Monday, December 28, 2015

Seduced by the Toy Boy

Dr. Tronix is one of my most deadly foes. He is a technological terrorist capable of manufacturing an endless array of insidious death traps, mechanical monstrosities and doomsday devices. He is responsible for creating or arming most of the villains in my rogue's gallery. I typically prevail over his creations, but Dr. Tronix himself always seems to slip away. I make it a point to dismantle his creations whenever I encounter them to ensure that they never fall into the wrong hands.

I recently learned that a few of his toys managed to slip through the cracks with disastrous results.
The moron in the lab coat is... well, I don't even know his name; he's just a moron in a lab coat. He's just a kid really, about 21 years old, obnoxious and perpetually horny, your typical cocky college geek. Somehow he's managed to gain access to a few of Dr. Tronix's latest creations... powerful “dolls" designed to replicate the powers of famous superheroines.

White Owl was the first to fall, but she would not be the last.

I must find her before it's too late. To expedite the search and rescue I have called for backup. Hopefully my friends and I find Athena in time. I shudder to imagine what this twerp intends to do with her and what he may be doing to her already.


The moment White Owl's distress beacon activated, every heroine in the vicinity sprang into action. The first to arrive on the scene was Ultra Woman. Usually when one of us calls for backup, the arrival of Ultra Woman is more than enough to turn the tide in our favor... but not this time.
The devious dolls launched a coordinated attack that overwhelmed the mighty superheroine in a matter of moments. The dolls are incredibly powerful, somehow capable of mimicking the strengths of the heroines they are modeled after. They are also programmed to utilize our collective experience and combat tactics. The dolls might look small and ridiculous, but they are not to be underestimated... much like Toy Boy himself.

As Curia and I finally arrived at the scene of White Owl's distress beacon, we were expecting to discover that we had missed all of the action. Our hearts froze as Ultra Woman's distress beacon suddenly activated as well.

Toy Boy had two astonishingly powerful heroines at his mercy... could Curia and I succeed where White Owl and Ultra Woman had failed?


 Curia and I quickly formulated a strategy. Whatever had taken out both White Owl and Ultra Woman must have been extremely powerful, so we needed to be clever. Curia volunteered to initiate a direct assault, sacrificing herself in order to draw out the attacker and spring whatever trap awaited us. I would take a more stealthy approach and hopefully get the drop on the bad guy in the midst of the chaos.

Moments after Curia entered the villain's lair I could hear the cacophony of a furious battle. I charged ahead, weapons ready, hoping that my sudden arrival would give us an advantage. As I entered the chamber I quickly assessed the situation. Curia was barely holding her own against four animated "dolls" that swarmed all over her in a furious blitzkrieg attack. She was already on her knees and wouldn't last much longer. A scrawny dork with a mask and a lab coat gloated nearby... obviously the bad guy.

As Curia fell to a knock out gas attack from one of the dolls, I crept up behind the giggling twerp and skewered him with a Soul Arrow. He squealed out a high-pitched scream and dropped to the floor unconscious.

The dolls had to be controlled by someone... I reasoned that without their puppet master they might deactivate and cease to be a threat.


 My plan failed... The insidious dolls seemed to be capable of independent thought!

The dolls turned their attention towards me as Curia succumbed to the gas. Facing the combined might of White Owl, Ultra Woman, Curia and even a replica of myself I had no hope of victory. I fought them with everything I had, but the outcome of this battle was never in question.

The flying dolls hoisted me off of my feet and the Curia doll flew in to deliver a powerful kick to my jaw that finished me off.

The real White Owl, Curia, Ultra Woman and I were all the helpless captives of the Toy Boy and his devilish dolls... but what was to be our fate?


The dolls weren’t the only gadgets the Toy Boy had acquired from Dr. Tronix. We discovered the hard way that the entire lab facility was fully operational.

It’s not like Dr. Tronix to allow his minions to have such access. How could a little creep like the Toy Boy manage to gain access to such powerful equipment? And how was he controlling the dolls? I was certain that there had to be more to the story, but I wasn’t given the opportunity to sort it out.

I awoke to the sounds of moaning and screaming. The room was filled with a deep, humming vibration that seemed to wash over my body like a soothing wave. I felt like I was spinning and I couldn’t tell if I was just dizzy and disoriented or if the apparatus that restrained me was actually rotating. Lights swirled around the room in a hypnotic pattern, closing my eyes didn’t seem to help much. A thick and sweet-smelling mist descended from the ceiling. I felt drugged, sleepy, disoriented, and… aroused?

I wanted to surrender to these sensations, but instinct told me to resist… to fight back... so I jerked hard against the wrist restraints with my right arm in an effort to escape… only to discover that my manacle was linked to Curia’s wrist. She screamed and convulsed as some sort of feedback system sent a current of severe pain coursing through her. Curia’s struggle made her pull against Ultra Woman’s restraint, causing Tania to let out a deep moan of pleasure. Ultra Woman’s toes curled and her back arched in reaction to the feelings induced by the machine. Tania’s squirming caused her to pull against White Owl’s restraints, triggering yet another response from the machine. Athena gritted her teeth in defiance of the obvious pain she was experiencing, but eventually the device gave her more agony than she could withstand. White Owl thrashed and screamed, pulling against my restraints… and the wave of pleasure that suddenly hit me was so powerful I nearly passed out. The device between my legs seemed to swell and undulate in just the right way as its vibrations tripled in speed. Waves of heat emanated from the saddle as a cold breeze from above washed over my skin to create an electrifying combination that stimulated my entire body. The machine seemed to know exactly want I liked… when to tease, and when to deliver for maximum effect. My body reacted explosively, consumed by an ecstasy that left me weak, gasping  and exhausted. All of this occurred in a matter of seconds.

To my right I heard Curia moan: “Chryseis… you…mmm…must…  must not.. move…”

Ultra Woman looked at me through glassy eyes. Her voice was thick and husky from arousal: “MMMmmmm… It feels… even better… if you … look into the lights when… when the pleasure hits…”

Toy Boy’s voice suddenly filled the room, apparently coming from a hidden loud speaker: “Yessss… that’s right Ultra Woman!! Look into the light, my helpless Amazons… There is only PLEASURE in the light… Toy Boy will LOVE YOU in the light.”

Of course… Hypnosis! He was trying to brainwash us! But if that’s what Toy Boy wanted, then why was Tania telling me to look into the light? Was she just playing along? Her skin was glistening with sweat and she seemed barely conscious. Was she drooling? She looked like she had been strapped into this machine for hours! She wasn’t playing along… she was losing it! Toy Buy must have waited until the more powerful heroines had begun to weaken before strapping me in as well. White Owl and Curia didn’t look like they could hold out much long either. Toy Boy wanted to break us... and it was working!

I vowed not to move and focused my attention on remaining calm and still in an effort to avoid triggering the feedback loop. The swirling lights drew my focus… so relaxing… impossible to shut them out… must not move…

After a few moments of inactivity the clever machine responded on its own. I heard White Owl moan deeply. I opened my eyes and looked towards her. Athena was biting her lip, trying to contain herself… her eyes looked at me apologetically, right up until they glazed over and slammed shut as she threw back her head and cried out! The saddle zapped me with an electrical current between my legs and I cried out! To my right Curia gasped, her body shuddering with so much pleasure that she couldn’t make a sound. Tania let out a terrifying scream, and for a moment I think she lost consciousness. Seeing Ultra Woman so completely overwhelmed only increased my sense of helplessness. If Tania could not resist this machine, how could I?

The lights… the soothing and swirling lights… none of this mattered when I looked into the lights…

The disorientation, the spinning, the exhaustion, the pleasure, the pain, the gas, the sensory overload… the erotic and intimate nature of the peril itself… we were finished…

It was just a matter of time…


The erotic hypnosis conquered us all. Our minds were completely wiped out. We were blank slates. Empty vessels. Docile slaves of the Toy Boy.

We were taken to a new chamber and commanded to stand on a conveyor belt; we obeyed without question. One at a time the belt carried us through a series of large rings mounted with spray nozzles.  The nozzles produced a flesh-toned mist that painted our bodies from head to toe and hardened into a flexible, plastic shell. Somehow… impossibly… each new application of the mysterious vapor was accompanied by a reduction in our physical size.

We were being... SHRINK WRAPPED!

Toy Boy’s voice cackled over the loud speaker once more: “Enjoying your spa treatment, my mindless lovelies? If you think THIS device is something… just wait until I show you… MY TIME MACHINE!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!”

Time machine?

Shrink wrapping?

The origin of the dolls that had defeated us was becoming all too clear...


The process was complete... Curia, White Owl, Ultra Woman and I had been transformed into deadly dolls programmed to do the Toy Boy’s bidding. Toy Boy also controlled the “original” set of dolls, the ones that had captured us in the first place. Eight dolls total were his to command, but he couldn’t make use of both sets in the present. In order for the original set of dolls to exist, one of each of us from the eight had to be sent backwards in time.

As four of us went back into the past to capture ourselves, Toy Boy unleashed the other four on the present.

We rampaged across the countryside, blazing a trail of destruction from Queen City to Coastal City and everywhere in between. Heroes and heroines banded together in an effort to subdue us, but we did not fall easily.

Eventually a coordinated assault of magic, technology and psionics brought us down, restored our minds and returned us to our original size.

Toy Boy escaped, taking with him all of the equipment from Dr. Tronix’s laboratory... but we all knew this mysterious new villain would return.

We underestimated the Toy Boy, but we would not make that mistake again.

The End... for now.

Featuring :iconamazonarrow: :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine: :iconladytania: :iconwondercuria-dd:

White Venus is the OC of :iconpaulposer:
Detective Payton Reed is the OC of :iconvhamelin:
Red Empress is the OC of :iconsinistermarauder:
Crimson Valkyrie is the OC of :iconcrimsonvlkyrie:
Shadow Samurai is the OC of :icongundam20012005:
The Ace is the OC of :iconfemfan1:
Gangbuster is the OC of :icongreeneyes80a:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is one of my favorites, but I always wished there were more panels between 5 and 6.

    1. I made this a long time ago (before this blog), so I wouldn't have had anywhere to put it. Anything that might have happened between those two panels would have been unsafe to post at DeviantArt. ;)
