Friday, December 18, 2015

Librarian Perils #24 - Book Bashing

Kitty Savior was unconscious and I wasn’t in much better shape. Sarah Brigade had us right where she wanted us and she knew it. I had to do something to put an end to this pointless violence, but I was still writhing on the floor in a bizarre mix of ecstasy and pain that my brain was having difficulty processing.

Sarah grabbed Kitty by the collar of her jacket and hauled her to her feet. I noticed that Kitty’s eyelids fluttered and her legs could still support some of her weight. She seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness, but she was heavily stunned and her arms hung limply at her sides. Kitty flopped around like a ragdoll in Sarah’s arms and she was definitely in no condition to retaliate. The crowd was too busy taking pictures and videos with their cell phones to come to our aid. I realized that if anyone was going to save us, it would have to be me.

Sarah slapped Kitty across the face, but my ally didn’t respond. “Awww… What’s wrong, tree hugger? Ready to tap out already? You might be big and famous for saving the whales and the rainforests and rescuing puppies and blahblahblah… but I’m going to be famous for setting YOUR puppies loose!!!”

Sarah grabbed Kitty’s dress and yanked her top down, exposing Kitty’s breasts for all to see. Flashes went off from dozens of cell phone cameras at once as the crowd giggled and laughed. Sarah turned to the assembled crowd to display her victim, putting on quite a show as she swung Kitty around as if she were a wet noodle. Sarah held Kitty’s arms behind her back and turned Kitty’s chest toward the crowd of onlookers so that they could get an unobstructed view of her naked breasts.

“That’s right, people… NOBODY fucks with Sarah Brigade! Not even so called big shots like Kitty Savior!”

I managed to roll over onto my side and saw a very large hardback book laying nearby. I remembered something that a recent library patron had told me:  Books could be used for more than just reading. I decided right then and there that I would turn THIS heavy book into a weapon!

Sarah reached around and pulled on Kitty’s nipples and then jiggled one of them violently as she laughed. The crowd cheered and more camera flashes went off, which made Sarah even more aggressive. She was playing to the crowd and posturing, seeking approval from the masses the way that one might expect to observe from a professional wrestler on TV. Fortunately for me, Sarah was too engrossed with the response of the crowd to pay much attention to what I was trying to do.
I grabbed the hardback book and managed to get to my knees. The room seemed to be spinning dizzily and for a moment I thought that I might pass out, but I shook it off and continued slowly getting to me feet. Kitty had tried to save me; the least that I could do was attempt to rescue her in return. I just hoped that Sarah wouldn’t realize what I was about to do until it was too late.

Sarah reached under the hem of Kitty’s skirt, hooked the helpless girl’s panties and yank them down to her calves. Kitty whimpered slightly, but her body was still completely limp and unresponsive. If it weren’t for Sarah’s support, Kitty Savior would have collapsed into a helpless puddle on the floor.
I finally managed to stand, clutching the heavy book in my hands. With all of my strength, I drew back and took aim for Sarah’s head. I was going to knock that crazy bitch into next week!

Sarah continued to play to the crowd. “That’s right people! Who’s the champion? You got that right! Sarah Brigade!!! … and don’t you forget it!”

I put everything that I had into swinging my heavy hardback book at the back of Sarah’s head… but at the last possible moment she lashed backwards with her elbow and smacked me square in the face and interrupted my swing.

My world exploded into blazing white as the pain in my face overwhelmed my senses. Starlight seemed to flash behind my eyes and I could swear that I heard birds chirping and tweeting like some sort of psychedelic cartoon. The floor suddenly rushed up and smacked me in the cheek. I realized that I was on the floor and looked up at Sarah Brigade as she towered over me.

“You think I’m stupid, little girl? You can’t sneak up on me!”

For Kitty’s sake, I struggled to remain conscious, but it was a losing battle. Sarah was victorious and I could do nothing but wait until Sarah decided to finish me off.

“I already gave you the fingerbang, Ms. Kent… now you just get the BANG!”

Sarah picked up the book that I had intended to hit her with and experimented with its weight. I knew what was coming next, but I was too dazed to do anything about it. Satisfied with the capabilities of her newly acquired weapon, Sarah Brigade finally gave it a swing aimed directly at my face. The heavy book rocketed towards me and filled my field of vision and the impact knocked my lights out.

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