Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #12 - Bound Bookworm

I woke up in a drugged stupor to find myself surrounded by library patrons who were taking cell phone pictures and videos of me while horny college students molested my naked, bound and unconscious body.  

How did I get here? What was going on? Where was Amanda Jones?

Matteo must have brought me up from the underground library and just left me here for the world to see. I screamed at the gathered crowd to untie me, but my cries were unintelligible due to the tape gag still covering my mouth.

“What was that, bookworm? I couldn’t quite make out what you just said?”

I recognized the smarmy voice of that little punk Richard Masters. God only knows what he might have done to me while I was out cold. The morning light streamed in through the windows; the library was obviously open for business. How long had I been lying here?

“Did you just say ‘Please stick it in my ass, Dick?’ … because I’m pretty sure that’s what I heard.”

Everyone laughed and pointed. I felt absolutely humiliated. How could they do this to me? Why wasn’t anyone trying to help me? Were they all a bunch of animals? I blushed feverishly from head to toe. I wanted to curl up into a ball, but I couldn’t even slightly conceal myself while hogtied.

“She’s awake now… I… I think… we should untie her…”

I could tell that was the voice of Megan Wyatt. I looked up at the gorgeous blond athlete, nodding and pleading with my eyes. She’s such a lovely young woman. Under different circumstances I might not have minded if Megan had me all tied up and helpless, but definitely not here and not now.

“Oh, look who’s chickening out now that her secret crush is wide awake!”

That was Angela Stone, head cheerleader for the neighboring college and Megan’s sorority sister. Angela was a bad influence on Megan and nothing but trouble. Secret crush? What was that supposed to mean?

Megan snarled at Angela, her face flushed with rage or embarrassment or both. “This has gone too far… You’ve turned her into a laughing stock! Help me untie her before she gets fired.”

Richard shrugged, “I think that ship has sailed. I already uploaded my cell phone video of our little ‘Bondage Bookworm’ here to the internet. Ms. Kent just went viral! I don’t think she’ll be working here for long… or anywhere else for that matter.”

Richard’s obnoxious face filled my field of view as he crouched down directly in front of me. I wanted to smack the slimy grin off of his face, but I couldn’t move.

“You’re career as a librarian is finished, Ms. Kent… Any last words?”

Richard ripped the sticky tape from my face and it felt like my lips ripped off with it. I screamed and couldn’t help but to cry as tears stung my eyes. I was embarrassed beyond belief, but my concern was for someone else at that moment.

“Uhhh… Amanda… Wh… where’s Amanda?”

Richard shrugged again and turned to the crowd: “Who the fuck is Amanda? Anybody know Amanda?”

No one said anything. The crowd was starting to disperse now that I was awake, probably afraid that I might be able to identify them later. Unfortunately my vision was still too blurry from the tears and I couldn’t clearly see their faces.

I felt the ropes slacken as Megan untied several of the knots holding my arms and legs behind my back. The rope harness began to quickly unravel and I could move again. I decided to bolt for my office, but as soon as I swung my legs off of the table I collapsed into a heap on the floor. My extremities were completely numb and couldn’t support my own weight.

Megan came to my defense again: “Let’s get her to her office. We’re not just leaving her here.”
Angela and Richard were already heading for the main entrance of the library. Richard waved to Megan on his way out.

“Do what you want, Sugar Thighs. Fun’s over. We’re gone.”

I felt Megan help me to sit up and before I realized what was happening she had scooped me up off of the floor and had me cradled in her arms. I was slightly taller than her, but Megan was very strong and seemed to handle my weight with ease.

“Let’s get you to your office. I have a bathing suit in my gym bag that might fit you. I guess that’s better than nothing”

I wanted to thank her, but as soon as Megan started to walk my head began to spin. The dizziness was overwhelming and the colors of the room seemed to swirl together and combine into a spiral of thickening blackness…


I woke up yet again, this time curled up on the couch in my office. A beach towel covered me like a blanket and I was wearing a bikini swimsuit that I didn’t recognize. As my memory returned I realized that Megan must have dressed me and left me here to recover.

I had completely lost track of time and wasn’t even sure what day of the week it was anymore. It seemed like several days had passed since I first met Amanda Jones and Rachel Fox’s gang of thugs. The view through my office window was completely dark, so it had to be nighttime again. How long had Amanda been missing? She could be anywhere by now. I remembered Matteo saying something about shipping her to Istanbul; if that was indeed his plan, then Amanda was very likely long gone.
This sleuthing adventure was way out of control. I decided to do something that I should have done from the very beginning… I had to call the police!

I stood on wobbling legs and wrapped the beach towel around my waist so that I wouldn’t feel quite so naked. Then I staggered over to my desk, flopped into my chair and reached for my phone. As I started to dial 9-1-1, I gathered my thoughts and tried to figure out how I was going to tell this incredible tale to the authorities. I never really saw Matteo or Rachel Fox’s face. Matteo seemed to be taking orders from my Regional Manager Ms. Pryor. I’d never actually met Ms. Pryor, so I couldn’t identify her either. She was obviously behind all of this, but I had no proof. I couldn’t even prove that Amanda Jones had ever been here, much less that she had been kidnapped and shipped off in a crate bound for Istanbul.

I wish Megan could have left me something more to wear than a skimpy bikini. When the police arrived, would they believe the bikini-clad “Bondage Bookworm”? I didn’t have a whole lot of credibility left… or dignity for that matter.

The underground library… maybe if I showed the police how to get to the underground library they might be able to find some kind of forensic clue or tiny sliver of evidence that could save Amanda and bring the bad guys to justice.

That didn’t seem very likely, but I had to do something.

I was just about to make the call when I heard the ‘incoming email’ chime from my computer. I glanced up at the screen and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

The email was from Ms. Pryor.

With trembling hands I reached for the mouse, clicked on the message to open it and read every word:

Dear Ms. Kent:
It has come to my attention that you have been investigating sensitive matters that do not concern you. Please report to my office IMMEDIATELY to discuss disciplinary actions and your continued employment with this library. I am waiting.


Ms. Pryor
Regional Manager

Oh my God! She’s here! She’s right down the hall! My heart thundered rapidly in my chest! I took a deep breath and tried to get myself under control.

Ms. Pryor’s office was an empty room with the elevator leading down to the underground library full of lost literary works. I could call the police and they could arrest her on the spot. I could show them the underground library. All I had to do was call the police. I reached for the phone again. The very instant that my hand picked up the receiver, my incoming email chimed again.

A chill ran down my spine... Was she somehow watching me? Could there be hidden cameras in my office? This was insane! I slowly set down the receiver and clicked on the message.

Dear Ms. Kent:

I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Let’s talk.


Ms. Pryor
Regional Manager

I should have been scared out of my mind, but all I could feel was a rising anger! Was this bitch threatening me? If she wanted a confrontation, I would give her one! This woman was responsible for everything that had happened to me throughout the last few days! She wanted to talk… fine! I would let her talk! I would finally get to the bottom of whatever the Hell was going on! Then I would punch her right in the face and call the police!

Fueled by anger and adrenaline, I stormed out of my office and headed for hers.

After all of the public humiliation, the assault, the bondage, the kidnapping… there was certainly no need to discuss my “continued employment with this library”… I WAS GOING TO QUIT!!!

(…to be continued)

Richard Masters is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:

The mentioned Amanda Jones and Rachel Fox are the OC's of :icontorqual3d:

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