Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Amazon Arrow's Power Quest | Part 6 - Preparing for Battle

Oh, My! My power has a purpose, but I seem to have forgotten it. Talking to yourself? That’s not good.

This is definitely not the library. I have seen the future, but my recollection of it fades like the memory of a dream. Sucks to be you.

Where are my clothes? I remember that my quest was important, but I know not why. Yeah, that’s my fault. That’s about all I can do from in here.

Please. This isn't funny. I can no longer see into the future, or rather I can, but there is nothing there to see. You’re not missing much. It’s mostly horrible. Who is that? It is as if I am approaching an event horizon. You’re approaching an ass whoopin’.

I can hear you. I can see that “something” is about to occur, and beyond it nothing will ever be the same again. Got that right, sister.

Can anybody here me? Some of the changes that follow will be good, and some of them will not. Ain’t life a bitch.

Am I dead? A game of prophecy is played like chess. Chess only has two players. You're completely outnumbered.

This has to be a dream. Plans are made and options become limited as the field of battle takes shape. I love it when a plan comes together.

Just a terrible, terrible dream. An offensive formation is countered with an appropriate defense. I’m your huckleberry.

I will wake up now, snuggled safely in my bed. Battlefronts converge. Why AM I naked?

No more popcorn before bedtime. Both sides conserve their resources for the conflict that will inevitably arise. Tuning you out now.

I could never imagine such a thing. Traps are deployed. Sacrifices are made. In space, no one can hear your monologue.I'm only a librarian. A pawn dies. A bishop emerges. The one-eyed bishop?I just want to go home.They are the first of many pieces to fall. If we spin it the other way do you think time will move backwards?I don't know what you're talking about. Ultimately… a crisis point is reached. I think I can see my house from here. Who are you people? There are no more “safe” moves. There are gonna be moves that you’ll never see coming, psychobitch! Please. Let me go! Retreat is not possible. You’re going down if I have to go down with you. I don't understand any of this! The only option that remains is war. Bring it.

How are you feeling today, Curia?

Would you like me to tell you how you are feeling today?


You are feeling simply wonderful.

Yesss… ssssimply… wonderful…

Today is a very SPECIAL day…. You’re a VERY lucky girl.

Lucky… girl…?

Oh,yes, Wonder Woman. Today is the day I’m letting you go!

But… but... I…

Yes, dear?

I don’t… don’t want… to go…

Oh, I know sweetie... I know… but don’t worry... Someday soon I’ll use my magic beacon to call for you, and you’ll come running right back to me... Does that sound nice?

Ohhhh… yessss…

How would that make you feel, Wonder Woman… to come back here to me?

Soooo... sssspecial…

That’s right, Curia… You WOULD feel very special. When I call for you, no matter where you are or what you are doing, you will follow my magic beacon all the way back home to me.

Home… Yesss…

And you will feel VERY special… Just as special as you feel right now.

Lucky… girl…

But until then... you won't remember where you've been all this time... You won't remember anything that has happened to you since you were attacked by the Amazon Arrow...


Oh, is that her name? Why thank you dear. I'm sure that information will be very helpful. Now... your friends will ask you what happened to you, but you won't remember. That nasty Soul Arrow must have knocked you out, and that's the last thing you'll remember... no one needs to know where you've been... It will be our little secret.


Very good, Wonder Woman. That’s very good. You’ll be my lucky girl. And together… we shall do WONDROUS things! Hahahahahaha!!!

Curia is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:

Here's how she ended up this way:

I tell them about the Light Rings, the Lord of Lycans, the Elf Witch, the Red Behemoth… everything that I witnessed as a result of my powers in concert with getting stabbed with one of Chryseis’s Soul Arrows, but I’m not convinced that any of them listen… ‘cept maybe the blonde they call Aella. She’s apparently the new Amazon Arrow and I could tell she was paying attention. This whole mess might have gone down another way if I could have approached her one-on-one, but she’s clearly not in charge of this little party. She’s had me in her sights from the moment I parked in the alley just outside the Amazon Embassy. The tip of that silver arrow has been pointing at my throat ever since. A chill runs up my spine every time her metal heels squeal against Betty’s trunk lid. I understand her need for caution, but it would be nice if she’d get off of my car.

The ring leader is obviously the big gal they call Melousa, a.k.a. the Amazon Lance. She doesn’t say much, but she’s a smart one… and she is all kinds of scary. If I can make her listen I’m pretty sure her troops will back her play. I give the giantess my full attention and try to ignore the others, but it’s kind of hard to ignore the glowing sword at my throat. These ladies don’t know me from Adam, and they clearly aren’t taking any chances.

The little one with the katana is Lykopis, the Amazon Blade. She’s feisty and talks tough, but she still just barks at the end of Melousa’s leash. The armored one, they call her the Amazon Fist. She doesn’t say a word and she rarely moves. She’s like an ominous statue, a very creepy statue that I clearly don’t want to tangle with if I can avoid it.

I can tell from Melousa’s expression that this isn’t going to end well. She is committed to a plan already, and it doesn’t include anything that I have to say.

“You may go, Detective Reed.” The giantess says as she turns her back on me.

Not just yet lady... I’ll need to take a bit of intel with me before I walk: “I’m telling you, Chryseis is not your biggest problem. She’s being manipulated as part of a much larger play against your people. None of this is her fault. Taking it out on her now won’t solve the problem. Let me help you take this fight to the source. Together we…”

“There is no ‘we’.” Melousa says as she turns and glares down at me. I thought her stone-cold poker face was scary, seeing her becoming irritated is much worse: “Chryseis is our immediate problem, Detective Reed, and her fate need not concern you.”

That doesn’t sound good: “Her fate? Seems an awful lot of people want to write off your friend these days. Is that what you ladies intend to do? Put her in the ground?”

“No one wants to help Chryseis more than we do, Mr. Reed!” That’s Aella finally speaking up. The others turn and glare daggers at her; clearly Aella isn’t speaking for the entire group.

Melousa sighs: “This is an Amazon affair. Your interference here is undesirable.”

I turn to Aella. Maybe she can carry on the good fight after I’m gone: “Not here to cause trouble. Just wanted to pass along what I’ve learned, that’s all. Thought you might want to have a better understanding of what it is you’re dealing with.”

Melousa just shakes her head and waves me off: “We appreciate your desire to bring your… visions… to our attention, but what you experienced is a momentary connection with the mind of a mad woman. Forgive us if we do not abandon our strategies in favor of a wild goose chase.”

That’s it then. I can tell she believes me, but she’s not going to do anything about it. I need to get in touch with someone willing to work a little outside the box: “Actually, I didn’t expect to run into the four of you at all. I came here looking for White Owl. I heard that she was in town.”

“The White Owl was no longer needed. She has been dismissed, as are you Detective Reed.”

Not the result I was looking for, but this hasn’t been a complete waste of time. I’m now fairly certain that they intended to kill Chryeis and, despite all that she’s done, that won’t go over well with most of the capes.

Next stop… Queen City.

Detective Peyton Reed is the OC of :iconvhamelin:

Aella! What are you doing up on the roof? I’ve been looking all over for you!

I’m sorry, Lykopis. I’ve been... thinking...

About what? Hey, be careful with that thing! The Black Arrow is a Godslayer. Prick your finger and you’ll be wiped from existence.

You think I don’t know that? I just… I can’t believe this is the only way.

Believe it, babe. Your ex-girlfriend has gone WAY off the reservation. I know this is hard for you to accept, but the Chryseis that we know is gone.

I’m not sure I believe that.

That’s why the First Ones gave the Black Arrow to you instead of to someone like me. They need your heart and your wisdom behind the bow. Once you see what Chryseis has become, you’ll know exactly what you need to do… and you’ll do it.

You make it sound so easy. I’m an artist, Lykopis, a sculptor. I may be a good archer, but I’m not a warrior like you. I’ve never killed anyone… and now they want me to… to kill… her… of all people.

You’re an Amazon… and now you’re The Amazon Arrow! The First Ones have given you this mission! It is not our place to question it… unless you intend to break from the tribes like Pyrrah. Don’t tell me we need to find a FOURTH Amazon Arrow.

Don’t be ridiculous! It’s just that… Chryseis is…

Aella, I know you still love her… You’ve always loved her…

Let’s not fight, Lykopis. I am betrothed to you and…

I know you’re betrothed to me. You’ve been betrothed to me for three hundred and seventy-two years. This has literally been the longest engagement in all of recorded history and we both know that Chryseis is the reason we haven’t actually gotten married yet. Look… my point is… your love for her is the reason you can AND WILL do this.

How… how do you mean?

Think about it, Aella. She needs you. Chryseis wouldn’t want to live like this! She’s become a danger to herself and to others. You heard what she did to The Sentinels… and now she’s on her way here. If she was in control, that would be one thing… but she’s gone mad. She’s psychotic and she wields the might of the Gods themselves. Only the Gods can save what’s left of her soul now… and that Black Arrow will send her straight to them.

You mean “kill her”. Let’s call it what it is.

Fine. Then you’ll kill her, slay her, end her. And when it’s done the world will be safe… and Chryseis will finally be at peace.

Chryseis hasn’t killed anyone yet…

She will. She’s not in control. And when she does… if we could have prevented it… will you be able to live with that?

I don’t… I just don’t know…

You will know… when the time is right. Look, please come inside… come to bed. Let me help you to forget about tomorrow, if only for a little awhile, so that maybe you can finally get some rest; the battle will be here soon enough.

I know exactly what you like before a battle, Lykopis, and it isn’t “rest”… You’re insatiable… and somewhat irresistible…

You forgot “adorable”… when I want to be... and “relentless”.

Ha! That you are… Your clever tongue is as sharp as your swords, my dear Amazon Blade.

Come back inside, my Amazon Arrow. Let us celebrate life on the eve of battle… and I will show you exactly what my clever tongue can do.


  1. I still want to see how this affects Curia later. I love a bit of sexy mind control!

    1. I still have a story in mind for that. I'll get there eventually. :)
