Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #32 - Mistaken Identity

"Ah, ha! I knew it! This explains everything!"

"Uhm… it does?"

"Of course! Believe me, I completely understand… Juggling a dual life is complicated!"

"I suppose it would be, but…"

"I can’t believe you never told me that you have a secret identity…but I suppose if you did then it wouldn’t be much of a secret, right?"

"Uhmm… I’m afraid I don’t…"

"This is so exciting! You’ve been around for most of recorded history, so it makes perfect sense that you’d be a librarian. I’m sure you’re really great at this!"

"Well, uhh, I’m not quite that old, but… thank you?"

"I heard one of the patrons calling you “Ms. Kent” …Is that an homage to the Big Blue Boy Scout?"

"I’m not sure what you mean…. It’s just my name."

"Of course it is. Not the most original choice, but I guess it gets the job done."

"Is there… is there something that I can help you find?"

"Oh, there’s no one else in this section of the library, so don’t worry about maintaining your cover. I’ve been here for quite a while actually. I didn’t want to approach you until I knew we could talk in private."

"So… you’ve… been following me?"

"I was worried about you! You’ve been acting so strange lately and I had to make sure that you were ok. I’ll bet you’re curious to know how I tracked you down."

"To be honest, I’m having a very hard time keeping up with this entire conversation…"

"One night I tried to just follow you home, but you were zigzagging all over the rooftops and I eventually lost you. Nice work, by the way… Eventually I realized that you didn’t always head in the direction of your apartment at the end of our patrols, so I started to keep track of the general direction that you would take when we separated. After doing that for several nights, all I had to do was get a map, pin point where our patrols ended and draw lines to trace your path. The point of intersection for all of those lines was this library!"

"That’s… that’s quite a story…"

"You might want to be more careful. If I can figure it out, then some of your enemies might be able to do the same."

"I don’t have any “enemies” that I’m aware of… but I must admit that I’m starting to find your behavior rather alarming!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?!?!? You claim to know where I live and you’ve obviously been following me for quite some time! I don’t know who you think you are, young lady, or who you think I am… but in about two seconds I’m going to call for security, so I would leave now if I were you!"

"Chryseis… I don’t understand…"

"See!!! How do you know my name?!?!? You act like we know each other… but I have no idea who you are!!!"

"Chrys… It’s me… My name is Athena Nikos… You don’t… You seriously don’t recognize me?"

"I’m afraid I don’t, Ms. Nikos… but at least now I know what name to have the police put on the restraining order once I’ve reported you for stalking me!"

"You don't even seem to know who you really are..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"This is… this is insane…"

"Well, at least we agree on something!"

"Now I really do need to track down Tabitha…"

"Tabitha? Do you mean Tabitha Jones? My assistant? Have you been stalking her as well?"

"Your assistant? Ms. Kent, are you saying that Tabitha Jones is an employee here at the library also? Can you tell me where I can find her? It’s imperative that I speak to her immediately!"

"Ms. Jones has been on personal leave for several weeks now."

"Well, that can’t be good… Something strange is definitely going on and clearly you are both involved. I hope Tabitha isn’t in any kind of trouble."

"Ms. Nikos… your two seconds are now up. It’s time for you to…"

"Ms. Kent… I am extremely sorry and it was never my intention to upset you.  I must… I must have you confused with someone else... I think maybe my friends are in trouble and I’m just trying to get to the bottom of it."

"Well, I want no part of… whatever this is, Ms. Nikos… Now… Will you be leaving? Or will I be calling the police?"

"I’m leaving for now, Ms. Kent, but I hope we get a chance to meet again under… better circumstances."

"I am not so certain that I agree, Ms. Nikos... Good day!"

Athena Nikos is the OC of :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine:
Tabitha Jones 
is the OC of :iconsinistermarauder:

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