Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #35 - Strictly Confidential

Oh, DO stop whining Ms. Kent... You brought this on yourself! We agreed that there are certain aspects of my business operations that are to remain strictly confidential. It’s not MY fault that you decided to test your boundaries. Now your new friend here must pay the price for your insubordination right along with you.

And as for you…“Ms. Mazona”… we have never been formally introduced, but since we’re all sharing made-up names today you may call me “Ms. Pryor”. Let me assure you that I know EXACTLY who you are. I have separated your wrists deliberately to ensure that you remain helpless… and to minimize property damage. I have no interest in confronting your “better half” at this time.

I am a very private person, Ms. Mazona. I value my secrets, just as I am sure that you value yours.

No doubt all of this excitement has aroused your curiosity, but I do not want you to waste any more of your precious time investigating my affairs or anything else that occurs in this library. It is simply none of your business and I want you to do your best to forget that you were ever here. It is extremely important that you abide by my terms, or I will ensure that your secret is revealed to every media outlet in the free world, along with photos and videos of your current predicament. One might say that it is “ULTRA” important that you obey all of my instructions… if you catch my meaning, dear.

Once you have been properly disciplined for the damage that you did to my library… along with a few additional swats for my own personal amusement… I shall chloroform you and leave you sleeping on a park bench outside the library. You will then be free to go… and I NEVER want to see you in this library again.

Ms. Kent… you will be receiving a bit of additional training to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future. I suspect that you will be reminded about the importance of keeping secrets every time that you sit down for the next week at the very least.

Now… are we ready to have a bit of fun? I know I most certainly plan to enjoy myself... Hahahaha…

Here is the better late-than-never finale to the three part Librarian Perils guest-starring Ms. Mazona.

Tania Mazona is the OC of :iconladytania:

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