Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #5 - Ms. Kent Check Out Now

Thank you for contacting Ask_A_Librarian. A representative will be with you shortly...
You are now chatting with MsKent.

MsKent: Hello. My name is Ms. Kent. Thank you for allowing me to be your online search specialist today. How may I assist you?

arTISTic: Hi, are you an actual librarian?

MsKent: I am. Do you require assistance with your online research?

arTISTic: Yes, please... but it’s getting rather late. I thought the library might be closed at this hour. I don’t want to be a bother.

MsKent: I’m happy to help in any way that I can. The main library itself is closed, but our online Ask_A_Librarian service is still available and I am ready to assist with your question.

arTISTic: Great! So I can ask you any question about anything?

MsKent: Sure! Go for it! : )

arTISTic: My question is concerning psychotherapy techniques like hypnosis. Do you know anything about hypnosis Ms. Kent?

MsKent: Not personally, but I'm certain that I can track down a few sources. Are you looking for books? Magazine articles? Scientific journals?

arTISTic: Have you ever experienced hypnosis Ms. Kent?

MsKent: I might have, but if I did then the hypnotist must have made me forget all about it. ; )

arTISTic: You're funny! I like that.

MsKent: Thanks! I personally don’t believe that hypnosis really works, but I will be happy to locate any resources that you might need.

arTISTic: Oh, I can assure you that it works. In fact it can have extremely powerful and erotic effects on the subject in some cases.

MsKent: Erotic? Hmmm… = P

arTISTic: Oh yes. In fact, that is the topic of my research this evening.

MsKent: Well, I’m not sure that I know of any “erotic hypnosis” reference sources off of the top of my head, but please give me a moment and I’ll...

arTISTic: Well, I think that you will find that my particular question is going to be very easy.

MsKent: Oh?

arTISTic: In fact you will find that it is actually very easy to follow my words as they appear on your chat screen even though it’s getting very late at the end of a long day at work. Don’t you agree?

MsKent: I do. What is your question?

arTISTic: I don’t want to burden you with a difficult question at such a late hour. All I ask is that you FOCUS on what I have to say. Can you do that Ms. Kent?

MsKent: Yes… but…

arTISTic: It will only take a moment for you to help me. Would you like to help me Ms. Kent?

MsKent: Yes.

arTISTic: Good. it’s important that you focus your attention right here. You will find it very easy to help me as you focus on my words. You may begin to imagine the sound of my voice as you read along, which is perfectly normal and makes it very easy for you to focus right here on your chat window, focusing on my very easy questions. Finding it very easy to reply to my simple questions. It’s so easy to chat with me, isn’t that right Ms. Kent?

MsKent: Right.

arTISTic: Excellent. I’m going to ask you my question in just a moment, but since it’s so late it’s only natural at this hour for you to want to relax. I don’t want to be a bother and you’ve already worked so hard today, so it’s ok for you to get a little more comfortable in your chair. Feel yourself sink into the chair. You are so patient to help me at this time of night and I’m sure you must be getting sleepy, but you are doing so good at focusing on my words and being so helpful to me, and I want you to feel good about helping me. It’s so easy to help me that you are even a bit unaware of the act of typing, yes?

MsKent: Yes

arTISTic: How are you feeling now Ms. Kent?

MsKent: Relaxed

arTISTic: Wonderful. Feeling so good. Letting your body sink into the comfort of your chair. Knowing that as you SINK it’s still so important to FOCUS so that you can help me, yes?

MsKent: Yes

arTISTic: You’re doing so well, Ms. Kent. No reason to think about anything now; only to focus and to listen, your body so relaxed and comfortable, easily moving your hand to type responses without thinking, yes?

MsKent: yes

arTISTic: You don’t have to type “yes” anymore, Ms. Kent. As you sink deeper and deeper into my hypnotic trance, as your mind drifts and thinking becomes soooooo difficult, as your body begins to feel warmer and so relaxed, you may find that it is easier to simply type the letter “Y” and I will understand. Is it easier to type the letter “Y” as you obey?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: Good girl. Feeling yourself floating and drifting so effortlessly now. You really are helping me, Ms. Kent, and this gives you a deep sense of satisfaction. Feeling better and better with each of my questions that you answer, yes?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: So much better. So easy and peaceful and pleasurable to respond and to obey. I know that it’s becoming more difficult for you to think now, but I will fill your mind with new thoughts now Ms. Kent. Feel the pleasure of obedience now as it flutters throughout your body, rising up your arms and settling into your breasts. Remove your pumps as you feel the pleasure begin to flow up your calves and up your thighs. Where are your pumps now Ms. Kent?

MsKent: onthflor

arTISTic: Such a good girl. Feeling a rush of pleasure now whenever I call you good girl. Feeling the pleasure slowly continue up the length of your thighs. Feeling the pleasure swell in your chest and slip lower into your tummy. Feel even more pleasure as you turn on your webcam and hit record, Ms. Kent. Tell me when you are done.

MsKent: done

arTISTic: Good girl. Feeling all of the pleasure now flowing directly into your pussy but do not touch yourself until I give you permission. You are in a wonderful, peaceful and aroused hypnotized state now, one that you will find and sink into any time you read the words or hear someone say “MS. KENT CHECK OUT NOW”. Do you understand?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: It feels so good to obey. Feels so good as the pleasure builds with every response to every question, yes?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: Feel your hands type automatically and easily without conscious thought. How do you feel right now, Ms. Kent?

MsKent: sleepy

MsKent: warm

MsKent: aroused

MsKent: wet

MsKent: hypnotized

arTISTic: Good girl. Feel your arousal and need growing, Ms. Kent. You can’t resist it; you don’t want to resist it. Allow your hands to caress your body to enhance this feeling. You can’t stop your arousal from growing now, Ms. Kent. Pleasure consumes your thoughts, leaving you mindless and blank. Blank and mindless. You need only to be wet and aroused... aroused for my words. Your body demands release. The orgasm inside you won’t stop building. You need this.  You can’t help but to touch yourself, because you need this orgasm so badly, isn’t the right Ms. Kent?

MsKent: ysss

arTISTic: No thoughts. Blank and mindless. Feeling only the approach of the most blissful orgasm of your life as your hands slide into your panties now, finding your most sensitive and secret places. Moving faster. Faster. Wanting to cum now. Needing to cum now, but unable to cum until I give the command. Do you understand, Ms. Kent?

MsKent: ysss...pleassse…

arTISTic: Please what Ms. Kent?

MsKent: mussstcumm

arTISTic: Good girl. Very soon now. No thoughts. Blank and mindless. When I say “MS. KENT CHECK OUT NOW” you will have the most powerful and incredible orgasm you have ever experienced. You will cum your brains out, leaving you mindless and blank. Blank and mindless. You will be my slave when I say the words. What will you be, Ms. Kent?

MsKent: yrslave

arTISTic: Finding it easier to type now, though the arousal increases with every key that you press. Type “I am your obedient slave” now, Ms. Kent.

MsKent: I am your obedient slave.

arTISTic: Good girl. Such a good little girl. When I say your special words you will cum and stop the webcam recording. Then you will email this recording to Ms. Pryar, the Library Regional Manager, and also to Michael, the new Library IT Technician that you completely blew off when he invited you out for a cup of coffee this morning. Then you will delete all record of this chat and forget that it ever happened, except for your special words that will return you to this wonderful, peaceful and aroused hypnotized state. You will remember your special words and the way that they make you feel. Only then will you awaken from this trance and head home for the evening. Do you understand all of these instructions Ms. Kent?

MsKent: yes

arTISTic: Good girl.

MsKent: pleasssse…

arTISTic: Would you like to cum now, Ms. Kent?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: What would you do to see those special words right now Ms. Kent?

MsKent: annnythhing

arTISTic: Such a good girl, Ms. Kent. You are a natural hypnotic subject, Ms. Kent. So submissive. So blank and mindless. There is only one thing left for me to say.... Do you want me to say it?

MsKent: y

arTISTic: Call me your Master if you NEED me to say it.

MsKent: Yes Master

arTISTic: Oh, I am so looking forward to meeting you again in person.

MsKent: Yes Master


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