Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #36 - Hypnotic Replay

"See how the earring flashes as it catches the light? Focus on the earring, Chryseis… focus… on the earring…”

I noticed that my field of vision seemed to be narrowing as I studied the earring. The earring and the flashing seemed to be the only thing that I could see. I was only vaguely aware of Denise and the rest of the library in the background of my field of focus. I tried to decipher a pattern in the seemingly random light reflections… 

Flash… flash… flash…

“Do you see the way it sparkles in the light?”

“Yes.” My voice sounded strangely hollow and thick, which took me a little by surprise. 

“Very good... Now… I want you to make sure that your eyes stay focused on the earring. It’s important that you do not close your eyes until I tell you to do so. Keep looking at the way the earring sparkles in the light as it turns sooooo slowly.”

I realized how easy it had become to lock onto the earring to the exclusion of everything else. How long had I been starring at it? Was I starting to go under?

“Taking deep breathes… Feeling so good… and so relaxed.... Can you feel it?” Denise’s voice sounded strange. It seemed to be softer, as if it had travelled a great distance before reaching me.


Was that my voice? ...Oh, my... I sounded so... so... hypnotized...

Flash… flash… flash…

“It’s becoming so hard to keep your eyes open now, Chryseis… and you are feeling soooo relaxed… and that’s perfectly normal… perfectly safe... Just keep listening to my voice as the earring slowly takes you down into a deep hypnotic trance.”

My eyes blinked slowly… slowly… It was a strain to look upwards at the earring for so long. It would definitely feel better to close my eyes. I hoped she would tell me to do that soon.

“You’re doing so good now, Chryseis… so good… just focus and allow the earring to take you deeper… and deeper… and deeper…”

Denise was a natural at this. Her voice was so soothing. She continued to talk to me, telling me what to do so that I could feel even better, even safer, even deeper... but at some point I entirely lost track of what she was saying. It seemed like she had been trying to hypnotize me for a very long time, but I didn't mind at all. Everything that she said felt exactly right. She knew just what to say. She knew exactly what I should do.

Flash… flash… flash

"It's ok for you to remove your blouse now, Chryseis. In fact, you would feel much more comfortable if you just took off ALL of your clothes."
Denise was right, of course. I would feel much more comfortable if I took off all of my clothes. I could hear her giggling about something, but I was far too focused on my flashing earring to wonder what she might be laughing about.

"Do you believe in hypnosis now, Ms. Kent?"

Denise is :iconcuria-dd:

It's been a long while since I've posted a Librarian Peril. I still don't have much time for posting right now, so I decided to recycle an old setup and give it a quick new twist!

This is an alternate version of Librarian Perils #18 - My New Doll, but this time Denise is doing a much better job of hypnotizing Ms. Kent... so far...

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