Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Amazon Arrow in The Panopticon

Quickly! They’re coming! We have to move now or we’re both going to end up stuck here forever!

Who… who’s coming? Who are you?

There’s no time! We’ve been through all of this before. You’re just going to have to trust me for now and figure things out as we go along. For some reason your memory resets every time you come back.
Come back? Come back from where? Are we in some sort of hospital? How did I get here?

We’re both trapped in something called "The Panopticon"… and it’s no hospital... or if it is, then it’s definitely not a normal one.
OK, slow down! I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me who you are and what the Hell is going on?!?!

Keep your voice down... The people chasing us can’t be too far behind. Listen carefully…my name is Chryseis. If you had your memories, you might also know me as “The Amazon Arrow.” I’m not sure how I got stuck here myself or exactly how long I’ve been here, but what I do know is that our best chance of escaping is to do it together.

I’m so… so confused…

To be honest, so am I… but eventually we’ll figure it out. I still have my bow and, unlike you, I’m able to retain my memories after it happens.

After what happens?

The same thing that keeps happening to us both over and over again… We run. We get caught. We die… and then we start again from the top.

That’s insane! …Or you’re insane! …Or maybe I am!

Those are all possibilities... As far as I can tell, anything is possible within The Panopticon… NOW RUN!!!!

To be continued?

FearGirl is the OC of :iconstevenoirproduction:. The Panopticon is also his creation.

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