Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #23 - My Savior

Sarah Brigade’s hand suddenly jerked free from my panties as the hand around my throat released its grip. Air rushed into my lungs just in time to prevent me from blacking out… but at that point nothing could stop me from cumming. The orgasm that ripped through me was magnificent, but my body was completely exhausted and I couldn’t do much more than lie there and twitch slightly as I gasped and panted.

As my awareness returned I realized that I was being straddled by two women locked in combat. Sarah Brigade didn’t seem very happy about the interruption.


A young woman in a denim jacket and white dress had her arms locked under Sarah Brigade’s chin and she seemed to be trying to pull Sarah off of me. Sarah was trying to hold her position, but I could see that the new girl was beginning to pull her off balance. I wanted to buck Sarah off and help to gang up on her alongside my brave rescuer, but I was too spent to even move. It was taking all of my focus just to remain conscious.

I heard the young woman grunt with exertion as she threw all of her weight backwards, pulling Sarah along with her. For a moment my mysterious ally ended up on her back with Sarah on top of her, but she continued to roll and used her momentum to send Sarah crashing into a nearby bookcase. Both women got to their feet and squared off, preparing for another round.

“Well, well, well… If it isn’t Kitty Savior herself... Shouldn’t you be hugging a tree or saving the whales?’

Kitty remained calm and alert as she slowly circled the larger woman. “Leave her alone, Sarah... I don’t want to fight you. .. Just walk away.”

Sarah flexed and balled up her fists. “I wouldn’t want to fight me either! I’m one scary bitch! Why don’t you just go recycle something… and let me get back to showing Ms. Kent here a good time.”

“I’m not going to let you do that, Sarah.”

Despite her smaller stature, Kitty Savior didn’t seem to be intimidated, and Sarah didn’t seem very enthusiastic about fighting someone that was prepared to fight back. For a moment, Sarah’s bravado faded and I thought that this might all be over... then Sarah glanced around at the crowd that was surrounding us. The realization that she was still in the spotlight seemed to strengthen Sarah’s resolve.

“What’s it to you, Savior? This is none of your damn business!”

Kitty shrugged. “I don’t like bullies.”

“Oh, you’re gonna LOOOOOVE me, green freak… The good girls always do!”

Sarah lunged at Kitty, but Kitty was prepared and sidestepped the attack, using Sarah’s momentum to send the larger woman crashing into another bookcase. Kitty moved gracefully and with purpose. She wasn’t using martial arts or wrestling moves, but she seemed to be trained in self-defense at the very least.

Sarah started pulling heavy books from the shelves and hurled them at Kitty’s face. Kitty danced backwards, but she had little room to maneuver between the shelves. She raised her arms in front of her face to block the incoming books, but this obscured her view of Sarah. This was what Sarah had intended and she launched herself at Kitty, driving her shoulder into Kitty’s stomach and sending them both flying backwards. This time Kitty was the one to slam into a bookshelf and I heard the air whoosh from her lungs as she had the wind knocked out of her. Sarah tried to keep her opponent pinned in the corner, but Kitty locked her ankle behind Sarah’s calf and gave the big girl a solid shove that sent Sarah toppling backwards.

Sarah landed hard on her ass right beside me and our eyes met. She seemed surprised to suddenly find herself on the ground and worried that perhaps she had bitten off more than she could chew by fighting with Kitty Savior. I was still struggling to focus and recover. My strength was slowly returning and I wanted to help Kitty, but at that moment Sarah realized that fighting both of us would be an even bigger problem… so she slammed her elbow into my nose. Blazing white stars exploded before my eyes and what little strength I had recovered slipped away in a fog of pain.

“Sit tight, Ms. Kent… I’ll give you some more in a second.”

Kitty once again rushed to my aid, but this time Sarah was faster… and more ruthless. As Kitty stepped over me to get to Sarah, Sarah lashed out with her heavy boots and kicked Kitty directly in the crotch. Kitty grunted and clutched herself with both hands as she staggered backwards; then her heel tripped over one of my calves and she lost her balance. Kitty fell backwards and the back of her head slammed into a bookcase with a dull thud. Her eyes slowly rolled up into her head and Kitty Savior let out a helpless groan as she slowly slid to the floor.

Sarah scrambled to her feet and dusted herself off, standing victoriously over Kitty and I. She nudged my naked breast with the toe of her boot to get my attention, and then Sarah Brigade gestured at the fallen young woman that had tried to rescue me.

“Take a good look, Ms. Kent… So much for your ‘Savior’…”

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