Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Amazon Arrow's Power Quest | Part 1 - The Tainted Ring

The First Ones dispatched me to recover a mystical tome from the library of an ancient castle. I was told that the structure was abandoned, but this report turned out to be erroneous. I did not intended to trespass in the lair of the Elf Witch, but the sorceress gave me no opportunity to explain my presence; Elves are not fond of unexpected guests. Her magical spell sent the room spinning and I fell to my knees as numbness raced through my body. She was using some sort of powerful sleeping charm on me and I had no defense against it. Darkness closed in as I began to loose consciousness. I tried to plead with her, to tell her that I meant her no harm, but all I could manage was a soft and helpless sigh as I collapsed to the stone floor.


The Elf Witch approached me slowly and cautiously, but I was already defeated. There was nothing I could do to resist her power.

I couldn't move... couldn't stay awake... couldn't...


The Elf Witch's intentions became clear as she unbuckled the straps of my armor and exposed one of my breasts. She was a lonely and lascivious being and I was the first to enter her realm in hundreds of years. Her soft lips pressed against my delicate flesh. I moaned as the spell finished me off while the Elf Witch claimed my body.


"I commanded you to CAPTURE The Amazon Arrow! I said nothing of RAVISHING her! EXPLAIN YOURSELF, ELF WITCH!!!"

"Forgive me, My Lord. I know not of what you speak... I..."

"It would be unwise to lie to me, bitch! With the Stygian Eye there is NOTHING that escapes my sight."

"I am a lonely old woman, My Lord. I had but a taste of her tender flesh. It has been centuries since my last... indulgence. My restraint was admirable, yes?"

"I know what your lustful 'indulgence' does to your victims, Elf Witch. You are fortunate that Chryseis survived your indiscretion. See that it doesn't happen again!"
"Yes, My Lord."

"I have great need of The Amazon Arrow and her Light Rings. Through her... I shall command a power unlike ANY the world has ever seen!"

"Yes, My Lord... You are most wise."


“Bring Chryseis and her precious Light Rings to me... I would inspect my prize.”
“Of course, My Liege.”

“The Stygian Eye sees all that is, was, and will be... fate itself now bows to my command! Soon the Amazon Isles will be mine!”

“You’re wisdom is without limit, My Lord. Your power is without…”

“Of course, Great One. My most humble apologies…”
“Thraso of The First Ones is my naked puppet on an iron string. Pyrrah, first of the Amazon Arrows, is my were-child slave... and soon Chryseis will bow to my will.”

“As do all women... Oh, Mighty Lord of Lycans.”



“Should we not simply kill her, Great One? What of the prophecy?”

“Destiny obeys me!!! I fear no prophecy!!!”

“But… respectfully… it is written that The Amazon Arrow will destroy you, My Lord!”

“Ha! You speak of an OLD book of prophecy from a path through time long abandoned. Your prophecy is now obsolete, Elf Witch! The Lord of Lycans fears nothing… especially not this helpless little girl.”

“But… your plan, My Lord… is to give her even MORE power? Forgive me, but… that seems unwise.”

“I know what I’m doing. It is as if it has already happened. The Stygian Eye sees all. Chryseis is my key to destroying the home of the Amazons once and for all!”

"Of couse, My Lord."

"Now... bring her to me."


“Observe, Elf Witch! I have nothing to fear from the Amazon Arrow. I could snap her neck with a flick of my wrist if it suited my purposes. Chryseis lives only because I allow it. Your prophecy means nothing to me.”

“So I see, My Lord.”

“Ahhh… the Light Ring! Your weapon is mine now, my sleeping beauty… but don’t worry, I am only borrowing it. Your trinket is even mightier than you know, Amazon slut. The First Ones never trusted you with its true power. They have kept its secrets from you… but I will grant you the strength that they deny.”

“I must warn you, My Lord… The Light Ring was meant as a gift for Hera, Queen of the Gods. It was not intended to be worn by a mortal woman, not even an Amazon. The First Ones were wise to suppress the Light Ring’s power with their sorcery.”

“Wiser than me, Elf Witch?”
“Uhhmm, no… no… My Lord, forgive me... I meant only that I fear what the Amazon Arrow may become if the Light Ring’s true power is unleashed.”

“It is ME you should fear, Elf Witch! Do not forget this!”

“Of course, Lord of Lycans. I am merely your humble servant.”


"Time to put my First One pet to good use. I have need of your magic, dear Thraso… are you prepared?"

"She is mute, My Lord... Thraso cannot speak."

"I KNOW THAT! It was a rhetorical question, you ignorant witch!"

"Of course, My Lord. Forgive…"

"SILENCE! I must concentrate! I mean to break the enchantment that now limits the potency of the Light Ring. The Amazon Arrow is about to receive far more power than her mortal shell can possibly handle."

"Ahhh… but how exactly will this be done, My Lord."

"I will speak slowly for your benefit, Elf Witch. The Light Ring's arrow connects the soul of the target to the soul of the archer, allowing the archer to experience the memories and emotions and abilities of the target. With the inhibiting enchantment in place, this connection lasts only for a few brief moments... the effect dissipates as soon as the target is incapacitated… but WITHOUT the limiting spell this connection NEVER ends. She is forever linked to her target; thier might becomes her might. The archer will become more and more powerful with every foe that she strikes down!"

"I see… then... it is a very ancient and powerful enchantment, Great One... I fear I will not be able to undo this inhibiting spell."

"Of course you can’t, Elf Witch! That’s why I have Thraso. Only a First One can remove the limiting enchantment, but once I have Thraso under my hypnotic thrall …she will break the spell for me."

"You have thought of everything, My Master."



 “That’s it, Thraso… Surrender your will to me…”

“She submits already, Oh Great One… Your hypnotic prowess is most effective.”

“Of course! I am the Lord of Lycans! I am the ultimate alpha male!”

“Indeed, your masculinity is beyond compare, Your Grace.”

 “No one resists my command... especially not a pathetic female. Thraso is an ancient and powerful sorceress, an all-seeing oracle, one of the favored of Aphrodite, a ruler of the Amazon tribes… and even she cannot resist my control!”

“One must wonder, My Lord, how such a powerful woman was captured by Pyrrah and brought to you in the first place? One would think that an oracle would have foreseen her fate.”

“Perhaps Thraso subscribes to the same erroneous branch of prophecy that you keep prattling on about. The Stygian Eye allows me to alter the course of future events, to shape them as I see fit. There is only one true future… and it is the one that bends to my will.”

“As you say, Master.”


“Thraso has done it, My Lord! The Light Ring of Hera has been restored to its former glory!”

“You mean I have done it… don’t you Elf Witch?”

“Uhm… of course, Great One! Your wisdom makes all things possible.”

“Today we have unleashed a weapon not seen since before the dawn of man. Soon the Amazon Arrow will possess the might of a Goddess… and yet she will remain mortal and thus subject to my control! Behold Thraso! You have provided the instrument of destruction that will lay waste to your beloved Amazon Isles! Your champion is now MINE!”

“Are you so certain that you will be able to control the Amazon Arrow once she has acquired this vast power, Oh Lord of Lycans?”

“I am certain, Elf Witch. I have seen the Amazon Arrow lay waste to the Amazon Isles! I have seen myself upon the Amazon throne! I have seen all of the First Ones kneeling at my feet and begging to bear my Lycan children! The Stygian Eye sees all!

“And will the Amazon Arrow also bear a Lycan child, My Lord?”

“If I wish it, Elf Witch… Perhaps I will turn ALL of the Amazon women into my breeding lycan bitches...”

“They will no doubt covet your sexual magnificence, Your Grace.”


“What shall we do with the Amazon Arrow now, Oh Lord of Lycans?”

“She must not know of my involvement, or suspect that we have tampered with her weapons. Give Chryseis back her Light Rings and dump her off in her city... somewhere unpleasant... make sure she is helpless... then call the local press to make sure that they find her and broadcast her defeat. Call a few local fraternities as well, to ensure that her humiliation goes viral.”

“How delightfully fiendish, My Lord! The frat boys may take liberties with her...”

“So be it… she must be properly motived! Her frustration and weakness and desire for vengeance will set events into motion. What will begin as a quest to vanquish evil will rapidly evolve into a quest for power itself. The more villains that she defeats, the more their evil will corrupt her soul. She will not know where her thoughts end and theirs begin... nor will she understand why any of this is happening to her. It will only be a matter of time before the Amazon Arrow turns on her fellow heroes and heroines and acquires their power as well.”

“In the beginning she will be vulnerable...”

“Yes… So let’s give her a power boost right from the start, to ensure that she has the might she needs to gain even more. We need a villain with great strength, rage, invulnerability… yet mindless and easily defeated.”

“Might I suggest the Red Behemoth, My Lord?”

“Yes… yes, he will do nicely… Set him loose and ensure that he crosses paths with her very soon. Amazon Arrow’s Power Quest begins with the fall of the Red Behemoth.”

“And when does it end, My Lord? When will we crush the First Ones?”

“Chryseis's power will grow exponentially. In a matter of weeks she will become a Living Goddess! I foresee a final conflict... her dearest friends will hunt her down... I see the death of an Amazon… then ALL of Amazon Arrow’s collected power will serve me!”

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