Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #14 - Secret Desires

Every instinct told me that I was in way over my head.

Ms. Pryor was completely out of my league. She had been several steps ahead of me from the very beginning and I had no idea how to turn the situation to my advantage. She was so alluring that I couldn’t focus my thoughts enough to remember my own name, let alone come up with a good plan. For the millionth time I wished that I was wearing actual clothing instead of a skimpy yellow bikini.

“Interesting wardrobe choice.”

I could feel her eyes as they shamelessly looked me over from head to toe and back up again. Her intense gaze was almost tangible and seemed to leave a trail of goosebumps along the surface of my skin wherever she looked. I wanted to cover myself with my arms, but instead I forced myself to keep them at my sides in a vain attempt to project strength and confidence so as not to give her any more of an advantage than she already possessed. I didn’t think I was actually fooling her in the slightest, but it was worth a shot.

“I’m sure you have lots of questions for me…so… where would you like to start?”

Where would I like to start? So much had happened to me in so little time. Where did I want to start?

“I… well, uhm…I…”

Ohmygod, why was I so nervous around her? My throat was so dry that I could barely speak. I couldn’t keep eye contact with her and think at the same time. I dropped my gaze and tried to collect my thoughts, but unfortunately her body and the way that she moved was equally distracting. Focus, Chryseis! Remember why you’re here!

“What… what did you do with Amanda Jones?”

 “Who? …Ohhhh! …You mean the other girl…” Ms. Pryor waved her hand dismissively. “She is of no consequence.”

How could she be so cavalier about kidnapping someone? Was she some kind of sociopath?
“Well, she’s of consequence to me! I demand to know happened to her!”

Ms. Pryor shrugged: “My assistant Matteo drugged her, tied her up and placed her into a shipping crate bound for Istanbul.”

I couldn’t believe how casually she said this; as if it’s the kind of thing that she does all the time. This woman was clearly very dangerous… or insane… or possibly both.

“That’s horrible! Why… why would you do such a thing?!?!”

“It isn’t horrible... I did her a favor.”

I was beyond confused, but Ms. Pryor acted as if all of this was perfectly rational and reasonable. It was infuriating!

“How could that possibly be a favor?”

“Ms. Jones was looking for her associate Rachel Fox, correct? Rachel is on an assignment for me in Istanbul recovering another rare text for my archive. I sent Ms. Jones to exactly where she wanted to go. So you see… I did her a favor. I’m not the terrible villainess you seem to think I am, Ms. Kent.”
I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest as anger and outrage gave me a bust of new-found courage: “You sent Amanda to Istanbul in a shipping crate. There are friendlier ways to do someone a favor.”

“I did her a favor and sent her a message at the same time. She needed to be taught a lesson. I can’t have her or anyone else meddling in my affairs. There is far too much at stake.”

Ahhh… now we were getting somewhere. “And just what exactly are your affairs, Ms. Pryor?”

She stood up from her desk and slowly walked towards me. Her hips swayed enticingly as she approached, and I felt that brief rush of courage slip away as she invaded my personal space. I wanted to run, but I stood my ground. I realized that I was breathing fast and struggled to remain calm.

“I am a keeper of secrets, Ms. Kent. Did you not see my private collection?”

What was she saying? Oh, yes… she was answering my question. She was so ridiculously gorgeous that I had forgotten my own question.

“Your collection…Yes… It’s the most remarkable thing I’ve ever seen.”

Ms. Pryor gave me an obviously fake (but incredibly cute) frown: “Really? More remarkable than me? How disappointing…”

OhmyGod, she was flirting with me!

“Well, I…uhhh…”

I couldn’t explain the odd chemistry that sizzled between the two of us, but I could no longer deny it. She seemed to be tired of pretending to ignore it as well. Ms. Pryor took a step towards me and I had to take a step back to keep her breasts from brushing into mine. The wall was behind me so I began to move in a slow circle, working my way towards the center of the room. Ms. Pryor followed, stalking me as I feebly tried to retreat.

Ms. Pryor could tell that I was becoming nervous and agitated, so she backed off… but only a little.

 “My work is extremely important. I have agents combing the world as we speak, looking for ancient texts, scrolls and other records that should never see the light of day.”

She was implying that all of the lost books and artifacts that Amanda and I had discovered were authentic. I nearly fainted at the thought of the valuable treasure that was hidden below me feet at that very moment.

“Why not? Why not share your discoveries with the world?”

Ms. Pryor’s eyes flashed with terrifying anger: “Because there is a great deal of knowledge that Man cannot be trusted to know! Many of these ancient records contain historical references about… a group of people… that would prefer to live in peace and isolation. If the world of Men knew where to find them, and knew what they possessed, these people would inevitably be hunted and destroyed.

The things that I do, I do for the security and protection of our kind!”

She seemed very passionate and determined, but I had no idea what she was talking about. She raved like a mad woman, but I couldn’t doubt the apparent sincerity of her intentions.

“Our kind? I don’t understand… You mean… women?”

Ms. Pryor paused for a moment and seemed to regain her focus. She smiled at me softly and condescendingly, the way that one might smile at a child that had asked why the sky was blue.

“Uhm, sure… a certain kind of ‘special’ woman… but we probably shouldn’t be more specific than that for now.”

This confrontation had not at all gone as I had expected. Ms. Pryor was providing me with lots of information and answers, but I couldn’t seem to comprehend any of it. I didn’t feel like I was any closer to truly understanding this remarkable woman. Where did she acquire her resources? Ms. Pryor was obviously much more than just a library supervisor.

“What you have achieved… it must have cost a fortune! Why are you working as the Regional Manager of a library?”

Ms. Pryor smiled knowingly and shook her head: “I don’t work for the library, dear... The library works for me. This is just one of many libraries in a vast global network of libraries that belong to me. Each one possesses a hidden archive much like the one that you discovered last night. ‘Ms. Pryor the Regional Manager’ is just one of many titles and identities at my disposal.”

“You mean… Ms. Pryor isn’t your real name?”

“It’s as real as yours, Ms. Kent.”

“What is that supposed to mean? My name is....”

“Chryseis Kent, yes… I know. Let’s not pull too hard at that thread or things might start to unravel. As it turns out, I know a great deal about you Ms. Kent. In fact… you could say that I know more about you than you know yourself.”

That was a ridiculous statement. She did seem oddly familiar to me, but I was certain that I had never met her before walking into her office moments ago.

“Oh? Like what exactly?”

Ms. Pryor’s predatory look returned. She suddenly seemed to glide towards me with one smooth and rapid stride. I tried to take a step back but realized that her desk was now behind me and was blocking my retreat. I tried to stand tall and proud and hold my ground, but Ms. Pryor seemed to interpret this as permission to get even closer. Her clothing rustled softly against my body as she leaned towards the side of my head. I could feel her breath against my cheek… and then my neck. Her nostrils flared as she intimately inhaled my scent.

Ohmygod, if she kisses me…

“I know that when someone whispers in your ear it drives you wild… and if I were to kiss your neck right now your toes would curl and you probably wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from moaning.”

She was right. She was SOOOO right. I could feel myself trembling. I wanted her to do it. I wanted her to kiss my neck. I wanted her to lean me back on the desk and have her way with me. I was starting to pant and I realized that she was doing the same. We both seemed to be struggling to control ourselves and I wasn’t sure which of us was going to surrender first. I suspected it would be me.

“Ohhhhh, it’s been so very long since we‘ve been together like this…”

Another curious statement… Was she delusional?

“We… we’ve never… even met.”

Ms. Pryor pulled her head back from my ear and looked directly into my eyes: “If you say so, dear.”
I completely lost track of time as I gazed into the depths of her green eyes. They seemed to be slightly elliptical, almost like a cat. Her gaze drifted downward and she began to look over my body. I felt incredibly exposed wearing Megan’s yellow bikini. I was virtually naked as compared to Ms. Pryor in her business power suit. She had me at a distinct disadvantage, but I was starting not to mind. I gasped as her fingertips began playfully toying with the knot between my breasts that kept the bikini top in place.

“Goddess, this bikini is so very flattering on you.”

“It… it isn’t mine.”

Ms. Pryor tugged lightly at the knot and I could feel the bikini becoming slightly looser. I inhaled deeply to catch my breath, but that seemed to make the knot looser as well. She tugged at it again. I held still, afraid that the slightest movement from either of us would leave me completely exposed. Ms. Pryor admired the swell of my breasts for a moment, then she licked her lips and looked up into my eyes.

“You know, a woman usually wears a swimming suit when she’s expecting to get wet. Did you come in here tonight expecting to get wet, Ms. Kent?”


“Are you getting wet now, Ms. Kent?”


Ms. Pryor’s gaze locked with mine and I couldn’t look away from hers. I felt her tug again at the knot. The bikini top had come undone! I could tell that if she simply let go of the fabric my breasts would fall free. I waited for it to happen… I think I wanted it to happen... but she simply held onto the ends of the unraveled knot. I was completely hers to control.

Ohmygod, how had this happened? I came in here to quit my job and now I was letting this woman seduce me!

“I… I,uhmmm… I should…”

“I am very good at keeping secrets. Do you have secrets you’d like to share with me, Ms. Kent?”

I had to get control of the situation. She was manipulating me. I had to snap out of it. Oh, fuck, I just wanted her to kiss me!

“You can’t… you can’t just…”

“Tell me to stop then…”

Yes, that’s it. Just tell her to stop. That’s all I had to do. I felt her fingernails grazing the flesh of my breasts. I wanted her to keep touching me, but I had to put a stop to this. All I had to do was say the words. I gathered what little remained of my dwindling will power and forced the words from my lips.

“Please… sss…stop…”

Time seemed to stand still. My heart thundered in my chest so loudly that I was certain she could hear it. I was still looking into her glorious eyes. I watched in fear as her gaze become increasingly cruel. In that moment I realized that my will power counted for nothing. I was not the one who was in control. Ms. Pryor whispered a single word...


With a flick of her wrists, Ms. Pryor released the ends of the bikini and allowed the skimpy garment to fall free. My naked breasts spilled into view and I was so shocked that I couldn’t move.

“I get what I want, Ms. Kent. That’s the way it has always been. That’s the just the way it is… and now… I want you.”

I shivered uncontrollably as her hands glided gently over my delicate flesh. Long fingernails circled my nipples. I could feel my insides beginning to flutter and I wondered if it was possible for me to cum just from having my breasts caressed. We were still looking into each other’s eyes. She had exposed me, but she didn’t even want to look down at my naked flesh. She was looking into my soul… watching me as my arousal increased and my will power slipped away. I was helplessly submitting to her and that is what she wanted most. It was the dominance that turned her on.
My body begged me to surrender to her, but I still possessed a tiny sliver of pride that fueled my defiance. I was not going to give into this woman so easily! I clasped her hands with my own and removed them from my skin.

“No… I… no… that’s not… This isn’t why I’m here!!!”

I expected her to be disappointed, or at least surprised by my sudden outburst, but Ms. Pryor just seemed amused. She was allowing me to have this battle, but in her eyes I could see that I would lose the war.

“Oh? Tell me… why are you here, Ms. Kent?”

I gathered my fallen bikini and held it over my chest. This seemed to give me some small measure of confidence, just enough for me to summon my anger. I would not be treated this way!

“I’m here… I’m here to... to tell you that… that I QUIT!”

Ms. Pryor’s expression was inscrutable. She was either not impressed with my defiance, or she simply did not care.

“You don’t really want to quit.”

I was not expecting her to say that. What was that even supposed to mean?

“Oh yes, I do! This library… this place… it isn’t normal! Something is very wrong here and I no longer want to be a part of it!”

Ms. Pryor just shook her head. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she laid down the law.
“This is where you belong. You are right, this library is very special. Some of my uniquely talented friends have put certain… well, let’s just say ‘safeguards’ in place to make sure that our kind can come to no mortal harm within these walls. Believe me when I say that this is the safest place in the world for you, Ms. Kent. If it was up to me, you would NEVER be allowed to leave. Outside of this library, I cannot protect you.”

Once again, I had no idea what she was talking about. Talented friends? Safeguards? Our kind? What was any of that supposed to me? All I knew for certain was that I absolutely did not feel “protected” at this library. In fact, more often than not… I was terrified out of my wits!

“Protect me? Don’t you know what has happened to me since I started working here? I’ve been drugged, kidnapped, assaulted, tied up and practically raped! You call this protection?”

Ms. Pryor once again moved swiftly into my personal space, pressing her body tightly against mine. Her arm flashed over my shoulder and grabbed the back of my hair in a tight grip and she pulled me so close to her face that our lips nearly touched.

Ohmygod, was she finally going to kiss me?

My defiance dissolved. I moaned as my lips parted. I was lost. Completely lost. This woman owned me.

“It’s time for some honesty, Chryseis... Not just honesty with me, but with yourself. You’ve been sedated and it left you helpless and compliant. You’ve been tied up and it left you exposed and vulnerable. You were assaulted, but not seriously injured… only enough to keep you in your place. You are a submissive by nature and you crave all of these things. You’ve been molested and groped and manhandled… and now it’s time for you to admit that ALL OF IT turns you on.”

What? …Ohmygod… She’s… she’s so wrong… isn’t she?

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“I won’t let anyone actually hurt you, Chryseis… Not here. This library is a sanctuary, an erotic playground, a release from the true dangers that you encounter more often than you might realize. Everything that has happened to you here… on some secret level that perhaps you don’t like to talk about… all of it turns you on. This is where you want to be. This is where you belong. This is what you crave. If I’m wrong, then just tell me… Tell me and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted… but deep down, I already know that this is it… and so do you. This is what you want, isn’t it? Just say yes… say it now… ”

I was breathless. She held me in her arms so tightly that I couldn’t move. She spoke with such authority and passion that I no longer knew if my thoughts were my own or if they had simply been overwhelmed by this formidable woman. Everything she said made perfect sense. I just wanted her to shut up and kiss me!

I managed to say the only word that I could seem to remember in that moment…

“Yes… yes…”

Ms. Pryor moaned deep in her throat as she finally pressed her lips to mine in an epic kiss that shattered my senses and sent me swooning into oblivion.

The mentioned Amanda Jones and Rachel Fox are the OC's of :icontorqual3d:

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