Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #4 - You Can't Handle Me Either

It was the middle of the afternoon and the library was relatively quiet. I was taking the opportunity to catch up on paperwork while sitting at the customer service desk in the middle of the library commons when I noticed that someone was approaching out of the corner of my eye.

“Uhm… excuse me, Ms. Kent? I was wondering if you could help me find a particular book?”

I looked up to see a beautiful blonde young woman standing over my desk. She appeared to be in her early twenties and she was tall, slender and obviously an athlete. She seemed very familiar, which meant that she was likely one of the library’s regular patrons from the neighboring university. I didn’t know all of the patrons by name, but this late in the semester I could recognize many of our most studious and consistent visitors.

“Of course, dear. What is it that you’re looking for?”

“It’s, uhm… well, I have the ISBN code, but I don’t actually know the title. Could you help me to find it?”

For the first time I noticed that the young lady seemed extremely nervous. She was glancing around as she spoke, almost as if she was afraid of being watched or followed. Sometimes the students were intimidated by the library staff, and authority figures in general, so I used my most soothing customer service voice in an effort to set her mind at ease.

“I’d be happy to help. Let’s just fine a kiosk and we’ll look it up together. You know… you seem very familiar. Do you mind if I ask your name?”

“Uhm… Megan… Megan Wyatt...”

“Of course! You’re the intercollegiate swimming champion, right? I’ve heard all about you! Gamma Beta Phi president, Organic Chemistry major, Honor’s Society member... and you’re only a sophomore! Quite the model student! You must be very proud of all that you’ve accomplished here at the university in such a short time!”

“Uhm, sure… I guess.”

She was extremely modest and somehow that made her seem even more innocent and adorable. I ushered her towards the search kiosk and once again couldn’t help but to admire that she was in such great physical shape. Her legs were fantastic, no doubt from hours upon hours in the pool. I couldn’t help but to notice how lovely she was and to feel a little jealous. I was only seven or eight years older than her, but I was suddenly feeling every minute of my age. She really was a beautiful girl, and with obvious brains to match she would become a force to be reckoned with in a few short years.

“OK, here we are. Please read me the number and I’ll enter it into the system and we’ll see if we can track down the title.”

Megan gave me the ISBN code and I typed it into the catalog computer and waited for the search results. I glanced over at Megan and she gave me a rather sheepish but attractive smile. I have always been thrilled to see another young woman working hard to better herself through academia. Librarianship is all about helping others to improve themselves.

Megan glanced around again with that concerned look on her face and I was about to ask her if everything was ok, but then I heard the chime as the kiosk returned the results and provided the title of the book. Before I could read it, Megan distracted me by leaning towards me and putting her hand gently on my shoulder. She began to whisper into my ear and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel the warmth of her breath as she spoke. My ears are extremely sensitive and it always makes me shudder a little to know that someone’s lips are so close to one of my most powerful erogenous zones. I didn’t know if I could actually feel her soft lips brush against my earlobe or if I was just imagining it, but I found myself biting my lower lip either way and my stockinged toes curled inside my pumps. I held my breath, afraid that I might moan if I exhaled, while trying to push aside the fantasies that flashed in the back of my mind. I knew that she was only innocently trying to tell me a secret of some sort and there was no point in letting my imagination get me all worked up over nothing.

“Ms. Kent...I, uhm… I was told to tell you that… you really should read this book for yourself. He said it would be right up your alley.”

That didn’t make much sense… Why would someone give a student a book to recommend to me? I wondered who this mysterious “he” might be. I detected a hint of breathless reverence in her voice when she said the simple word, or perhaps that was just my imagination. I glanced down at the book title retrieved from the search engine… and my jaw dropped.

The title of the book was ‘The Bimbo Librarian’.

My opinion of Megan shifted dramatically as anger and disappointment rushed through me. I whirled towards her and got right in her face, using my six feet of height to loom over her. I could be intimidating when I got angry, and I was feeling absolutely livid!

“Is this supposed to be funny, young lady?!?!”

“Uhm, no, ma’am… I’m really sorry, but…”

Megan recoiled from my rage and she actually appeared to be genuinely sorry. She was still looking around nervously, still frantically scanning the room. The look of shock and embarrassment on her face was authentic. I don’t think she knew what book title the ISBN code would pull up. I could see that she was beginning to realize just how much trouble she was getting herself into, but I suspected that someone else was behind this obnoxious little prank. This all seemed extremely out of character for a girl with her credentials and social visibility on campus.

“Young lady, I am shocked at your behavior. This is completely disrespectful! The university has an honor code and conduct standards. You do realize that if I reported this cheap little trick to the Greek Council you could be removed from Gamma Beta Phi entirely? Why would you do such a thing when you’ve obviously worked so hard to be successful?”

“I… I don’t know…. Because he told me to… and he’s just… ohmygod… there’s just something about him…”

Megan’s gaze drifted off into the distance, as if she were staring into the eyes of an unseen angel. Whoever this boy was, he must be something special to have her in such a state. I wasn’t about to let her off the hook, but I could sympathize with letting sexual attraction interfere with one’s better judgement, especially at her age. She was a terrific girl, but she was obviously under the influence of a boy that was a little more than she could handle. I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

“Who put you up to this? Who gave you this ISBN code?”

“Just… some guy... He gave me this note and… uhm….”

“Note? Can I see it? What does it say?”

She fumbled in her pockets and when the note appeared I practically ripped it out of her hands. As I read the note I could see that, whoever this young man was, he had no shortage of confidence:

'Hey there, Sugar Thighs. I’m going to need that brainless librarian cunt’s desk for a few minutes and I need you to help me. Give her this ISBN code and keep her away for as long as you can. Later tonight I’ll stop by your sorority house and make sure that your reward is something delicious.'

My face was practically glowing bright red with outrage. Megan was obviously not the real problem, but the young man that wrote this letter… he had to be dealt with immediately! Who did this little prick think he was?

“What is that supposed to mean… ‘brainless cunt’? Who is this jackass? Come with me right now Megan and we’ll get this sorted out!”

She started to protest, but I forcefully grabbed her wrist and pulled her along after me as we returned to my customer service desk. I don’t know why this guy wanted me away from my desk, but hopefully I could catch him red-handed doing whatever it was that he was trying to accomplish. As Megan and I emerged from between a set of bookshelves, I could finally get a clear look at what was happening at my desk and...

“Oh my God!”

What I saw was so brazen and shocking that for a moment I thought I might actually faint. A beautiful young woman with long red hair was sprawled across the surface of my desk with her legs spread and dangling over the edges. She was wearing a spandex cheerleader blouse that was pulled up over the top of her breasts and her shorts and panties were pulled down to below her knees. She was completely limp except for the rapid rise and fall of her exposed breasts as she panted heavily. She appeared to be exhausted and asleep. Her skin was flushed pink and glistening with sweat and it was obvious that she had just received a vigorous fucking. A blonde young man, perhaps only twenty years old, was standing between her legs and had just finished pulling up his pants and was now fussing with his belt. As he turned to look at me, he flashed a dazzling smiled that I wanted to slap right off of his face.

"I redecorated your desk, bookworm… I hope you don’t mind.”

I realized that I had a white-knuckled death grip on Megan’s wrist and my mind went completely blank as I realized that I had no idea what to do in a situation like this. How could something like this happen in the library commons area in the middle of the afternoon?!?!? There were perhaps a dozen or more students and patrons gathered around, but no one made any effort to help the girl on my desk. Didn’t anyone intervene or call for help or campus security?

I released Megan’s wrist and ran to my desk to check on the girl to make sure that she was ok. I pulled down her top to cover her breasts and restore some semblance of her modesty. Her pink nipples were obviously stiff from arousal and I could smell the tang of recent sex in the air. She appeared to have passed out with a slight, blissful smile on her parted lips.

“Oh my God! ...Is she ok? What… what did you do to her?”

“Relax, bimbo, she’s fine. And I think you know exactly what I did to her. I fucked her senseless right here on your desk.”

I knew that was what had happened, but hearing him actually confess to it so openly suddenly made this bizarre situation even more real. His confident swagger caught my eye as he approached and his breathtaking smile never faded. He gazed at me with his intense eyes, as if he were a predator sizing up his next inevitable meal. The way he was looking at me… dear god, he might have made me giggle like a schoolgirl myself if the circumstances were different. I tried to be angry and summon my rage, but I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. Instead of projecting authority, my voice was suddenly weak and quivering. What was wrong with me?

“You… had sex with her? Right here in public? In broad daylight? Didn’t anyone see what was happening?”

He smirked and gestured at the unconscious girl on my desk and waved to the crowd as they began to disperse. No one seemed to want to get involved now that the show was over.

“Oh, yeah… lots of people saw. I had quite an audience as a matter of fact, but Angela told everyone that she was okay and that they could all watch if they promised to keep quiet. Angela here is an exhibitionist and, as you can see, it reeeeally gets her off. She likes to put on a good show. Angela is the varsity football cheerleading captain and she’s extremely athletic, but it looks like I wore her out. The poor thing couldn’t handle that third orgasm.”

Ohmygod… this was all so unreal. I was feeling dizzy. My vision was blurry and I think I was beginning to hyperventilate. And did he just say...

"Th… third… orgasm?”

I felt my knees start to give away and I leaned against my desk to steady myself. I couldn’t even imagine what multiple orgasms might feel like. I was a “one-and-done” sort of girl. I thought the only women that could actually achieve multiple orgasms were girls in cheesy romance novels and erotic fiction. Such things didn’t happen to real women in real life. I couldn’t stop imagining what it must have been like for Angela. The thought of having sex right here in public with this confident young stud...

“Ohhh… you like the sound of that, don’t you? Such a slutty little bookworm. You remind me of one of my old teachers back in Virginia. She was a little whore just like you.”

I looked up at him, intending to glare at him… but my eyes were wide with shock instead. He seemed to be looking through me, as if he could see all of my secrets and desires. I had to snap out of it, but the way he was looking at me made my insides begin to flutter.

“Just… just who do you think you are young man?”

“My name is Richard Masters… but you can call me Dick. I’m sure you like “dick”… don’t you, girl?”

His voice was thick and masculine as he said the word “dick” with dripping innuendo. He was so incredibly obnoxious, but… there was something irresistible about him. I could barely keep myself together and I now understood how Megan had been convinced to do his bidding. I glanced over at Megan and was surprised to see that she was clutching her right breast in her hand as her eyes darted back and forth between Richard and myself. He was getting the better of me, putting me in my place, and it was clearly turning her on. I must admit that seeing her in such a state was doing the same to me. She was impossibly beautiful and every time that we briefly locked eyes it was if I was sharing in her arousal, and she in mine. Seeing her so stimulated by my plight was only making my situation worse. Megan pinched her nipple through her blouse, and as her eyes rolled back she moaned deep in her throat… and so did I. Richard observed all of this with obvious delight.

“Hmmm… Or maybe instead of “Dick” you prefer “Dyke”... Heheh.”

In my mind’s eyes I saw myself sprawled with my back on my own desk with Megan on top of me and Richard alternately fucking us both. I was practically panting at the thought, but then I looked at Richard and saw his obnoxious and ever-present smile still plastered on his face… and suddenly my anger returned. I had to get control of this situation! I had to get this kid out of my library, before I ended up doing something that I might regret!

“I… I can’t believe you think it’s ok to talk to people like this! You’re lucky I haven’t called for security! Get out! Get out this instant!”

He smirked at me and stalked towards me confidently, invading my personal space. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of his as he glared up at me. I was taller than him by a few inches, but he somehow made me feel so small. My voice was trembling, my entire body was trembling for that matter... meanwhile he exuded nothing but dominance and total control.

“You won’t call security, because if you do then there will be questions and reports and at the end of the day the only people that will get hurt by all of this will be Megan and Angela. Such bright young  girls with promising futures completely ruined by a little harmless afternoon hankie-pankie… and you wouldn’t want that now, would you? Little girls need to stick together.”

I was so confused. In that moment I couldn’t think straight, and what he was saying seemed to make perfect sense. But I had to do something...

“I… I don’t…. I…”

“There, there… don’t think, bimbo. No one is interested in your tiny little thoughts. You’re only useful for what you have between your thighs.”

Between my thighs... I realized that I was feeling extremely wet between my thighs and I was certain that Richard was well aware of this.

“I… I don’t need security. I can handle you myself.”

He laughed out loud, right in my face, as if I had somehow stumbled upon some sort of private joke. I didn’t think it was all that funny.

“Ha! You are just like my old teacher. She thought she could handle me, but she ended up on a leash.”
Images whirled through my mind and I wondered if he simply meant that she ended up doing his bidding... or if he mean that she actually ended up on her hands and knees wearing a collar and a leash? For some reason I suspected it was the latter.

"That… won’t happen… to me.”

The sound of my soft, tiny voice trying desperately to defy him didn’t convince Richard in the slightest. How could it? I was imagining myself on my hands and knees as he walked me around on a leash.

“Oh, no… I have something special in mind just for you.”

“Y… you do?”

I almost came right then and there. He hadn’t even touched me, but my mind was lost in a fog of sexual fantasy and my body was responding like crazy. He had plans for me… and I didn’t know if I’d be able to resist him. I didn’t know if I even wanted to resist. Every woman has secrets and embarrassing desires with no expectation that anyone will ever come along and actually fulfill them… but with Richard, I could sense that absolutely anything was possible.

“Oh, yes… soon you’ll see what every woman eventually comes to understand.”

I thought about myself just standing there ready to cum at any moment. I thought about Megan pleasuring herself as I trembled. I thought about Angela fucked into unconsciousness on my desk. I thought about the teacher on a leash that couldn’t handle Richard. I managed to speak, but it was barely a whisper...

“Understand what?”

He leaned towards me and I just knew what he was going to say... and I knew that he was right when he whispered in my ear...

“You can’t handle me either.”

Richard Masters is the OC of :iconwondercuria-dd:

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