Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #6 - Lost and Found

Ok. I’ll admit it. The first thing that I noticed about her was her boobs. 
I don’t normal gawk at other women, but her boobs were hard to ignore, especially because of the way she leaned heavily on my desk and swung them right at my eye level as I glanced up at her. I may be prone to the occasional exciting dream or fantasy, but I wouldn’t actually know what to do with another woman even if the opportunity presented itself. That said, if I were to find myself in another woman’s arms, this was the kind of girl that I secretly hoped it might be. She was a pretty brunette with striking eyes and she had a certain innocent and feminine quality that seemed gentle and was instantly appealing to me.

The second thing that I noticed was that she appeared to be in some sort of distress. Her forehead was covered in sweat, as if she suffered from a raging fever. Her hair seemed windblown and out of place. Her magnificent chest was heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. She had a death grip on the edge of my desk and her arms were quaking with exertion and exhaustion. I couldn’t tell if she was extremely sick, or if she had just finished running a marathon. I suddenly realized that I was staring at her and I decided that it was past time for me to say something...

“Uhmmmm… can I help you?”
She glanced down at my name plate and then looked towards me. Her eyes seemed to roll around in her head for a moment as she struggled to focus on my face. When her eyes finally locked with mine they seemed glassy and distant, and when she finally spoke her voice was predictably ragged and breathless...

“Yess... mmm.... YES!!! ...uhmmm…. Mmmmissss ...K… ...K ...KENT!!!... I need… I could… I could use a little help please.”
Wow. This lady was out of it. Drugs. It had to be drugs. Clearly she was on something. The poor girl could barely speak and she couldn’t seem to hold herself still. She was swaying back and forth and I’m pretty sure that if she wasn’t leaning on my desk she would have already fallen over. What a waste of such a lovely girl...

“Would you like me to call for medical assistance? Give me just a moment and I’ll…”
“NO! OH! OH! GOD NO! ...I just… uhm… I neeeeeeed…”

Her eyes rolled back into her head again and I seriously thought she might faint. This was getting a little scary, so I stood up to go find the nearest phone, but then her arm shot towards me and snagged my wrist with her surprisingly strong grip. She looked at me apologetically, as if realizing what she was doing, and her grip relaxed.

“It’s ok… it’s… it’s ssssstopping now… I… I just need a moment…”

She suddenly seemed to be getting control of herself. Whatever she had been experiencing must have run its course. I wasn’t convinced that she wouldn’t have some sort of relapse into… whatever that was...
“Are you sure you don’t want me to call for an EMT? They have a station at the next door college campus. I could have someone here for you in just a few moments.”

She shook her head vigorously as she tried to control the rate of her breathing and pull herself together. Her color did look a little better and she was standing more upright.
“I’ll… I’ll be fine... I just… I don’t even know how to put this... I was… I was wondering if anyone has turned anything in to your Lost and Found recently?”

I shook my head with disappointment. I just knew it! She IS on drugs! She’s probably looking for her stash. The Lost and Found was empty at that moment, but I would certainly be keeping an eye out for anything that looked like it might contain drugs or suspicious paraphernalia.
“I’m sorry, Miss… but there’s nothing in the Lost and Found right now. Can you tell me what it is you’re looking for?”

I could tell by the look in her eyes that my question upset her. She obviously had something to say, but she didn’t seem to know how to phrase it. I imagined it must be difficult to ask a librarian to help you find your bag of meth without getting yourself arrested.

“Well… it’s pink and… ohmygod, this is so embarrassing… You know what? ...I’ll just look for it myself… I think I’ll… I’ll… OHHHH!!!”
Her body went completely stiff and the look of surprise on her face was almost comical. She turned away from me quickly as she began to breath faster again. 

“I’ll just… ohmygod… I… I have to find it!”
She turned towards the reference section of the library and began to walk away from me awkwardly. She took small steps with her knees held together, which could have been because she was wearing a really tight skirt, but it looked more like she had to pee or something. Her hips were gyrating in a way that made it difficult for me to look away from her ass. I’ve had to deal with plenty of addicts and to escort more than a few disturbed people out of the library, but usually they were far less attractive than this girl. I began to follow after her, but just then I found myself surrounded by a group of students arguing about some obscure anthropology theory that apparently had to be settled immediately. They were asking me questions and raising their voices and at that particular moment they were causing far more of a ruckus than the strange woman. I decided to deal with the students and to track down the woman later, but by the time I settled the anthropology dispute she was no where to be seen.

I went back to my customer service desk and continued with my paperwork. I was approached by yet another patron... a handsome young man with red hair.
“Excuse me, Ma’am. Do you have a Lost and Found? I found this under a table over in the reference section.”

He held out a small pink… well... I didn’t know what it was... but I thanked him and told him that I would take care of it. 
It was a thin plastic rectangle about two inches wide with four white buttons on it. There were flecks of paint on the buttons that appeared to have once been symbols or illustrations, but they were almost completely worn away by frequent use and it was impossible to tell what the individual buttons might do. One of the buttons appeared to be smooshed in, as if perhaps someone had stepped on the device and the button had never popped back up again. There was a flimsy plastic eyelet that might have been used to mount the device on a lanyard or keychain, but the eyelet was broken and useless, which is probably how the device ended up getting lost.

People don’t turn in things to the Lost and Found very frequently, so it wasn’t difficult for me to guess who might be the owner of this particular device. I glanced around but didn’t see the drug-addled woman immediately, nor did I expect to. She was probably long gone, and if she was still in the massive library then she would be difficult to find. 
I reflected on my earlier encounter and inspected the item again. It didn’t look like any drug paraphernalia that I was familiar with and I didn’t see anyway to open it or to store drugs in it. I decided to go ahead and make my rounds and see if the woman might still be lurking about. The reference section seemed like the wisest place to start my search.

I passed by one of the audio/visual stations and saw a TV monitor. In a moment of inspiration I pointed the device at the TV and pressed a button. Nothing happened, which didn’t really surprise me, but it was worth a shot. I pressed a different button just in case, but with no result. A group of students caught my attention as they began talking a little too loudly. I pointed the device at them and pretended that the buttons were volume controls just to amuse myself. I pressed the button over and over again, but the students of course didn’t get any quieter until I walked over and asked them to do so. I realized that I hadn't tried all of the buttons and perhaps it might have a function that could lead to my next step. Maybe it was one of those chirping things that could help you to find your car keys? If I could get it to chirp then it might lead me straight to the woman. It was a long shot but I began waving the device around in every direction while pushing every button randomly. That’s when I heard a sudden crash, the sound of someone falling, accompanied by a female voice that I now recognized.

I rounded the aisle of shelves and saw books and papers scattered everywhere. There was a small step stool used to reach books on a higher shelf that was now laying on its side. It looked like someone had fallen from the stool, but where could they have disappeared to so quickly? I heard the voice again, not far away...
“Pleeeease… yes… ohgod… wh...where is it? ...Uhnnnnnn….”

I followed the sound of her voice towards the rear of the library where we keep some of the more obscure encyclopedias. Patrons rarely go back to that section and it’s poorly lit to conserve energy.
“No… nnno mmmmore… can’t… can’t take it… not… NOT AGAINNNNN!!!! OHHHHH!!!!!”

What the Hell was going on?!?! I rounded another aisle of shelves and finally saw the woman I was searching for... but I never expected to find her in such a shocking state of disarray! She was sitting on the floor with her legs spread lewdly. Her skirt was bunched up around her hips and I had an unexpected view of the lace detail at the crotch of her sheer pantyhose. Her head was thrown back with her eyes closed as her body shook and trembled and I realized that she was having an orgasm right there in front of me!
“Miss! MISS! ...Pull yourself together immediately! This is a public library for godsake!”

I crouched down beside her and nudged her as I spoke. Her eyes rolled around as if she were barely conscious. She shook her head from side to side weakly.
“Please… it’s… it’s toooo... ooh! ooh! OHHH!!! … too mmmmmmuch…. Must… muuuust find it…”

I still had clue what was going on. I held up the little pink device so that she could see it.
“Is it this? Is this what you’ve been looking for? Can you tell me what this is?”

Her eyes went wide with relief as she focused on the device in my hand.
“Yes! YES! … that's... ohmygodyess… Turn it off… pleeeease….”

I had no idea what “it” was and I had no idea which button to press to turn it off… so I just pointed it at her and picked one. 
“OHHHH!!! No! Not...uh...uh….”

Obviously that was not the right button! The situation was so bizarre and my head was spinning and I was starting to panic. Obviously this device somehow controlled this poor woman’s level of arousal. From her reaction I think I must have turned it UP instead of OFF. She was writhing like crazy, gripping the bookshelf to keep herself from falling over. Her chest was heaving as she moaned and gasped for air. Seeing her like this right in front of me was one of the sexiest things that I had ever seen. I froze like a deer caught in oncoming headlights.
“AH! AHHH!...Ohhhhh… sooooo good… ohfuckplease… help me...”

I snapped out of it as I realized that she was talking to me. I completely forgot that I was holding the device. I was freaking out and I realized that I was feeling more than a little horny myself. 

I realized that perhaps the button that was mashed down was causing the problem. I used my fingernail to pop it back up, but that didn’t seem to fix her situation. Fortunately the woman was coherent enough to offer a suggestion. 
“Puuuuuu…. PUSH the top… top right...bbb… button… nnn...NNNN….NNNNNNNN!!!!!”

I pushed it! In fact in my panicked state I pushed it over and over and over again to hopefully shut the thing off, but that’s not what happened...

“I pushed the top right button! That’s what you said!”
She couldn’t understand me at that point. I could tell she was already lost in whatever the device was doing to her. How long had she been like this? Her pantyhose were drenched. Even in this dark and secluded space I could see how wet she was. I had no idea how this device was working her over, but it was obviously extremely effective. She was panting fiercely, rendering her completely unintelligible. 

She was trying to tell me something, but… but what starts with an “F”?!?! Let’s see… Fuck? Fellatio? Fetish? Fingering? God, what was wrong with me? Why could I only come up with sex words?

She was barely able to gasp out the word, but what did she mean? Oh, of course! With the symbols worn off I couldn’t tell which way was up. I must be holding it upside down! I had to flip it!

“Ohh… uhhh… hhh...hurry or… Imma... cum… again…”
I flipped over the device and finally knew what I needed to do. Suddenly the controls made perfect sense. In this position I could tell that if the top right button was the “off” button and the bottom right button that used to be stuck was the “on” button, then the other two must control the intensity. Logically the bottom left button would reduce the intensity and the top left button would kick the device into high gear.

I took a last look at the helpless, panting woman to savor the memory. Then I pointed the device at her... fully intending to turn it off… but at the last second I decided to have a little bit of fun. I mashed down on the top left button, pushing the device to the max!

It was the most blissful orgasm I have ever witnessed. She spasmed, her legs went stiff and she arched her back dramatically, lifting her ass off of the floor and thrusting her glorious breasts upwards. Her mouth opened but she made no sound whatsoever. She stopped breathing and she was coiled so tightly that she seemed to freeze in place for a long moment… then her entire being shuddered and quaked with a silent release that just seemed to go on and on and on while wracking her body with wave upon wave of pleasure. I couldn’t help but to feel a little powerful knowing that I was indirectly causing her to feel such an intense thrill. 
Still in the throes of her monstrous orgasms, the defenseless woman turned her head towards me. She forced her heavy lids open long enough to look deep into my mischievous eyes… and she knew. She knew that I had done this to her on purpose… and it sent her crashing over the edge again. Finally she could take no more... she exhaled a long and helpless sigh as her body went completely limp and she passed out cold at my feet.

I pushed the top right button, finally deactivating the device. I couldn’t seem to wipe the grin off of my face.

I kneeled over her and brushed the sweat-matted hair from her cheek. She was covered in perspiration from head to toe and her body still occasionally shuttered weakly even though she was unconscious. She looked angelic and lovely and peaceful in her sleep. I suspected that the relentless device must have been tormenting her since we first met over an hour ago.
I wanted one.

I looked down at her parted lips and considered kissing her. What would that be like? I could never do such a thing of course. It was just a passing fantasy. She did have luscious lips though. I whispered into her ear...
“I don’t even know your name…”

She hadn’t yet opened her eyes, so I was surprised when she actually answered me…
“Denise… My… my name is... Denise.”

Her beautiful eyes fluttered open, and for a moment neither of us said anything… and then the moment seemed to pass and I slowly helped her to her feet.
“Well… Hello, Denise. My name is Chrys... Chrys Kent.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Chrys Kent.”

“Ha! Yes… I… I suppose it was.”
“You did that on purpose.”

“Did what? Oh… you mean... the button there at the end?”

“Well, after all that you’d been through, I thought you deserved a grand finale.”
“Haha!...How thoughtful of you.”

“And... I couldn’t resist.”
“Now that I believe… oh dear...i can’t believe that just happened! This is sooo humiliating I could just die.”

“I don’t think anyone knows what happened other than me… and believe it or not I’ve had more than my share of embarrassing incidents and sexual misadventures here in this library. Your secret is safe with me.”

“You’re so sweet...err… or rather you can be, when you aren’t driving me crazy with my own toy. I suppose that’s my own fault though. I imagine I must look like quite a mess!”
“Don’t worry about that. You might be one of the most attractive things I’ve ever seen. Can I ask… what is that device?”

“It’s a remote to the, uhm… to a little egg that, uhm... vibrates inside my…”
“Ahha, gotcha… and just out of curiosity… where does one get one of these little eggs?”

“The internet is dark and full of wonders.”

“I suppose it is. I knew it was a remote to something, but as I was using it throughout the library i couldn’t get it to turn anything on.”
“Oh… you were turning something on alright!”

“Ha!...You know… I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you a student?”
“Sort of… I’m actually a high school teacher, but I’m taking a few certification courses at the University next door. You wouldn’t believe all of the different certificates and licenses I have to maintain in order to teach. They’re probably going to require me to get a doctorate one of these days.”

“Doctor Denise… It does kind of have a nice ring to it.”

“Ha! No, thanks... Speaking of classes, I really must get going. I didn’t expect to end up so… distracted… and I didn’t even finish my research!”

“Well, come back when you can and look me up and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.”
“Awww, thanks... I’ll do that! It’s been very… satisfying... to meet you. I’ll have to come up with some way to even the score.”

I blushed so furiously that I thought my ears would catch on fire. After I helped Denise gather her books and papers, she kissed me on the cheek and quickly headed towards the exit, leaving me slightly flustered by her abrupt departure. I had a feeling that Denise and I would see each other again and that I might have just made a wonderful new friend. And to think, I originally believed she was a drug addict that needed to be tossed out on her ear. I couldn’t believe everything that transpired in such a short amount of time. 
Come to think of it... when she first lost the remote, why didn’t she just go into the bathroom and remove the egg? And why was she wearing it in the first place? Did she loose the remote? or did someone else? I suspected that there had to be more to this story that I had yet to discover and I was determined to ask her about it when I saw her again. I was already looking forward to it!
At that moment I realized one tiny detail that had slipped both of our minds in all of the rush and confusion of her hasty departure... something that virtually guaranteed that I would see my new friend again...

I still had Denise’s little pink remote in my hand.

Denise is :iconwondercuria-dd:

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