Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #31 - What Would You Do?

I was sitting there in the library, minding my own business, when I heard the approaching click of her high heels on the hardwood floor. I caught a faint whiff of her floral perfume and heard the swish of her skirt as she walked right past the table where I was working on my research project.

Of course I looked up at her… What would you do?

She had already passed me by, so all that I could really see of her was the rear view…. and a very nice rear it was. Her heels were deep red, the same color as her tight sweater. She wasn’t wearing pantyhose; she was obviously aware that her legs looked fabulous even without them. Her skirt was dark and a little short, but nothing too outrageous. Her hair was long and jet black and a little wavy. She looked professional, but at the same time very sexy. She was carrying a stack of books and deftly slipping them one by one onto the shelves. She seemed to be familiar with where each of the books belonged, so I assumed that she must be one of the librarians. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked and I couldn’t help but to admire her curves.

I was just about to return to my research when she suddenly turned around and shot me an angry glare. I guess she must have somehow sensed that I was looking at her. I immediately made eye contact with her and shrugged while attempting to give her a friendly smile to show her that I was harmless. I could see it in her expression… she had already concluded that I was either a pervert or a jackass or both.

Somehow I went from innocent library patron to offensive asshole in a matter of seconds… all because I had the nerve to find myself attracted to a beautiful woman. What the fuck?

She snapped her head back around and continued on her way without saying a word. Thank god for that, because for a minute there I thought she might make a scene. I really do try to be a nice guy and it wasn’t my intention to objectify her. It was too bad that she had jumped to such a harsh conclusion so quickly.

But, oh well… can’t win them all.

I had just returned to my research when I heard a crash. I glanced up just in time to see the librarian topple backwards off of a step ladder. It looked like one of her heels had turned on the ladder rung and she pitched backwards quickly. The books that she was carrying went flying everywhere and I watched her collide with the shelf behind her. I could hear the back of her head smack into the wooden shelf and she went down hard without making so much as a peep.

 It was all over in a fraction of a second... I looked around, expecting someone to come rushing to her aid, but no one seemed to have noticed her accident. It was a large building and we were the only two people in this section of the library. The shelves obscured her from the view of anyone else that might happen to pass by.

I decided that I should go check on her to make sure that she was ok, but as I approached I realized that she had managed to knock herself out. She was sprawled face down on the floor with her limbs pointing in every possible direction. Her skirt was now riding high enough on her hips that she was giving me a generous flash of her panties, but she made no move to cover herself. I knelt down beside her and gently rolled her over onto her back. Her eyes were closed, her jaw was slack and her lips were parted. She appeared to be sound asleep. Her body was as limp as a ragdoll and she didn’t respond when I lightly slapped her cheek.

She was completely out of it… vulnerable… gorgeous… helpless…

I really do try to be a nice guy, but as I watched the rise and fall of her chest I couldn’t help but to imagine what she would look like without that tight red sweater, or what the warmth of her thighs might feel like underneath that short skirt. In fact, I was starting to imagine a whole host of devious things that I could get away with... and the judgmental little bitch would never even know what had happened to her.

I glanced around one last time… No one was coming… No one would know…

What would you do?

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