Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #22 - Brawling Brigade

I was learning the hard way that actual fighting has absolutely nothing in common with the fighting that you see in TV shows, movies, comic books and professional sports. Real fights have no choreography and no graceful, fancy moves. They have no plan of attack. They have no structured series of moves and countermoves and evasions.

Real fights are crazy!

Sarah Brigade was all over me as we rolled around on the hardwood floor of the library. She was wildly scratching and kicking and slapping and pulling and ripping my clothes and somehow doing it all at once. I had no idea where the next blow might land, and by the time I registered one impact she was already moving on to the next and the next and the next. It wasn’t like fighting a professional boxer or a trained wrestler… it was more like fighting the Tasmanian Devil!

I tried to roll out from under her, but she was heavier than me and she had better traction with her boots, while my high heels were absolutely useless and offered no way for me to brace myself. My fancy shoes just squeaked uselessly as I flailed around while trying to make it at least slightly more difficult for Sarah to beat the crap out of me. I was struggling like mad, but going nowhere fast.

I wasn’t dressed for a fight, and why would I be? What sane person expects to find herself catfighting in a library in the middle of the afternoon?

My skirt was certainly no help and restricted the movement of my legs. The more I kicked, the more it rode up. This was beneficial because it meant that I had greater mobility, but I’m sure that I was starting to give everyone in the library a good look at my panties.  It didn’t take very many slaps to the face for me to completely forget about my modesty and focus on trying to get away from this crazy woman.

People were surrounding us, taking photos and videos with their cell phones, but no one made a move to break up the fight. I’m not sure it’s fair to call it a “fight”… I was basically just getting my ass kicked.

“Betcha wish you had kept that book on reserve now, don’tcha Ms. Kent?!?”

I could hear my clothes ripping and my buttons clatter across the hardwood floor as they flew off into the distance. I could taste blood in my mouth and I could barely see through the stinging of my tears. Sarah’s sweat was all over me. Beating someone to a pulp must provide a good workout... I could certainly vouch that being beaten to a pulp was exhausting.

I felt her fingernails dig into the flesh of one of my breasts. I didn’t realize that one of them was exposed until she grabbed it, scratching at me and twisting my nipple until I couldn’t help but to scream.

“Oh, yeah!! You LIKE that titty-twister, don’tcha?!?! Found my book yet, you stupid slut?”

I tried to knock her hand away from my breast, but doing so exposed my face… which is exactly what Sarah was expecting. I was punched in the nose for my mistake and decided that letting her maul my breast was preferable. I tried to cover my face again, so I didn’t see her next move and it took me completely by surprise.

Sarah reached back and grabbed the hem of my skirt, pulling the front of it up to my waist. I didn’t figure out what she was trying to do until her fingertips slipped under the waist band of my panties. I immediately panicked and began to thrash even faster and more furiously, but I was too late.

“Welcome to the USM, Ms. Kent!! You’re going to love it!!”

Sarah said she was a three-time Underground Sex Wrestling champion right before she started to clobber me. I didn’t really think about what that might mean at the time, but I was beginning to get the picture. Unfortunately there seemed to be nothing I could do to defend myself. Even as she savagely attacked my breast with one hand, her other handed glided gently over my pussy. I squeezed my thighs together as tightly as I could, but that just locked her hand in place. She had me right where she wanted me.

“You’re gonna give it to me, Ms. Kent… The good girls always do!! ”

There was no way that I could possibly become aroused… I was too busy fighting for my life!

 I grabbed at her shirt and tried to yank her off of me or throw her off baalnce. She let go of my breast long enough to grab one of my arms and pin it alongside my body with her thigh. I only had one arm free remaining. She was immobilizing me step by step and I finally realized that her fighting style had more technique than I had at first assumed. She was skillfully overwhelming me and I was playing right into her hands.

She began to massage the lips of my pussy in a rhythmic pattern that I might have appreciated more under entirely different circumstances. She wasn’t turning me on, but I was grateful that at least one of her hands wasn’t hitting me and inflicting even more damage. It was astonishing that she was able to be so violent and destructive with one hand, while keeping the other hand relaxed and gentle… so gentle…

I don’t know what it takes to be a talented “sex wrestler” but I suspect this is probably one ingredient.
With my remaining free hand I decided to fight back. I balled up my fist and pulled back as far as I could so that I could get in a good swing. She was taller than me and her arms were longer than mine, so I couldn’t reach her face, so I swung for the only other target within range…

I punched her as hard as I could right in the boob.


My blow definitely seemed to hurt her, but it also made her mad. I was already “paying” quite a bit, so I couldn’t imagine how it could get much worse. I should have known better. My opponent was both experienced and cruel… I was completely outmatched.

Sarah Brigade’s counterattack was to grab my throat with one hand and cut off my air supply. Meanwhile she slipped a finger past the lips of my pussy and buried it inside of me, curling it in an effort to seek out my G-spot. I gasped with surprise and it was the last breath that I was able to draw for the remainder of the fight.

“OHHHH, yeah! Now you’re getting wet!!! It was always just a matter of time!”

What?!?! How was that possible?!?! But yes, as soon as she said it out loud I realized that she was right… I wasn’t just getting a little wet, I was absolutely dripping! And suddenly I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Hearing her words seemed to focus all of my attention… right… THERE!

“That’s it, baby girl!!! Cum for Sarah!!”

She was as talented with her fingers as she was with her fighting skills. Now that she had me revved up, she wasted no time driving me straight to the edge. My insides were fluttering as my orgasm started to build up steam and I knew that if she kept it up I would inevitably cum. The exertion was also burning through my air supply and I wouldn’t be able to stay conscious for much longer either. I didn’t know which would happen first.

This woman was completely dominating me!

No doubt that was the reason that my arousal had slipped up on me so quickly. It wasn’t actually her fingers that had fired me up… it was the realization that there wasn’t anything that I could do about it. She would have her way with me and I was along for the ride.

I realized that my legs were no longer kicking and I had stopped thrashing. Resistance was useless and my body had already submitted to the inevitable. I wanted to fight back, but I was just too sleepy. I wanted to close my eyes and let it all fade away. I watched as my free arm grew heavier and seemed to succumb to the pull of gravity. My vision began to tunnel as my eyes glazed over and started to roll up into my head. I could dimly hear Sarah laughing as the pistoning of her fingers increased…

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a slender figure push back the gathered crowd and rush towards Sarah and I where we wrestled on the floor. I didn’t know if this person would turn out to be friend or foe, but with my luck the former didn’t seem as likely as the latter.

It didn’t really matter… I was finished.

Sarah Brigade was ravishing me… I was about to pass out… I was about to cum…

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