Monday, December 28, 2015

Amazon Arrow's Ultra Woman Encounter

I don't know how Dr. Tronix managed to snag Ultra Woman with one of his Slave Relays, but if I don't find a way to disable it quickly I'm a dead woman.

Not all Amazons have special abilities. I'm good with a bow and I've been training in the arts of war for thousands of years. I can hold my own in a fight. But there are those among us with divine blessings that wield powers beyond comprehension... Ultra Woman is one of them. She and I are in completely different leagues. Just look at her! She's nearly a Goddess! Enhanced strength, near invulnerability, blinding speed and.. oh, yes... she can fly.
And now, thanks to Dr. Tronix, she'll stop at nothing to kill me.

I've already called my new friends for backup, but this engagement will be over before anyone else arrives... Only one Amazon will remain standing.
I pray my aim is true.


Ultra Woman races towards me sounding like nothing less than an approaching hurricane. I draw, spin, charge the arrow and let it fly... aiming for the Slave Relay attached to the center of her chest.

A fully-charged Soul Arrow emits an explosive blast upon impact, but the more I charge an Arrow the weaker I become; I could easily leave myself vulnerable if I over do it. I must conserve my energy and make every shot count.

This arrow isn't maxed out, but it should still have enough power to hit her like a small handgrenade. I just hope it's enough.


The Soul Arrow flies directly towards the Slave Relay, but Ultra Woman effortlessly intercepts it in midflight using her bracers!

Few armor pieces can withstand a Soul Arrow once fired, but an Amazon's bracers are virtually indestructible. Combine the bracers with Ultra Woman's speed and reflexes and you can see that I never really stood a chance of getting the Soul Arrow through to the Slave Relay... but then, the relay was never my intended target.

The charged Soul Arrow shatters against her bracers with an intense flash combined with a thunderous concussive burst that leaves the unstoppable Amazon momentarily blinded and disoriented... exactly as I had hoped.

I've created a brief opening, but my next move is critical...


I can't possibly stop a high-speed attack from Ultra Woman... but I can slightly alter her trajectory.
With a little luck I might be able to use her power and velocity against her.

This had better work...


Ultra Woman's speed slams her into the pavement like a comet! Dust and debris fly everywhere as she skids and bounces down the sidewalk before she finally collides into a pile of brick and rubble and lies still. I momentarily cringe at the sight of what I have done to my Sister Amazon, but I had no choice. I'm certain that she will understand once her mind has been restored.

While the impact looked spectacular I know she is merely stunned at best. I've got to take out that Slave Relay while i have the chance!


As Ultra Woman slides to a stop I charge another Soul Arrow and take aim at the Slave Relay.
Time to end this.


It only takes a moment for me to find my target and release the Soul Arrow. I give this one a powerful charge, granting it enough of my lifeforce to leave me a little weak in the knees. I can't take any chances; the Slave Relay could be armored and this might be the only opportunity that I get to take out.

With the Soul Arrow now in flight, there's nothing more that I can do other than wait for the explosion... and for the dust to clear.


 Uh, oh.


She's just too fast!

Ultra Woman's counterattack is in progress before I have time to process that she caught the Soul Arrow, an amazing feat that I didn't even think was possible. With her strength and speed she doesn't need a Soul Bow to send the highly-charged arrow back at me.

I twist away from the incoming attack, but I have no way to avoid the concussive blast or the shower of debris that erupts from beneath me.

I am weightless as my body becomes airborne.

The world spins.

I can taste blood.

All I feel is pain... I savor it knowing that very soon I may feel nothing at all.


 She doesn't even let me hit the ground.

Ultra Woman covers the distance between us in a flash and snatches me out of the air by the throat. I realize a moment later that she has taken my Soul Bow as well.

My ears are ringing... head is spinning... I'm out of time...

I consider myself fortunate to have survived for this long. After living for thousands of years and fighting in countless wars, I feel no shame in losing my life to this astonishingly powerful woman.
Her fingers close around my neck like a steel vise; she cuts off my air... and then continues to squeeze even harder.

I wonder... will I hear the sound of my neck snapping before I die? Or will everything go black and silent in an instant?


The pain was slipping away... Everything was slipping away... I was blacking out...

And then, for just the slightest moment, Ultra Woman's grip relaxed and I was able to draw a precious breath! Consciousness returned to me as I heard Ultra Woman speak for the first time since falling prey to Dr. Tronix's Slave Relay.

"Nnn.....nnnnoooo.... mmm... mmuusssstt..... resissssst..."

She was fighting it! I could feel her arms trembling as she tried to overcome the controlling influence of the Slave Relay. The hand at my throat twitched, but she still held me aloft. The Slave Relay glowed fiercely, becoming brighter and brighter in response to her struggles... and eventually her eyes began to glow brighter as well.


The vice grip on my throat returned as Ultra Woman once again succumbed to the Slave Relay... but her efforts gave me enough time and strength for one final move.

I had to make it count.


My bow and arrows are physical manifestations of my lifeforce, generated by the Goddess-forged "Light Rings" I wear on each hand. The left ring manifests the bow; the right ring manifests the arrows. For as long as I wear the rings, I am never disarmed.

Ultra Woman may have taken my bow, but I do not need it to generate more arrows... and arrows can still be used effectively at point-blank range.

Soul Arrows do not create physical wounds when they strike a living target; they penetrate the soul and inflict damage mystically. My arrows are non-lethal weapons that cause unimaginable pain and a neurological shock that almost always renders the victim immediately unconscious. I am used to seeing my targets collapse upon being struck, dropping like puppets with their strings cut. Ultra Woman somehow remains standing for a few moments after she has been stabbed, though she appears to be effectively out on her feet.

Now is my chance to take out the Slave Relay.

I manifest a second Soul Arrow and swiftly drive it through the central lens of the Slave Relay... and directly into Ultra Woman's heart.

The device explodes with a horrific roar and the unearthly glow fades from Ultra Woman's eyes. I hope this heralds her return to normal, but a second Soul Arrow ensures that she will remain incapacitated until reinforcements arrive.


The Soul Arrows will soon dissipate and leave no wounds behind. Normally my arrows will render a target unconscious for about an hour; with Ultra Woman’s stamina I am certain that she will fully recover within a few minutes. Dr. Tronix will have to wait just a little bit longer, but soon he will have two very angry Amazons on his trail.

Cradling the world’s most powerful woman in your arms is a humbling experience. 

Ultimately I can claim little credit for the victory. Ultra Woman fought from within to ensure that I would triumph. Without her help… I would very likely be dead.

I am proud of my performance against such a mighty adversary, but I have no doubt that the outcome of the battle would be much different if we were to ever fight again.

Let us hope we never find out.

Ultra Woman is the incomparable OC of the extremely talented :iconladytania: and is used with her permission.

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