grunt as he lifted something that was apparently heavy. Matteo stood back up into view... cradling a completely limp Amanda Jones in his arms.

With a rough heave, the thug dumped her beside me on the table. Amanda rolled towards me with her limbs flopping like a discarded ragdoll. She finally came to rest facing me, curled into an almost fetal position. Her lovely face seemed relaxed and peaceful, but with a hint of sadness, almost as if she were lost in a melancholy dream. Her chest rose and fell with her shallow breathing. The poor girl was unconscious, but thank goodness she was still alive!

I tried to scream her name, but I couldn’t get anything intelligible to penetrate the gag. Amanda was completely unresponsive.

“Ohhhh, yeah… This one is a sweetie! A decided to take your skanky ass first, so that I could save the best for last. Hahaha..”

Matteo slapped Amanda’s rear as he laughed, but she didn’t move. I growled at him through the gag, infuriated by his insults and the way he treated us like meat. I felt violated. Did he really rape me while i was unconscious? I felt sore and wet, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the rope or from something that had happened while I was out cold. I wanted to kill him. I had to do something to rescue Amanda before this jerk could have his way with her too!

Matteo’s hammer was out of reach so I scanned the surface of the table, looking for some sort of tool or weapon that I might be able to use to get free. I was hoping to find scissors, or a box cutter or a letter opener or anything sharp that I might use to… to… what? What could I possibly do while hogtied? There could be a loaded gun sitting right there in front of me on the table and I’d have absolutely no way of reaching it. I was helpless!

Matteo grabbed Amanda’s shoulder and gently rolled her over onto her back. He looked as if he were some sort of carnivorous beast surveying his next delectable meal.

“Mercy!! Would you look at that delicious little tummy... Hot DAYum!”

Matteo rolled up his mask to just above his nostrils. I could see that his skin was deeply tanned and his chin was scruffy with stubble. There was a dark mole located just below the right corner of his lip. He stuck his long tongue out and slowly leaned down towards Amanda without ever breaking eye contact with me. Amanda couldn’t respond, but he seemed to get some sort of sick thrill out of knowing that I was watching and couldn’t do anything to help my friend. He ran the tip of his tongue in a slow and lascivious circle around her navel. Matteo winked at me as his tongue slid up the shallow crease between her trim abdominal muscles towards her breasts. He paused right below them, savoring the view and inhaling her scent. Amanda’s white shirt was tied off just below her chest. Matteo grasped one of the shirt tails dangling from the knot with his teeth and slowly pulled on it. The shirt loosened and parted as the knot came undone, exposing the valley of bare flesh between Amanda’s soft breasts. The fabric of the shirt rested loosely and precariously over the top of each nipple, barely concealing her modesty… but the slightest movement would expose her.

I caught myself holding my breath in shock and silence as I watched him. The knot gliding between my legs seemed to twitch and became impossible to ignore. I should be terrified, but... oh fuck, why was this so damn sexy?!?!

Matteo stood up and grinned as he pulled down his mask and began to unbuckle his belt.

“Oh, yeah… She’s as tasty as she looks. You want some? Behave yourself and I’ll stick your face in there once I’m done with her. Heh, heh...”

My anger flared, but I held myself still because I was afraid of the moaning sound that I might make if that wicked, fucking knot moved even the slightest bit. I wasn’t going to let that creep know that the situation was really getting to me. My mind was enraged, but my body was flushed with unwelcome arousal. My mind was far... but I didn’t know how much longer that might last.

Matteo reached out for Amanda, slipping his forearms under her armpits and hoisting her torso up from the surface of the table. He dragged her towards him so that her back leaned against his broad chest. Amanda’s head and neck lolled around on her shoulders without resistance as the villain positioned her body to his liking. Her open shirt swished around, offering me glimpses of her exposed breasts. I closed my eyes and looked away, blushing furiously. I don’t know if I was mortified on her behalf, or if I was embarrassed because I really did want to look.

“Don’t look away, bookworm… I’m just getting to the good stuff.”

I could hear the sound of him unbuckling Amanda’s shorts and the rustling of fabric. For a long moment there was a period of complete silence, then I could just make out the soft scratching sound of his rough hands sliding over the surface of Amanda’s smooth nylon stockings. Silence again. I had to do something, but what? Amanda was about to be raped... or worse… and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.

I yelped as the table shifted, not much, but enough to set my knot in motion. Whatever he was doing to Amanda, it was slowly rocking the table. The gentle swaying motion transferred from the table through my body, causing me to rock slowly back and forth. It wasn’t a lot of movement, perhaps not even a full inch from side to side, but it was more than enough to force a groan from me as the knot slipped deeper and deeper into the soft flesh of my pussy.

“Oh, yeah… You like that, librarian whore? Gonna get me a two-for-one, ain’t that right you little slut?”

I gritted my teeth and shook my head, but somehow even that was enough to further tighten the harness. What was he doing to her? What was he doing to me?

I cracked open my eyelids and I could see that Matteo was expertly massaging Amanda Jones’s exposed breasts. His massive hands moved in large circles, pressing her boobs back into her chest, then pulling them from the base, letting them slip through his grasp until his fingertips reached her stiffening nipples. He was seriously working her over... and the vigorous, rhythmic massaging motion was shifting the table and stimulating me as well. I could feel my insides beginning to flutter and contract.

Matteo supported Amanda’s weight in his right hand as his left hand slithered across her torso, gliding over her hips and downwards towards her crotch. Her jean shorts were already unbuckled and unfastened, offering him easy access. Amanda’s lips parted, her closed eyelids seemed to flutter slightly and I swear that I heard her gasp as Matteo’s hands slid into her shorts.

Oh my god… was she awake?!?! How long had she been awake?!?!

That thought was enough to push me over the edge. The lips of my pussy seemed to grasp and squeeze the knot, holding it in just the perfect spot to drive me wild. I was panting furiously into the tape gag. My toes curled as my hips twitched involuntarily in time with the slow rocking of the table. My eyes clenched tightly shut.

I couldn’t stop it… I was losing it… Oh, fuck, I was about to cum!


The loud electronic chirp of a cellphone ringtone shattered the moment. Matteo froze, the table stopped moving. I was right on the brink...


“Fuck! Are you shitting me?!?! Fuck!!” Matteo was obviously angry as he jerked his left hand out of Amanda’s shorts and reached into his pocket for his ringing phone.


All I would have to do is give my ropes a good tug and the orgasm would rocket through me. I wanted it… Ohmygod, I sooooo wanted it… but I knew this might be my only chance to save us. I tried to shake it off as I turned to see Matteo flip open his phone.

“This had better be good.”

Matteo was distracted and I watched Amanda’s right hand slowly and subtly drift towards Matteo’s hammer. It was lying right beside her, almost within her grasp! Her eyes still seemed to be closed from my point of view, but she must have had them cracked open just enough to see the hammer because she was definitely reaching for it. My excitement soared! Get him, Amanda!

Matteo stepped away from the table to continue his conversation, shoving Amanda over onto her side directly on top of the hammer. Still pretending to be unconscious, Amanda allowed herself to flop over like a wet noodle. For the first time Amanda looked directly at me and winked as she quickly grasped the heavy tool, concealing it close to her body so that Matteo wouldn’t be able to see it. He was behind her and out of reach for now, but when he came closer, she could roll over and give him one Hell of a surprise. I smiled through the gag. We were going to make it!

Amanda and I eavesdropped on the conversation to discover more clues as Amanda waited to make her move.

“The bimbo found her way down here, just like you said she would... It’s a good thing you had me stay behind.”

“She’s not hurt... Humiliated maybe, but I didn’t…”

“I know I’m not supposed to kill her... What… do you think I’m stupid?”

“Hey, fuck you! I don’t have to put up with this shit.”

“Yeah, but there’s another one… younger girl, early twenties… What am I supposed to do with her?”

“You ain’t paying me enough to… Whoa, how much?!?! … Yes, ma’am... Anything you say, ma’am.”

“Istanbul? ...Ok, yeah... I can do that… I’ve got more than enough for both of them... I’ll take care of it.”

Matteo flipped the cellphone closed and began to reach for something out of my line of sight. He seemed to be rummaging through a duffle bag. Amanda tightened her grip on the hammer and nodded at me, raising her eyebrows as if to say: “Now?”

I shook my head slightly from side to side. She was facing me with her back to Matteo, so she needed me to tell her when Matteo was close enough for her to turn and attack. If she made her move too soon, he would see her coming and might overpower her. We would have to wait until he was much closer to take advantage of the element of surprise. We were only going to get one shot at this.
Matteo stood up, holding something small in his hands. Oh my God, it was a syringe! He tapped on the needle and I saw a droplet of fluid emerge from the tip and slide down the long sliver of metal. My eyes were wide with panic and Amanda could tell that something was wrong, but with the tape gag I couldn’t warn her about the syringe. She gripped the hammer tightly, preparing to attack. It was too late for a new plan. Our only hope was for Amanda to strike first.

Matteo took another step towards the table… and another… He appeared to be focused on the syringe.

Amanda chewed on her lip, watching me for any kind of a signal. She looked terrified, but determined.

Matteo took another step. I could see the attack unfold in my mind’s eye. He was close enough that Amanda could roll towards him while swinging the hammer in a wide arch. As she came around she would be able to see her target and drive the hammer directly into his skull, hopefully with enough force to knock him out cold. Matteo would never know what hit him. I looked Amanda in the eye and nodded once, and she instantly sprang into action.

Amanda rolled towards Matteo, swinging the hammer in a wide arch, aiming it directly at his head as she turned towards him, screaming to further surprise and disorient the villain…


Matteo easily intercepted and blocked Amanda’s wrist with his right hand, stopping the inbound hammer before it could connect; meanwhile his left hand drove the syringe into Amanda’s slender neck and pressed the plunger.


The hammer dropped from Amanda’s limp wrist. Whatever drug he had injected her with, it worked almost instantly. Amanda was fading fast. Her limbs were already dangling lifelessly as Matteo gently laid her back down on the table.

“Oh, common… I knew you were awake! I could feel your heart racing the whole time I was playing with your sexy tits, babe. I’m surprised you didn’t make a move then! I kept waiting for you to reach for that hammer, but now I’m thinking maybe you liked my finger magic a little too much. Hellz, yeah!”

Amanda tried to fight back, but all she could manage was to slightly roll her head from side to side…
“Ooohhh... I… cannn’t… oooohhhh....”

Amanda’s last reluctant protest escaped her parted lips as a gentle sigh. Her eyelids slid closed as she finally blacked out.

“That’s it, girl... just sleep it off.”

Matteo returned to his dufflebag to prepare another dose. I knew what was coming next, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I panicked and tried to roll off of the desk in desperation, but once i rolled over onto my side I was completely stuck. Squirming did nothing but tighten my harness and drive the knot into me painfully. I could barely breath and I was already feeling light-headed. At this rate Matteo wouldn’t even need the drug to get me to pass out.

“Say goodbye to your sexy girlfriend. You won’t be seeing her again anytime soon. I just pumped her full of enough sedative to keep her out for about six hours. By the time she wakes up, she’ll be in a cargo bay flying over the Atlantic Ocean. The bosslady wants me to tie her up tight, stick her into one of these shipping crates and mail her snoopy ass to Istanbul. Heh, heh!”

Matteo approached the table and set the syringe down beside Amanda. I imagined her suddenly springing to life, grabbing the syringe and sticking it into Matteo to save the day… but Amanda was completely out of it. He gave Amanda’s left breast one last squeeze and then he zipped up her shorts and tied her shirt back together. I could only assume that he was under orders not to molester her any further. Matteo picked up the syringe again and turned towards me. i could tell by the look in his eyes that those orders did not extend to me. I screamed into the gag. There was nothing else that I could do.

“You on the other hand… You and me get to have a little bit more fun.”

I squealed as he stabbed the syringe into my bare ass. He took his time, slowly depressing the plunger with one hand while massaging my butt with the other. I could feel the cold fluid spreading outward from the site of the injection, leaving numbness in its wake. He was running his fingertips between the cheeks of my ass along the length of the rope that held the knot against my pussy. I whimpered as he tormented me, but within a few minutes I could no longer feel what he was doing.

“Gotta say… this was a really fun job. I’ve been working for Ms. Pryor for a very long time. Got a feeling you and me will be seeing each other again real soon... Good night, Ms. Kent..”

I couldn’t stay awake. My muscles relaxed. The drug was dragging me down into a soft, velvety darkness that just seemed to get deeper…and deeper…

...and deeper…

Amanda Jones is the OC of :icontorqual3d: and is used with permission.

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