Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #25 - Pleasure Without End

Kitty Savior’s voice eventually penetrated the fog of my Tolstoy-induced slumber.

“Ms. Kent, wake up… Can you hear me? …Ms. Kent? ...Please, I need you to wake up… Ms. Kent…”

As I started to come around I could immediately tell that something was very, very wrong. My head was throbbing, every muscle ached and I could barely move. You’d think that after winding up in so many strange imperilments over the last few weeks that I would eventually get used to waking up in bizarre bondage contraptions… but alas... the bad guys always seemed to find new ways to keep me on my toes… or on my back in this particular case.

I took some small measure of comfort in the fact that this time I didn’t have a gag in my mouth, and then promptly realized how low my standards had fallen to find relief in such a thing.

Kitty continued to call out to me, so I struggled to shake off the cobwebs so that I could reply and figure out exactly what all of the fuss was about. I groaned with discomfort as I tried to test my restraints and open my bleary eyes. Kitty groaned also, but for a much different reason…

“Ohhhh! …Ms. Kent, oh… oh my goodness… I’m so glad you’re awake, but please… please… you have to try to hold still…”

Hold still? I felt like I couldn’t have moved even if I had wanted to! What was she talking about?
I finally managed to clear my vision just as I became alert enough to comprehend the nature of my situation. Predictably, I panicked and started to thrash against my restraints. “OHMYGOD!!! WHAT IS THIS?!? LET ME OUT!!!”

Thrashing did very little to provide for my escape, but it did have other consequences. My every movement pulled Kitty Savior’s body more tightly against my own. Kitty pulled back to maintain her equilibrium and this pulled my body towards hers. Our limbs were intertwined such that every possible movement from one of us would result in a movement from the other.

Kitty’s voice was breathless and thick with arousal. “OHH! Ms. Kent, please… you…  you must, uhnn… not… mmm… move…”

She must have been struggling to escape for quite a while before I woke up. Kitty already seemed to be struggling to contain herself as our exposed flesh pressed together. It required absolute concentration to hold still, and the realization that both of us were completely naked and becoming increasingly aroused only made it that much harder to concentrate.

“Kitty… ohmygod… I’m so sorry! These ropes are so tight! I hope I’m not hurting you…”

Kitty groaned and closed her eyes, trying to remain focused. “Hurting me? No… ohhh… definitely not… hurting me...”

I could tell from the silence and from the darkness outside the windows that the library was closed. I must have been unconscious for hours. I very slowly raised my head and tried to get a look at the elaborate bondage harness that ensnared us both. I had to admit that it was an impressive display of engineering.

“There’s no way that Sarah constructed this thing all by herself. In fact, since she had a final exam to turn in, Sarah probably just left us lying there after she knocked us out. It was probably a couple of random library patrons that took advantage of the situation and stripped us of our clothes and…”

Kitty shuddered and I could feel her exquisite movements reverberating through me.

“MMMmmmmsss. Kent… mmmaybe we… should… should talk about something else?”

Kitty’s body was drenched with sweat. In fact, so was I. It was the middle of summer and it felt like someone had cranked up the thermostat in the library. I imagined that’s exactly what must have happened. Someone was clearly getting off on the idea of two sweaty, naked women tied together while they grind into each other and… ohmygod… I was getting off on it myself!

“You… you’re right… maybe we should talk about baseball or something… Uhm… How ‘bout them Cubbies?”

“Do you… do you even know anything… about baseball, Ms. Kent?”

“Uhm, actually no... that was pretty much all I had... I was hoping you might take over from there.”
Kitty laughed softly, creating just enough movement to start a ripple of pleasure that took my breath away.

“Ohhhh… ohmy… so much for baseball… Maybe you should… tell me about yourself? I don’t actually know anything about you?”

Kitty closed her eyes and tried to relax. “Well, let’s see… My name is Kitty Savior and I’m, well, you could say I’m a kind of environmentalist.”

I nodded, then thought better of it and reminded myself to hold still. “I see, so that’s why Sarah kept calling you ‘tree hugger’… I was wondering about that.”

“Some of my exploits have made international news. I am actually what is known as an Environmental Troubleshooter. I travel all over the world and investigate environmental disasters… and stop them when I can.”

“Oh, my… that sounds so exciting! I would love to travel and help people like that.”

“It can be very dangerous at times… Some of my enemies are very rich and powerful people.”

“How thrilling! My job is so mundane. I’m no globetrotter, but I try to do what I can to help people also.”

Kitty started to laugh “Librarianship doesn’t seem all that safe from where I’m sitting… and obviously you’ve made a few enemies. I think your life might be more thrilling than you realize, Ms. Kent.”

This made me giggle slightly and the movement seemed to catch Kitty by surprise. She gasped and arched her back appreciatively… and this time I couldn’t keep my hips from twitching in response. For several minutes, we bucked and squirmed against each other while struggling to regain our self-control. Kitty eventually pulled her ropes taught, keeping her body rigid even as she panted heavily. I thought she might lose it, but she somehow managed to keep still. My insiders continued to flutter long after Kitty stopped moving. I looked up at her and saw that she was trying to keep perfectly still, but her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her mouth formed a perfect “O”. It wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge… and I have to admit, there was a part of me that really wanted to see that. Kitty finally exhaled a long and ragged breath, releasing some of the tension from her body…

That’s when I saw it… One of the knots nestled between her breasts slipped nearly half an inch!

 “Oh my goodness… Kitty… the ropes!”

“What about them, Ms. Kent? Are you… OHHH... Ohmygod…what… what are you doing?!?!”

I had a theory, but I had to be sure. I yanked on the ropes with my arms and pulled Kitty towards me. Kitty couldn’t help but to arch her back yet again. This time I paid closer attention to the knots of her harness… and as she writhed I once again saw one of the knots slip a little further. I also discovered that I had a little more mobility in my right calf, and I could swing my left arm a little bit further than I could a few moments ago. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something.

Or was I just imagining it?

“Soooo… uhnnnn… so good... Can’t take… much… much more…” Kitty was now bucking her hips wildly into mine. She was way ahead of me, but I was catching up fast.

“Kitty… I… I think…uhhh… I think the ropes are getting… ohh…looser!” Her movements were driving me insane, grinding against me in just the perfect way.

Was it possible that I was only seeing what I wanted to see?

If we kept going, I didn’t think we’d be able to stop. I knew that her orgasm would trigger mine, and then mine would drive her to another, and so and so on without end. I could just imagine the two of us grinding against each other for the rest of the night, only to be found still bound, drenched and exhausted by the library’s morning staff.

The knots were getting looser… weren’t they?

Kitty Savior’s eyes smoldered at me and in a husky voice she said, “Oh, please… don’t stop…”

The way she said it… the way she looked at me…

I honestly didn’t care if my plan would work or not.

I didn’t stop.

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