Monday, December 21, 2015

Amazon Timeline


15000 BC

The First Rise of Civilization begins along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

14000 BC – 13500 BC

The human population increases across the globe. Humans consume natural resources at an alarming rate, making it difficult for indigenous animals and mystical beasts to survive. The beasts organize into armies and attempt to destroy the human race in an event known as “The Beast Uprising”. Humans create the first biological weapons by interbreeding human females with animals and magical beasts to create hybrid creatures of immense power. Humans succeed in creating the Lycans, a species of aggressive shapeshifters capable of infiltrating the ranks of the beasts. The Lycans serve mankind and keep the monsters at bay under the leadership of the Lord of Lycans.

13500 BC

Breeding experiments continue, resulting in the creation of The Oracles, a species of hybrid females possessing a long lifespan and the ability to see far into the future. The Oracles provide the human race with a critical tactical advantage that allows the human armies to conquer the animals and to wipe out many of the most powerful magical creatures. The Oracles’ strategies frequently call for the sacrifice of many Lycan soldiers, thus inspiring the wrath of the Lord of Lycans.

13450 BC

The Source of mystic energy is deliberately destroyed in an event known as “The Cataclysm”. Entire species of magical beasts fade from existence, leaving no traces behind. The First Civilization falls. Human population centers disintegrate and the surviving members of the human race are scattered into isolated nomadic tribes. The Oracles accuse the Lord of Lycans of initiating The Cataclysm, while the Lord of Lycans blames The Oracles.

13400 BC

The Lycans hide their true nature from the human race and live among the surviving humans in secret. The Oracles establish a new home on a mystical chain of islands in the Mediterranean Sea that is only accessible via a magical gateway. The Oracles call themselves “The First Ones” and name their new home “The Amazon Isles”. For unknown reasons, the mystical energy surrounding the Amazon Isles is not affected by The Cataclysm and the inhabitants of the Amazon Isles do not age or suffer from disease. The First Ones send emissaries across the globe to gather the human females that they determine to be the most worthy of becoming Amazon citizens. Among the chosen is Pyrrah, a medicine woman from a nomadic tribe on the continent presently known as North America.

10000 BC

The Second Rise of Civilization begins as independent cultures emerge in Göbekli Tepe, Yangtze, China, Peru and Mesoamerica. Mankind flourishes.

3500 BC

Recorded history begins in Sumeria and Egypt.

1202 BC

Astynome is born on an island in the Mediterranean Sea called Chryse. Astynome’s father is a Priest of Apollo named Chryses. Astynome is also called “Chryseis”, which means "Daughter of Chryses".

1194 BC

The Trojan War begins.

1185 BC

During the ninth year of the Trojan War, Astynome is captured by Achilles, leader of the Greek army, during a battle at Chryse. Astynome is given to the Greek King Agamemnon as a trophy of war. King Agamemnon is smitten by Astynome’s beauty and forsakes his own wife, Queen Clytemnestra. Astymone’s father Chryses collects a large ransom and presents it to King Agamemnon and begs for his daughter’s return, but Agamemnon refuses and sends Chryses away. Chryses turns to prayer, calling upon Apollo to help him get his daughter back. For nine days Apollo visits a plague upon the Greek soldiers and kills them by the thousands. On the tenth day of the plague, King Agamemnon relents to preserve his army and returns Astynome to her father. Astynome realizes that she is pregnant. Many believe that King Agamemnon is the father of the child, but Astynome claims that she was untouched by King Agamemnon. Astynome swears that she was visited by Apollo himself during her captivity and claims that Apollo seduced her and fathered her child.

1184 BC

Astynome’s son is born. She names the child “Chryses” in honor of her father. Within days of Chryses’s birth, the child is abducted by Pyrrah. Astynome relentlessly tracks Pyrrah across the globe in an effort to recover her son. Astynome begins to record the details of her 10 year pursuit of Pyrrah in a diary.

1174 BC

Astynome discovers that Pyrrah has taken Chryses onboard a sailing vessel bound from Cyprus to Cairo. Astynome hires a pirate captain from Cyprus to take her across the Mediterranean Sea so that she can continue her pursuit. The pirate ship encounters a severe storm in the middle of the sea that capsizes and destroys the vessel. Astynome is the sole survivor of the shipwreck. She is severely injured and lashes herself to a large piece of floating wreckage before losing consciousness. Astynome’s diary is lost along with all of Astynome’s possessions. Pyrrah’s ship survives by circumventing the stormfront. Pyrrah’s vessel circles back to continue along its original course and encounters the remains of Astynome’s destroyed pirate ship. Astynome is found comatose and drifting among the wreckage. Pyrrah brings Astynome onboard and steers her ship towards the mystical anomaly in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea that serves as the gateway to the Amazon Isles. Astynome awakens on the Amazon Isles with complete amnesia. Pyrrah tends to Astynome’s injuries and the two women quickly become friends. Pyrrah takes credit for rescuing Astynome and Chryses from the shipwreck, but Pyrrah does not mention that she abducted Chryses in the first place, nor does she mention the reason for the abduction, nor does she mention that Astynome has been chasing Pyrrah for over a decade. Astynome and her son Chryses move into Pyrrah’s domicile on the Amazon Isles where they live together in peace. Astynome and Chryses do not age, nor does any living creature that inhabits the Amazon Isles.

1164 BC

At 20 years of age, Chryses discovers that he possesses the ability to fly. He leaves the Amazon Isles in search of his father Apollo.

1055 BC

Astynome declares her love for Pyrrah and the two women are eternally bound to each other in a ceremony performed by Dionysus, the god of wine, harvest, fertility and madness.

850 BC

Pyrrah encounters a human scholar known as Homer and tells him many stories about the Trojan War and its aftermath. Pyrrah embellishes the tales significantly for her own amusement. Homer rewrites Pyrrah’s stories and publishes them in two volumes titled The Iliad and The Odyssey.

740 BC

Lycanthropic warriors under the command of the Lord of Lycans align with the Messenias against Sparta, sparking the First Messenian War. The Amazons align with Sparta to counter the threat of the Lycans. Pyrrah volunteers to captain the Amazon forces under the command of General Melousa. In Pyrrah’s absence, Astynome trains to become a War Archer.

710 BC

The Lord of Lycans provokes a conflict between the Chalcis and Eretria resulting in the Lelantine War. Astynome enlists with the Amazon forces aligned with Chalcis. Astynome proves to be one of the most effective combat archers in Amazon history.

490 BC

At The Battle of Marathon during the Greco-Persian Wars, Astynome is struck down by the Lord of Lycans. She receives a severe head injury and lapses into a coma. Pyrrah rescues Astynome from the battlefield and takes her back to the Amazon Isles to recover. Astynome eventually awakens, but with all of her memories restored, including her memories of events that occurred prior to her arrival on the Amazon Isles. Astynome is initially angry at Pyrrah for her lies and deception, but Astynome soon forgives Pyrrah due to the strength of their 684 year long relationship and the love that they share. To honor the family and homeland that she had forgotten for many centuries, Astynome decides that she prefers to be called “Chryseis”.

625 BC - 630 BC

As Amazon casualties throughout history continue to mount, the Amazon population splits into two tribes. The militant tribe under the rule of The First Ones favors military interference in Man’s World to combat the growing threat of the Lycans, while the isolationist tribe prefers to leave the human race to fend for itself. An ancient sorceress known as The Elf Witch disguises herself as an Amazon isolationist and leads the isolationist tribe in an attack against The First Ones and their militant followers, resulting in an Amazon Civil War. The conflict escalates and both tribes suffer massive casualties. The civil war is brought to an end when the Elf Witch’s true allegiance to the Lord of Lycans is discovered by militant forces lead by Pyrrah and Chryseis. To seal the peace between the tribes, the militant warrior Lykopis is betrothed to the isolationist Aella.

630 BC – 1099 AD

The Lord of Lycans continues to manipulate the leaders of Man’s World, instigating war after war for centuries. The Amazons align themselves in opposition to the lycanthropic forces and their human allies. Many Amazons lose their lives over the course of the passing centuries and the population of the Amazon Isles dwindles from one million at its height to less than one thousand total survivors. The Lycan forces also suffer severe casualties, but Lycans are easily replaced from human stock.

1099 AD – 1914 AD

At the end of the First Crusade, Amazon artisans and merchants in the city of Jerusalem are wiped out by Crusaders under the command of Pope Urban II. There is no indication of Lycan involvement, thus the Amazons no longer feel obligated to interfere in Man’s World. Rather than retaliate against the Crusaders, The First Ones recall all of the remaining Amazon citizens to the Amazon Isles and withdraw all military support from the affairs of Man’s World. An Amazon assassin named Nephele becomes “The Will of the First Ones” and remains at large to conduct covert missions in Man’s World on behalf of the First Ones. Most other Amazons remain in peaceful isolation on the Amazon Isles until the dawn of World War I.


Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife are killed by a Lycan assassin posing as a Serbian nationalist, resulting in Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. The First Ones receive a vision of the future predicting that the conflict will inevitably result in two catastrophic wars that will engulf the entire world. Militant and isolationist debates resume among the Amazons, with the majority of the population preferring to remain hidden in peaceful isolation. General Melousa organizes a volunteer military training academy initially attended by less than a dozen Amazon warriors.


As World War I unfolds and casualties mount around the world, the Amazons grow increasingly concerned that Mankind will discover the mystical gateway that leads to the Amazon Isles. More and more Amazons join Melousa’s training academy to hone their battle skills.

World War I ends. Despite the onset of apparent peace in Man’s World, General Melousa’s training academy attendance reaches 760 warriors, over three quarters of the Amazon population.


Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazon Isle of Themyscira, fashions a statue of clay in the form of an infant female as directed by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. The statue is brought to life and imbued with the grace of the gods and is named Diana. 


World War II begins. The First Ones receive a vision of the future that predicts Mankind’s inevitable invention and use of the atomic bomb. The Amazon warriors demand to enter the war, but the First Ones predict that a full scale Amazon invasion of Man’s World will result in the total destruction of the Amazon Isles and the extinction of the Amazon culture. The First Ones assemble The Council of Queens to discuss possible diplomatic options.


US Army Air Corp Intelligence Officer Steve Trevor's fighter plane inadvertently enters a mystical anomaly that leads to the Amazon Isles. He subsequently crash lands on the Isle of Themyscira where he meets and falls in love with Princess Diana, daughter of Queen Hippolyte. The First Ones authorize Hippolyte to conduct a competition to determine who is the “most worthy” of the Amazons. Diana wins the contest and is charged with returning Steve Trevor to Man’s World and to serve as the Amazon’s ambassador. Diana becomes an instant celebrity throughout Man’s World and the paparazzo gives her the name “Wonder Woman”.



Diana single-handedly turns the tide of many battles against the Axis powers, proving to be both a powerful warrior and an inspiration to women all over the world. Her success encourages The First Ones to conduct a series of additional tournaments designed to enlist more Amazon Champions to serve as ambassadors to Man’s World. As the Amazon’s most skilled war archer, Chryseis is heavily favored to win the Archery Tournament. Chryseis’s bow seems to malfunction in the middle of the contest and she is defeated by Pyrrah. Many suspect that Chryseis’s bow was sabotaged, but no proof of foul play is ever discovered. Pyrrah is declared the Archery Tournament Champion and becomes the first “Amazon Arrow”.


A brilliant scientist known as Dr. Tronix begins to manufacture biological monsters and advanced robotic machines on behalf of the Axis powers. Dr. Tronix’s creations are designed to keep the Amazon Champions occupied to minimize their interference on the frontlines. With Pyrrah (Chryseis’s betrothed) and Lykopis (Aella’s betrothed) away from the Amazon Isles, Aella attempts to court Chryseis. Confined to the Amazon Isles and devastated by her tournament defeat, Chryseis struggles to resist Aella’s romantic advances.


Dozens of Amazons enter the war on the side of the Allies. Amazon actions on the battlefield and in covert operations and as military advisors help to turn the tide of the war. Pyrrah proves to be an especially valuable asset to the Allies due to her cunning as a military strategist combined with her willingness to sacrifice combat troops to achieve victory at any cost. Her tactics result in Allied victories at the Battle of the Bulge and at the D-Day Normandy landings. Wartime propaganda in the United States portrays Pyrrah as a symbol of love, peace and delicate femininity while ignore her role as a ruthless tactician. A USO poster featuring Pyrrah in a bathing suit becomes an international bestseller.


World War II ends with the foretold deployment of atomic weapons.


Chinese, Soviet and North Korean forces under the command of the Lord of Lycans invades South Korea, instigating the Korean War.


Pyrrah addresses the US Congress in a secret session to discuss the inequitable treatment of women under US labor and divorce laws. Her civil rights proposals are rejected by the all-male congressional representatives. Pyrrah calls for The First Ones to publicly condemn existing US civil rights legislation, but The First Ones decide not to intervene. 


Pyrrah secretly co-authors a book with activist Betty Friedan titled The Feminine Mystique, sparking the Women’s Liberation Movement and inspiring the formation of the National Organization for Women. Pyrrah continues to support the movement in secret against the wishes of The First Ones.


As the Women’s Liberation Movement increases in popularity and influence, the Lord of Lycans founds the Brotherhood of Purity, a secret organization dedicated to “restoring the natural order by putting women back in their proper place”.


A sniper in high-tech black armor and his female companion attempt to assassinate Pyrrah at a rally celebrating the passage of the Civil Rights Act. The assassins claim that Pyrrah will become an unstoppable threat in the future and that she must be destroyed while she is vulnerable. The assassination attempt is foiled by the sudden arrival of three mysterious and unidentified superheroines. The heroines are killed along with the assassins when one of them detonates a powerful explosive device. Pyrrah survives, but is gravely injured. During the melee, The Lord of Lycans secretly obtains technical scans of the sniper’s high-tech armor and commissions Dr. Tronix to replicate the suit. The replicas are donated to the Brotherhood of Purity.


Pyrrah recovers and returns to fighting crime along with a new female sidekick named “Dartgirl”. Amazon Arrow and Dartgirl’s popularity soars and spawns a merchandising empire that is secretly owned by Pyrrah via a series of dummy corporations. The heroines’ likenesses appear in comic books, coloring books, lunchboxes, a series of paperback novels, Halloween costumes, collectible dolls, fragrances and a line of clothing for young girls. Pyrrah’s savvy investments generate billions worldwide.


Pyrrah uses the vast fortune from her licensing deals to finance the creation of a network of libraries. She hires treasure hunters, archeologists, historians and librarians to track down every manuscript, scroll, book and map ever created that mentions the history of the Amazons and the Amazon Isles.


“The New Adventures of Amazon Arrow & Dartgirl” starring Caroline Munro as Pyrrah and Jaclyn Smith as Dartgirl becomes the most popular Saturday morning television program in history.


During a live primetime television broadcast, Dartgirl is sexually molested and killed by a biomechanical monster created by Dr. Tronix. Following the death of her sidekick, Pyrrah withdraws from the public eye. “The New Adventures of Amazon Arrow & Dartgirl” is cancelled in the wake of the tragedy. 


The First Ones are collectively abducted by a powerful teleportation spell cast by the Elf Witch. The First Ones are held captive by the Lord of Lycans.


The Lord of Lycans forms an alliance with the last Elder Dragon, a powerful wyrm that lives in the heart of an ancient volcano on the Amazon Isles. The Lord of Lycans and the Elder Dragon conspire to close the mystical gateway that leads to the Amazon Isles and to assemble an army of Lycan and Dragon forces to destroy the Amazons.


After years of secret preparation, the Lycan and Dragon armies emerge from their volcanic base and invade the Amazon Isles. The Amazons are taken by surprise and many are slaughtered in the first wave of the attack. The Elder Dragon closes the mystical gateway to prevent the Amazon Champions in Man’s World from returning to the Amazon Isles. Under the leadership of Queen Hippolyte and Chryseis, the remaining Amazons survive and strike back.


As war continues to rage throughout the Amazon Isles, an infant female child is placed in a boat by her mother and cast out to sea in an effort to save the child from an imminent Lycan attack. The child survives by slipping through a remnant of the mystical gateway and washes up on the shores of a poor Brazilian fishing village months later.  The child is adopted and raised by the people of the village.


Chryseis and Aella hunt down the Elder Dragon and threaten to kill him if he does not re-open the mystical gateway. The Elder Dragon complies, but only if he is allowed to live. The desperate Amazons agree, the gateway is restored and the Elder Dragon flies away. With the gateway opened, Pyrrah, Wonder Woman and the other Amazon Champions return to the Amazon Isles and turn the tide of the war.


The Amazon forces destroy the last Lycan stronghold on the Amazon Isles and liberate the The First Ones from their imprisonment. The Lord of Lycans retreats to Man’s World and is pursued by Pyrrah. An era of reconstruction throughout the Amazon Isles begins.


After years of searching, the lost Amazon raised in Brazil finds her way home to the Amazon Isles in search of her true heritage. She is adopted by Queen Hippolyte, who names the lost girl “Curia”.


Athena Nikos ("White Owl") rescues Diana from an attempted abduction. Athena is rewarded with a proclamation from The First Ones declaring her to be an honorary Amazon.


Diana of Themyscira is slain in combat. A new Tournament is held and Curia becomes the new Wonder Woman.

The First Ones assemble The Council of Queens to discuss withdrawing the Amazon Champions from Man’s World entirely. Pyrrah infiltrates the Council Hall and reveals that she has become a Lycan; Pyrrah claims to have been sired by The Lord of Lycans himself. Pyrrah believes that The First Ones are manipulating world affairs for their own sinister purposes and that the Amazons have been ensorcelled by The First Ones to guarantee their ongoing loyalty and compliance. Pyrrah fires one of two existing “Black Arrows” at Thraso, the leader of The First Ones, and disintegrates her. Pyrrah flees the Amazon Isles and for months she is pursued by Chryseis and Aella. Pyrrah evades capture and does not kill Chryseis or Aella, despite having many opportunities to do so. As a result of the assassination, the remaining First Ones and The Council of Queens unanimously vote to continue sending Amazon Champions to Man’s World to combat the ongoing threat of the Lycans.

January 2014

A new Archery Tournament is held to formally replace Pyrrah. Chryseis wins and becomes the second “Amazon Arrow”.


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